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Đề thi thử đại học tham khảo dành cho học sinh hệ Trung học phổ thông ôn thi tốt nghiệp và ôn thi đại học - cao đẳng luyện tập và củng cố lại kiến thức đã học

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  1. All reserved by Vuong Thi Hai Yen ENGLISH TEST 2 I/ Đọc đoạn văn sau. Tìm câu đúng (T) và sai (F) theo ý của đoạn văn. Children’s education is changing rapidly today. In the past, teachers made children sit still for ho urs. They made them memorize all sorts of things. In other words, children had to go on repeating things until they knew them “ by heart”. Today, many teachers wonder if it is possible to make children learn at all. They say you can only help them learn. They say you must let children learn and discover things for themselves. 1. Children’s education is changing very quickly today. 2. Children weren’t made to sit still for hours in the past. 3. In the past, children had to learn by heart everything. 4. It’s possible to let children learn and discover things for themselves. 5. Teachers can’t help them learn. II/ Sắp xếp các từ sau thành câu có nghĩa 1. twenty/ when/ was/ he/ was/ over/ famous/ he. 2. nothing/ than/ he/ science books/ liked/ better/ to read. 3. what/ done/ environment/ look at/ has/ his/ to/ man. 4. English/ are/ the/ American/ small/ between/ British/ differences/ and/ English/ comparatively. III/ Chia động từ trong ngoặc. 1. If there (be) no oxygen on earth, life as we know it (not exist). 2. Most passengers dislike (have) to sit in small, uncomfortable seats on transoceanic flights. 3. Did you remember to book seats? - Oh, no, I forgot I (telephone) for them now. 4. Last night, Alex (ruin) his sweater when he (wash) it. If he (read) the label, he (not wash) it in hot water. 5. Ian Flemming (work) as a stock broken before the Second World War (start). 6. Margaretha Simons (come) from Norway, but now she (live) in Britain. She (meet) her husband, Noel, while she (learn) English in Cambridge. 7. Yesterday Tim (be) late because he (shop). 8. He (work) when I (come) in, and he obviously (work) for a long time because he (be) very tired. IV/ Nối các câu lại với nhau sử dụng những từ/ cụm từ gợi ý trong ngoặc. 1. Lan can not speak Russian. Mai can not speak Russian, either. (Neither.....) 2. He answered me. He didn’t speak slowly. He didn’t speak clearly. (but ........ neither ...... nor...........) 3. I was tired. I went to bed at once. ( so ..... that...........) Page 23
  2. All reserved by Vuong Thi Hai Yen 4. English tends towards simplicity. That is its strength. (which) 5. You send me a present. Thank you very much for it. (Thank you ..........) 6. The teacher helps us. We have made a rapid progress in our studies. (Thanks to .................. .) 7. The girl is coming to see me today. Her mother is my sister. (whose) 8. I can’t stay here. I’m too late. (It’s too ..................................) 9. Before 1945, 90% of our people couldn’t read. They couldn’t write. (neither................... no r...................) V/ Cho dạng danh từ tương ứng: 1. To assist  2. Weak  3. To devise  4. Necessary  5. Simple  6. Old  7. Convenient  8. Industrial  9. To arrive  10. To believe  11. To explain  12. Famous  VI/ Viết lại câu sao cho nghĩa không thay đổi: 1. All of us can understand the problem.  The problem ............................ 2. Swimming in the river or lake on a hot day is very pleasant. It is ......... 3. John doesn’t type as quickly as Jane. Jane ............. ............................... 4. “ I’ve looked for the book for ages”, said Mary.  Mary told me that ....... 5. A boy was injured in the accident. He is now in hospital. The boy .......... 6. I don’t like people asking stupid questions. I don’t like ............................ 7. “ Tom Sawyer” and “ Huckleberry Finn” are considered Twain’s best works. It’s ..................................................................................................... 8. It is very useful to know English. Knowing English ................................. ENGLISH TEST 2 I/ Choose the best answer. 1. “ I used to play tennis” means that I played tennis ........ A. quite often B. now and then. C: in the past D: occasionally 2. If someone is out of his mind, he is ................... A: excited B: angry C: nervous D: mad 3. A child whose parents are both dead is called an .......................... A: emigrant B: orphan C: infant D: author. 4. A ................. is an actor who always has funny parts in plays. A: comedian B: guardian C: musician D: magician 5. I didn’t know ....... it is right or wrong. Page 24
  3. All reserved by Vuong Thi Hai Yen A: whenever B: whether C: unless D: that 6. We must find out ............. the train leaves. A: when B: as C: whenever D: so that 7. Make up your mind ..................... it will be too late. A: and B: so that C: if D: or 8. You look ........ you were tired. A: like B: although C: until D: as if II/ Give the correct forms of the verbs in the bracket. 1. You are out of breath. You (run)? 2. The house was dirty because we (not clean) it for a week. 3. I (have) my house (paint). That’s why there is all this mess. 4. He orders me about as if I (be) his wife. 5. It is time (start). 6. Would you like him (paint) the door green - I’d rather he (paint) it blue. 7. Dongxuan market (damage) in a fire yesterday. The fire, which (discover) at about 7 o’clock last night, spread very qu ickly. Nobody (injure) but two people had to be rescued from nearby house. It (not/know) the fire started. 8. A woman (take) to hospital after her motorbike collided with a taxi near Giangvo yesterday. She (allow) home later after treatment. The road (block) for an hour after the accident. A policeman said afterwards “ The woman was lucky. She could (kill)”. III/ Rewrite the following sentences. 1. You may not remove any confidential papers from the office.  No confidential ............................... ................................................ 2. They didn’t see him until much later. Not until ..................................... 3. “ Where is the nearest tube?”, she asked. She inquired .......................... 4. It isn’t necessary to shout. You ............................................................... 5. Someone saw them dump rubbish.  They ................................................ 6. Sue said:” If I were you, Richard, I would go by train”  Sue advised ...... 7. Is this the cheapest pet food you have got? Have you .............................? 8. Most of the animals survived the hard winter. Even though ... ................ IV/ Fill in each blank with a suitable preposition. 1. Don’t put your feet ........ your desk; put them ............ it. 2. What a mess! There are papers all ............. the floor and even ................ carpet. 3. How foolish ............. you to do such a thing! 4. He earns his money ............ hard work and is dependent ................ no-one. 5. The pudding is mainly composed ........... flour and raisins. 6. Can you look ......... my canary while I’m away? Page 25
  4. All reserved by Vuong Thi Hai Yen 7. A true friend never lets you .............. 8. Go ........ and leave us alone. 9. Never look ........ ........ even the humblest person. 10. The poor man slipped and run over ....... by a bus. 11. Your story brought .......... memories of my own youth. V/ Fill each blank with the correct form of the word given in the parenthesis. 1. All the newspapers praised the .................................. of the firemen. (Brave) 2. Saucepans are sold in the .............................. good department. (House) 3. The group called “ Friends of the Earth” is concerned about the ...................... of the nat ural environment. (Conserve) 4. The thief replace the diamond with a ..................... stone. (Worth) 5. ............................ about the company’s future means that few people wanted to invest mo ney in it. (Certain) 6. People with very ......................... skin shouldn’t go sunbathing for long periods. (Sense) The end ENGLISH TEST 3 A/ Cho dạng đúng của động từ trong ngoặc (gồm cả trợ động từ nếu có) và viết vào giấy thi, ví dụ: 12: were/ would be. 1. Pardon me for (be) late. It is very kind of you (wait) for me. 2. I got tired of (eat) since she kept (give) me the same food every day. 3. I still remember (hear) her (sing) this song. 4. I have no money left now. If I (have) any, I (lend) you some. 5. If he (work) hard, he (pass) the exam last week. 6. I (return) the book as soo n as I finish (read) it. 7. You ever (try) to give up (smoke)? - Yes, I (try) several times last year but I (fail). 8. You ever (be) to HoChiMinh city? - Yes, I (go) there last month. 10. Try (finish) it. It no use (complain). B/ Điền mạo từ thích hợp a, an, hoặc the vào chỗ trống và ghi mạo từ đó vào giấy thi nếu thấy không cần đánh dấu ; Ví dụ: a/ the/  / the. 11. John’s father is ...... engineer.. He works 8 hours ....... day. He starts ......... work at eig ht and goes ...... home at 5. 12........ water is ......... healthiest drink in ..... most parts of ...... world. 13. ....... spring in ..... North can be cold except for ....... few days when ..... sun is shining. Page 26
  5. All reserved by Vuong Thi Hai Yen 14. Take ..... first turning on ....... left and you can see ..... small house opposite ..... church. 15. .... man who lives in ..... flat next ..... door is an artist. C/ Điền một hoặc hai giới từ thích hợp và ghi giới từ đó vào giấy thi, nếu they không cần đánh giấy , ví dụ: 30: on/ for 16. Please, turn ..... the light when you are leaving ...... building. 17. He is very fond ..... books. He often stays ..... late at night reading. 18. She is very keen ..... learning English. She is especially good ...... spelling. 19. I am fed ............. this job. 20. I have only two days to finish this book. I’m running ............. time. 21. Although he is very ill, he never cuts ........... smoking. 22. Although I was held ...... by the traffic, I managed to arrive ...... office on time. 23. We must try to get ........ home ..... time for dinner. 24. The fire resulted ....... heavy damage. They are considering ......... putting in new fire equipment. 25. Can you find ..... me a chair to sit ......... D/ Điền một trong những từ who, whom, what, whose và ghi từ đó vào giấy thi, nếu thấy không cần đánh dấu : 26. He didn’t know ........ had paid him, ......... was strange. 27. Peter, ...... car had broken down, met a man ........... manage to fix it. 28. He is the one ....... asked me ......... I gave the money to. 29. The drawer in ....... he found the gun was the one ......... I had searched. 30. The rain ..... had been failing all d ay, was ........ gave us trouble. E/ Chuyển các câu sau sang dạng bị động, nếu cần có thể viết cả người hành động. 31. Last year, more than 250,000 people visited this museum. 32. They have built this school and made it more comfortable. 33. They threw the book in a corner and forgot all about it . 34. He didn’t invite her to his birthday party. 35. An old man taught her how to play the violin. F/ Viết lại các câu sau ở cách nói gián tiếp: 36. He said to her: “ I’m sorry for breaking your camera.” 37. “ Would you like some of these oranges?” Jim said to me. 38. “ You’d better take a long rest,” His mother said to Tom. 39. “ Have you been to China?” he said to me. 40. “ Why don’t we go on a picnic to the countryside”” said he. Page 27
  6. All reserved by Vuong Thi Hai Yen G/ Cho dạng tính từ (Adjective) của các tính từ sau, ví dụ: beauty  beautiful 41. Care .......................... 42. Skill .......................... 43. Rely .......................... 44. Comfort .......................... 45. Danger ......................... 46. Use .......................... 47. Industry .......................... 48. Cheer .......................... 49. To enjoy .......................... 50. Nature .......................... H/ Đọc kỹ đoạn văn sau và điền vào chỗ trống một từ thích hợp nhất và viết từ đó vào giấy thi, ví dụ: 80. cat Cities Cities have always attracted people from the countryside. They offer wider (51)................... for employment. They also provide a (52)...................... range of goods and services - shops, schools, hospitals (53)................. a generally more exciting environment (54)......... ........ the sleepy village. However, cities have also been the (55).................. of crime and poverty. But the attraction (56)........................ always remained and the movement (57)........................... large cities is now stronger than (58).............................. One result (59)................. indu strialization has been the vast (60)................. in urban population. By 1990, 40 % of the world’s (61) ..........................lived in cities, and in the developed (62).............................. The figure was generally well (63)................. half. This came about partly (64).......................... mechanized farming methods need only (65)................... part of the work force to supply the (66)..................... population. Another reason was the growth (67)........................ industry which was located in the (68) .................... and employed huge numbers of people. (69)...................... a result, cities are becoming bigger and (70).................... crowded. K/ Dịch các câu sau sang Tiếng Anh. 71. Bạn đi bộ từ nhà đến trường hết bao lâu? Tôi đi hết 15 phút. 72. Xin lỗi Tàu ho ả đi thành phố Hồ Chí Minh mấy giờ khởi hành? Chín giờ kém 15 phút. 73.Tiếng Anh ngày nay đã trở thành một phương tiện giao tiếp quốc tế thông dụng nhất. 74. Nôngnghiệp đóng một vai trò quan trọng trong việc cải thiện đời sống của nhân dân. 75. Ngày nay nhiều cây rừng bị chặt phá nhằm thoả mãn nhu cầu ngày càng tăng của con người về gỗ và giấy viết. 76. Giới trẻ ngày nay không còn lệ thuộc vào cha mẹ của họ như những hồi trước nữa. 77. Lê nin rất quan tâm đến đời sống của công nhân ở Luân Đôn. Lê Nin nói rằng Luân đôn bao gồm hai thế giới, một thế giới của người giàu và một thế giới của người nghèo. M/ Chọn từ có phát âm khác. 78. A: hear B: clear C: bear D: ear 79. A: heat B: great C: beat D: beak 80. A: blood B: pool C: food D: tool 81. A: university B: unique C: unit D: undo 82. A: mouse B: could C: would D: put Page 28
  7. All reserved by Vuong Thi Hai Yen N/ Điền một từ thích hợp vào chỗ trống. Lord Byron had an unhappy early (83).............. He was singularly unfortunate in both (84)............... His father was of an ancient and aristocratic family. (85)................... lived a so wild and reckless life that his comrades called him “Mad Jack”. His (86)................... was a woman of most passionate extremes. His father married her (87)................. her money and (88).................. her as soon as he had spent it. (89)................. ...... 13, he was sent to school at Harrow. At 17, he went (90).........Cambridge. Here he had more attention (91)............. shooting, bowing and riding than (92).......... his studies. The end Page 29
  8. All reserved by Vuong Thi Hai Yen ENGLISH TEST 4 A/ Cho dạng đúng của động từ trong ngoặc: 1. I distinctly remember (pay) him. I gave him 10 dollars. 2. I lit the fire at 6.00 and it (burn) rightly when Tom cam in at 7.00. 3. By the time I recovered from the shock he (disappear) round the corner. 4. You (walk) too fast. That’s why you are tied. 5. My uncle (make) a speech on Friday. 6. (At the cinema ) Ann: Don’t worry. They get married in the end. Mary: Then you’ve seen it before. If you (tell) me that we (go) to something else. 7. By this time next year I (save) 500 dollars. 8. It’s very cold. Mr. Taylor, who has been ill recently, is walking along the road without a coat. He (rear) a warm coat. 9. French is essential in this job. All the telephonists speak it. If they (not know) French, they (not understand) half the callers. 10. George isn’t here and I need him. I wish he (be) here. B/ Điền dạng đúng (thì, từ loại ...) của từ trong ngoặc vào chỗ trống. 1. You can always rely on Barbara. She is very ...........................(Depend) 2. I think it’s very ........................ of him to expect us to work over time every night this week. (reason) 3. What a lovely painting! Your daughter must be ......................, Mrs. Green (Art) 4. English is a ............ easy language for Swedes to learn. (Compare) 5. Librarians spend a lot of time ................ books. (Class) 6. There is a .......... of style for you to choose from. (Various) 7. He was very ............ when his cat was run over. (Set) 8. He completely went to pieces after the .............. of his marriage. (Break) 9. There was a heavy .......... yesterday afternoon which completely ruined the church Garden Party. (Pour) 10. Although the splitting of the atom was one of the greatest scientific ........... of this century, there are many people who shih it had never happened. (Break) C/ Điền một từ thích hợp vào chỗ trống trong các câu sau. 1. He’s so absent - ........... that he went to work the other day in his slippers. 2. I hate to say it, but I disagree ........ you completely. 3. You should ........... twice about lending him all that money. 4. What a ..............! That man just walked straight to the front of the queue. D/ Viết lại các câu sau bắt đầu bằng những từ cho sẵn. 1. It’s common knowledge that he has been in prison several times.  He is known ................................................................................................. 2. “I hate being criticized by non- professionals”, the film star said.  The film star object .............................................................................. ........ 3. She can’t get into the habit of studying very evening.  She can’t get used ................................................................................ ........ Page 30
  9. All reserved by Vuong Thi Hai Yen 4. I regret not paying much attention to the lecture. I wish ......... ................. 5. Perhaps I didn’t get a better job because I didn’t study hard enough.  I might ....... ................................................................................... .............. 6. Please don’t mention it again. I’d rather ................................................. 7. Mrs. Mary began teaching Chinese ten years ago.  Mrs. Mary .................. 8. We haven’t visited the museum before. This is ........................................ 9. Peter missed the train because he woke up too late. If Peter ..................... 10. The robber forced the cashier to hand over the money. The cashier ....... E/ Chọn đáp án đúng nhất. 1. In recent years, more and more people ............ for thing with credit card. a. pay b. paid c. are paying d. have been paying 2. What people ....... Benellon stores is that the quality is always high. a. like b. like very much c. like about d. like a lot 3. Poverty is a problem in many cities ...... whole families can only afford to live in one room. a. when b. where c. even d. if 4. The world would be a better place if everyone showed ........ cooperation as John. a. as much b. so much c. too much d. much 5. The building was badly ........ in the fire. a. hurt b. wounded c. damaged d. injured 6. This diamond necklace is ................ a. priceless b. invalid c. worthless d. valuable 7. Katie really ........ her mother. She has the same character. a. takes after b. takes in c. takes on d. takes ups 8. That child is really ............ by his grandparents. a. stained b. polluted c. spoilt d. naughty. ENGLISH TEST 5 I/Supply the correct verb forms: 1. I (go) to the cinema twice a month. 2. Mr. Shaw, the director, (work) with his casts in the studio at the moment. 3. We (see) that film before 1975. 4. I (not hear) about that actor yet. 5. Yesterday actors and actresses (work) in the rain the whole afternoon.. 6. Movies (develop) since the early 1950’s? 7. You (like) documentary films? 8. Roberto (live) in Hollywood for 8 years and (appear) in 3 films. Page 31
  10. All reserved by Vuong Thi Hai Yen 9. The children (watch) a Disney cartoon when I (get) back yesterday evening. 10. When I (come) in the room last night, this film (begin) a quarter before. II/ Use the correct word forms 1. Nowadays there are many ...................... forms of entertainments everywhere. (Variety) 2. In ........................ countries, people work an average of ten to twelve hours a day. (Indu stry) 3. There have been many ..................... activities on these days. (Culture) 4. My father goes ............ every evening. (Jog) 5. Bad planning leads to .......................... later. (Difficult) 6. The horse won the race ...........................(Comfort) 7. My younger sister has ...................... speaking Vietnamese. (Difficult) 8. I can say with ................ that you have made much progress in learning English. (Certain) 9. How ..................... is your garden? (Widen) 10. You must always tell the ................... (True) 11. He is very ................... to everyone, so he has got a lot of friends. (Friend) 12. The wind blew very ........................ last night. (Strength) 13. She is too ............... towards her children. She should let them be more independent. (Protect) 14. My aunt used to live in a .................. village. (Distance) 15. She speaks very ................. but we can’t understand what she said. (Slow) 16. How much did you ............... last time? (Weight) III/ Rewrite the following sentences 1. He often tells lies but many people believe him.  Although ...................... 2. She can’t answer my question although she is very intelligent.  No matter how ....................................................................................... 3. He does anything. He always tries his best. No matter what .................... 4. She says anything. I don’t believe her. Whatever .................................. 5. It’s interesting to see different cultures and lifestyles. We find ................ 6. It’s not easy to get him to change his mind. She doesn’t think ................. 7. The only thing is how to make more money. He’s getting interested in it.  The only thing............................................................................................ 8. He felt better because of her presence. Her presence ............................ 9. He spent a whole day repairing the radio.  It .......................................... 10. Your legs and feet aren’t shocked of running on hard surface because of the special jogging shoes. Special jogging shoes ................... ................... Page 32
  11. All reserved by Vuong Thi Hai Yen 11. It’s better for you to ask for your doctor’s advice before practicing a new sport. You ............................................................................................... ...... 12. Why did you get up too early this morning? What ................................. IV/ Choose the best answer 1. I have to be present at eight and so ......... a. you are b. you have c. you do d. do you 2. She put ...... meeting the boss as long as possible. a. off b. up c. over d. away 3. I find the time of English meals very strange. I am not used ..... dinner at 5.00pm. a. to have b. to having c. having d. have 4. Maria .... that she could not attend classes the next week. a. told to her professors b. said her professors c. told her professors d. is telling her professors. 5. Because the first pair of pants didn’t fit, he asked for ..... a. another pant b. others pants c. another pair d. the other pairs ENGLISH TEST 6 I/ Choose the best answer: 1. He had already learnt English before he ..... for England. a. had left b. has left c. left d. was leaving. 2. There is very ..... I can do now. a. any b. many c. little d. few 3. I can speak English but only ..... a. a few b. few c. little d. a little 4. The buses were very ..... this morning. a. busy b. crowd c. full d. crowded 5. When I walked down the street, I ..... a shout. a. listened b. heard c. observed d. got. 6. Life expectation in the third world is relatively short, ...................... in western world it has increased substantially. a. whereas b. unlike c. however d. contrary II/ Read the following passage carefully and fill in each blank with the correct form of the verb in parentheses. One day John’s father (buy)(1)..................... a computer for him. He thought it was a good replacement for John’s typewriter, which (break down)(2)....................... John could use the computer to write essays. He (not, expect)(3).... ............... that John would spend all his time playing computer games on it, which (be)(4)..................... what he did. John was obsessed with it. John (neglect)(5)........ his studies and he actually failed his tests. Page 33
  12. All reserved by Vuong Thi Hai Yen When that happened, John (realize)(6).................. that he (make)(7)....................... a t errible mistake. Now, he uses the computer mainly for (type)(8)..................... his essays, he (play)(9)............... computer games only in his free time. Recently, he (top)(10).................... his classmates in the mid-year-examination. III/ Complete ea ch of these sentences with the correct form of the word in parentheses. 1. He is ........................ waiting for the last train. (Patient) 2. With the help of a computer, you can make a business plan ..............(Easy) 3. He is one of the .................... men I have ever met. (Kind) 4. This ..................... faulty washing - machine should be returned to the manufacturer. (Irreparable) 5. She joined the English-speaking club out of ................. (Curious) 6. These shoes are almost ............... out. She should buy new ones. (Wear) 7. It is one of the .................... economic countries. (Powerful) 8. I think it is a ....................... sounding excuse. (Reason) 9. Many ..................... developed countries spend much money preventing environmental pollution. (Industry) 10. She can’t stand his .................(Rude) IV/ Supply the missing prepositions after the adjectives. 1. I think Celia is very angry .............. me. 2. He is really very ashamed .............. what he did. 3. We’re all very obliged ............. you. 4. I think he is capable ............ anything. 5. This service is free ............ charge. 6. Some people are very bad ............... spelling. 7. London’s full ............. tourists at the moment. 8. He is quite careless ................ danger. 9. They went ahead contrary ............ my advice. 10. We’re quite safe .............. danger here. V/ Rewrite the following sentences. 1. I arrived by train a moment ago. (I’ve .........................................................) 2. I had been instructed to drive out of town and I began to acquire confidence. (After.............................................................................................) 3. I have only ever felt frightened on one occasion. (Only on one occasion ..) 4. University students have volunteered to drive buses during the strike. (University students have volunteered to drive buses while ..........................) 5. Unfortunately, we have never seen a duller show. (Unfortunately, the show .......................................................................... ....) 6. I think it was about two in the morning when I returned home. (It must .....) VI/ Turn the following sentences into the Passive Voice. 1. We will show our paintings to our parents on the day of the exhibition. Page 34
  13. All reserved by Vuong Thi Hai Yen 2. The teachers will hold another meeting next week and reach a decision. 3. The boss told the employees to wear their ties on Mondays. 4. The nurses in the hospital were looking after Little Ann well. 5. By next year, they will have completed the building. 6. They took us round the city and showed us the interesting sights. ENGLISH TEST 7 A/ Chọn đáp án đúng nhất. 1. There has not been much supply of water recently, ....? a. does there b. has there c. hasn’t there d. has it 2. My parents got up very early this morning ..... pack the car for our journey. a. so far b. in order to c. because d. in case 3. The salesman showed us ..... the washing machines. a. for using b. the working c. how to use d. to work. 4. ...... goes the bus! Now, we’ll have to walk. a. On time b. At once c. There d. Early 5. The traffic lights ....... to green, and the cars drove to. a. turned b. exchanged c. shone d. removed B/ Chọn một từ thích hợp ở dưới để điền vào chỗ trống. A. refers B: substances C: for example D: disturbing E: even F: surroundings G: too H: beauty L: in M: scattering N: survival O: available I: mankind J: marine K: poisons Environmental pollution is a term that (1)..... to all the ways by which man pollutes his (2).... Man dirties the air with gases and smoke, (3).... the water with chemicals an other (4).... and damages the soil with (5).... many fertilizers and pesticides. Man also pollutes his surroundings (6).... various other ways. (7)..... people ruin natural (8)... by (9)... junk and litter in the land and in the water. They ope rate machines and motor vehicles that fill the air with (10).... noise. Environmental pollution is one of the most serious problems facing (11).... today. Air, water and soil are necessary to the (12)..... of all living things. Badly polluted air can cause illness, and (13).....death. Polluted water kills fish and other (14).... life. Pollution of soil reduces the amount of land that is (15)..... for growing food. Environmental pollution also brings ugliness to man’s natural beautiful world. C/ Chọn câu tương ứng ở cột A với cột B. 1. Beauty .............. A: is worth two in the bush. 2. First come ....... B: is the mother of invention. 3. No news ...... C: is only skin- deep. Page 35
  14. All reserved by Vuong Thi Hai Yen 4. Practice ....... D: first served. 5. Necessity ....... E: makes perfect. 6. A bad workman ...... F: is good news. 7. When the cat is away ...... G: the mice will play. 8. A bird in the hand ....... H: always blames his tool. D/ Điền mạo từ a/ an/ the/  vào chỗ trống. (1)......British sociologist has advanced (2)...... theory that many working- class children are unsuccessful at (3)....... school because of (4)........ nature of their language. They use what he terms (5)......”restricted” code of (6).... speech, whereas (7)...... most teachers use (8). .....” elaborated” code, which is familiar to (9)...... middle- class children. (10).......Working- class language is (11)..... language of (12)....... personal experience and (13)...... direct comma nd rather than of (14)....... rationalization and (15).... distinction between (16)...... subtleties. In (17)......, however, (18)..... latter abilities are demanded of (19)... children. (20)..... Middle - class children, who have been brought up in such (21).... way as to enable them to respond to (22)...... argument and (23)..... reasoning are able to cope with (24)..... classroom situation much better than their working- class contemporaries, who are frequently at (25)...... loss to understand (26)..... implication of what their teacher is saying. So it seems that (27)..... working -class children fail to take (28)....... full advantage of (29)..... educational system, not because they are less bright than (30)..... middle- class children, but because (31)....... language of (32)..... classroom is alien to them. E/ Sắp xếp các từ xáo trộn dưới thành câu hoàn chỉnh. 1. before/ breakfast/ our lessons/ quickly/ again/ we/ read. 2. football/ they/ on/ playground/ the/ were/ playing. 3. a/ school/ new/ built/ in our village/ last year/ was. 4. homework/ we/ in/ evening/ the/ our/ do. 5. him/ give/ friends/ up/ to/ ask/ smoking/ his. 6. Oxford/ industry/ has/ motor/ been/ the/ ruined/ by. 7. language/ first/ their/ as/ 350 million/ English/ speak/ people. Page 36



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