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  1. PRACTICE TEST 7 QUESTIONS 1-2: Choose one word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the rest in each group. Identify your answer by circling the corresponding letter A, B, C or D. Mark your choice on the answer sheet. 1. A. flour B. pour C. hour D. sour 2. A. farming B. harmfu l C. char ity D. garden QUESTIONS 3-5: Choose one option A, B, C or D corresponding to the word whose main stress is on the syllable in the position which is different from that of the others. Identify your choice by circling letter A, B, C or D on the answer she et. 3. A. finish B. pastime C. summer D. begin 4. A. holiday B. certainty C. industry D. adventure 5. A. increasing B. implying C. interesting D. importa nt QUESTIONS 6 - 24: These are incomplete sentences. Choose A, B, C or D as your best choice to complete each sentence and then identify your answer by circling letter A, B, C or D on the answer sheet. 6. I am sorry that I didn't follow your a dvice, I what you sa id. A. should do B. should ha ve done C. might have done D. must do 7. I wa lked into a wall. I where I wa s going. A. should look B. should ha ve been looking C. must look D. ha d to look 8. Va n Gogh's Sunflowers is $ 39. 9 million, three times the previous r ecor d. A. once sold for B. for sale once C. selling for once D. for one s old 9. Some monkeys, , use their tails in a way simila r to a hand. A. like the spider monkey B. spider monkey likes C. to the spider monkey D. the monkey likes the spider 10. It is gra vity objects toward the Ea rth. A. pulling B. that pulls C. to pull D. what pulls 11. Using a globe can be it is educa t iona l. A. enjoyable B. to enjoy as C. as enjoya ble D. as enjoya ble as 12. Most accidents in the home can be pr evented by elimination of ha zards. A. that B. that the C. there is a D. the 13. problems in sailing in tropica l seas is the cora l reefs. A. One of the biggest B. The biggest one C. Of the biggest one D. There are the biggest 14. their territories but rather than fight, they howl. A. Wolves protectively jealous B. Jealous of wolv es C. Protection of wolves D. Wolves jea lously pr otect 15. Things are not going so well for her. She ha s . A. a few problems B. a little problem C. a few problem D. not problems 16. The growth of two-income families in the United States of people moving to a new social class. A. ha s resulted in millions B. results of millions C. millions of results D. resulting in millions 17. The reason I'm calling was that I didn't know your a ddr ess. A. what B. which C. why D. when 18. We'll be late . A. unless we hurry B. if we aren't hurry C. if we hurry D. unless we don't hurry 19. You can drive my car you drive car efully. A. unless B. as long a s C. because D. althou gh 20. The wea ther is . A. depressing B. depressed C. depresses D. depress ion 21. The book wa s I couldn't put it down. A. very good that B. so good than C. so good that D. so good as 22. Birds all over the world in distance up to thousands of miles. A. migrating B. migrated C. migrate D. are migrated 23. General speaking, every person the potentia l to be a teacher, to some ex t ent. A. has B. to have C. having D. ha ve 24. of commodities bega n in the 1920s at the same time a s airmail s ervice. Nguyễn Thanh Tuấn – GV Tiếng Anh – THPT Tứ Kỳ - Tứ Kỳ - Hải Dương Page 17 of 40
  2. A. The shipping B. A ship C. The shipped D. To ship QUESTION 25: The sentences (1-2-3-4-5-6) in the following paragraph are in the wrong order. Choose the correct order to make a good paragraph by circling letter A, B, C or D. Mark your answer on the answer sheet. (1) Mor eover, because of school canteens some pla y grounds are littered with empty cartons and ca ns. (2) In the first place, most of the food they sell is "junk food", which is bad for your teeth and not very healthy. (3) Personally, I think tha t they should a ll be closed. (4) This food is not as nutritious as the food your Mum gives you. (5) School canteens ha ve severa l disadva ntages. (6) As well, students spend far too much money on stuff they do not need. A. 5-2-4-1-6-3 B. 4-6-3-1-5-2 C. 2-3-1-4-6-5 D. 3-2-1-5 -6-4 QUESTIONS 26 - 30: Read the following passage and complete the sente nces that follow by circling the corresponding letter A, B, C or D. Mark your choice on the answer sheet. I am often asked whether we will do a nything about the taxes we a ll have to pay. Of course, what people mea n is that they don't wa nt to pay so muc h. But, I ha ve to ask in r eturn whic h services they wou l d like to lose. For we ca n not expect to have modem hospita ls, well- kept roads, good schools or attractiv e parks if we are not prepared to pay for these things. Our children do not think that schools and c olleges a r e only for the sons a nd da ughters of the rich, as once they were. Mor e and mor e of us are living longer a nd longer. We a ll feel tha t we should be able to see a doctor when we need to. Old people should not suffer beca use we are afra id of the doctor's bill. In our society, we are proud of the fact that no one is as k ed whether they can pa y the bill before they are a llowed into a hospital. But if we wa nt to continue to pr o vide for all the needs of our society, we must remember that nothing in life is free. My party does not promise to cut taxes immediately. But we do promise to continue a ll the services that our taxes pay for, and we ho p e that we will ma nage things so well that a fter a short time some ta xes ma y be r edu c ed. 26. This is from . A. a teacher's diary B. a personal letter C. a political message D. a medical b ook 27. Wha t is the writer's int ent ion? A. to explain his idea s B. to describe the past C. to warn a bout money problems D. to ask for a dvice 28. The writer thinks people who complain about taxes should . A. remember that services cost money B. rea lise tha t services cost not hing C. pay taxes for welfa re services D. pay for their hospital b ills 29. The attitude of moder n children towards educa tion is that . A. education is only for children of the ric h B. education is only for children of the disa bled C. education is for all children D. education is only for children of the p oor 30. One of these people sha res the sa me ideas as the writer. Whose idea is it? A. I just don't know wher e I ' m going to find the money I need. There's so much to pay for. B. The trouble with people nowa da ys is that they all wa nt something for nothing. They think they should be able to get whatever they want. But they don't rea lise that some one is going to have t o pa y for it in the end. C. I know I ought to go and see the doctor, but I don't think I ca n afford it. I know he will tell me t o buy some medicine, but I just haven't got the mon ey. D. What the government ought to do is give people control of their own money, if we didn't have t o pa y taxes we'd be able to afford to pay all our own b ills. QUESTIONS 31 - 40: Read the following passage carefully and then choose the best option to fit eac h space. Identify your choice by circling letter A, B, C or D on the answer sheet. Scientists used to believe that our 24-hour cycle of sleeping and wa king was gover ned entirely b y external fa ctors. The most notable of these, they thought, were the rising a nd (31) of the sun. But they have now (32) that there is a daily rhythm to a (33) range of biological functions - including temperature, digestion a nd mental (34) – s whic h are regula ted internally by a specia l t im e- keeping mecha nism within the brain. The ma in function of this "body cloc k" is to anticipa te and (35) for externa l c hanges so that, for exa mple, body temperature starts to rise (36) dawn, gearing us up for the day, a nd begins to (37) in the early evening, winding us down for s leep. Nguyễn Thanh Tuấn – GV Tiếng Anh – THPT Tứ Kỳ - Tứ Kỳ - Hải Dương Page 18 of 40
  3. Some people's body clocks (38) poor er time than others, which can greatly disturb their lives a nd ev en (39) their hea lth. Insomnia, depr ession, fatigue, poor work performa nce a nd even accidents can a ll be (40) - or aggra vated by inaccurate body clocks. 31. A. descending B. diving C. dipping D. sett ing 32. A. established B. fixed C. settled D. assured 33. A. wide B. various C. far D. gra nd 34. A. operation B. activity C. process D. occupat ion 35. A. dispose B. scheme C. steady D. prepa re 36. A. beside B. approximately C. around D. nea rly 37. A. fa ll B. reduce C. lessen D. subtract 38. A. keep B. hold C. support D. pres er ve 39. A. risk B. spoil C. injure D. thr eaten 40. A. put B. formed C. caused D. ma de QUESTIONS 41 - 42: Choose one option A, B, C or D corresponding to the sentence which has the same meaning as the original one and mark your choice on the answer sheet. .41. They've translated Nguyen Du's novel "Kieu" into several languag es. A. Nguyen Due’s novel "Kieu" ha s been tra nslated into several la ngua ges. B. Nguyen Du's novel "Kieu" has translated into several la ngua ges. C. Nguyen Du's novel "Kieu" ha d transla ted into sever a l la ngua ges. D. Nguyen Du's novel "Kieu" was been translated into several la ngua ges. 42. They sold computers commercially for the first time in the 1950s. A. Computers are sold c ommercia lly for first time in the 1950s. B. Computers were sold commer cially for the first time in the 1950s. C. Computers have been sold commercially the first time in the 1950s. D. Computers was sold c ommercia lly for the first time in the 1950s. QUESTIONS 43 - 45: After each pair of simple se ntences from 43 to 45, there are four options which are their combinations. Choose the best answer by circling the corresponding letter A, B, C or D. Mark your choice on the answer sheet. 43. I received a letter this morning. It really upset me. A. I received a letter this morning rea lly upset me. B. I received a letter this morning which really upset me. C. I received a letter this morning in whic h rea lly upset me. D. I received a letter this morning of which really upset me. 44. It was a great summer. I'll never forget that summer. A. It wa s a great summer that I'll never for get. B. It wa s a great summer I'll never forget tha t. C. It wa s a great summer of which I'll never forget. D. It wa s a great summer of tha t I won't never forget. 45. Hong is going to tell us about a terrible storm. She is from Vinh City. A. Hong, who is from Vinh City, is going to tell us about a terrible s t or m. B. Hong, who is from Vinh City, is going to tell us terrible st or m. C. Hong, that is from Vinh City, is going to tell us about a terrible stor m. D. Hong, that is from Vinh City, is going to tell about us a terrible stor m. QUESTIONS 46 - 48: The words in italic below are cues. Make sentences by choosing from the alternatives A, B, C, and D the one best way to make a meaningful sentence. Identify your answer by circling the corresponding letter A, B, C or D. Mark your choice on the answer sheet. 46. surfing / net / I / enjoy / but / have / I / don't / time / it. A. I enjoy surfing net but I don't have ma ny time for it. B. I enjoy surfing the net but I don't have few time for it. C. I enjoy surfing on the net but I don't have much time for it. D. I enjoy surfing on the net but I don't have a few time for it. 47. What / you / like / do / your / free time? A. What do you like in your free time? B. What do you like doing in your free t ime? C. What you like doing in your free time? D. Wha t do you like doing your free time? 48. What /favourite / TV / program s? Nguyễn Thanh Tuấn – GV Tiếng Anh – THPT Tứ Kỳ - Tứ Kỳ - Hải Dương Page 19 of 40
  4. A. What are your favourite TV programs? B. What is your fa vourite TV pr ogra ms ? C. Which is your favourite TV progra ms? D. Wha t's your favourite TV progra ms? QUESTIONS 49 - 50: Each of the following se ntences has four underlined words or phrases marked A, B, C, and D. Choose the word or phrase which must be changed in order for the sente nce to be correct by circling letter A, B, C or D and then mark your choice on the answer sheet. 49. Cycling (A) helmets (B) are not a legal (C) requir e (D) in Br ita in. 50. I suggested that it ought to have a n entertaining (A) page with the lists (B) of wha t's on at local (C ) cinemas (D).



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