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Real World Camera Raw with Adobe Photoshop CS- P9

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Real World Camera Raw with Adobe Photoshop CS- P9: If you're reading this book because you want to be told that digital really is better than film, look elsewhere. Those discussions tend to generate a lot more heat thanlight, andifyouaren't at least contemplatingshootingdigital for some or all of your work, this book isn't relevant.

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Nội dung Text: Real World Camera Raw with Adobe Photoshop CS- P9

  1. 222 Real World Camera Raw with Adobe Photoshop CS colorimetric interpretation, Source section, 196,197,208 Blue S w a t i o n control, 63.65 9-10 batch operations. bluelyellow fringing, correcting, editing headroom, 7 4 See also actions; Batch dialog box 100,101-102 exposure adjustments, 10-11 applying settings, 134135,165, brightness. limitations of raw worldlow, 198,201-202,205206 See also Brightness control 11-13 Batch feature oveniew, gamma overview, 20-21 noise reduction, 11 134-135,165 Brightness control, 52,54 sharpening, 11 bypassing Camera Raw inter- calibratingcamera profiles, 62, white balance control, 8-9 face, 134 65 AUow Background Processing color space conversions in, 199 data loss associated with, 26 option, 115,147 destination for processed editing images, 82,8749 antialiasing,and raw converters, 5 images, specifying, 197, raw conversion overview, 33 Apply Camera Raw Settings 208-209 Brown, Russell, 218 command, 116,130-131,157,158 error handling, 197 Build Cache for Subfolders 'Xpply sharpening to" option, 46, file names in batch operations, command, 169 69,9&97 134,159-161 archiving raw images, 143-144 opening image files, 198,201, arrays of sensors, 2-4 204205,208 C Automate menu, File Browser, oveniew, 165,196 cache, File Browser. 115116,157,158,165-166 renaming images, 208-209 See also metadata automation nmning batch operations, 199 building for subfolders, 169 actions. saving image files, 134,198-199, cache-building process, 145, See actions 202,20&207 147-148,151 Batch. source images, selecting, 197, exporting, 112.170 See Batch dialog box; batch 208 folders and folder locations, operations troubleshooting, 208 167,168 Contact Sheet 11,165.212-213 Batch Rename command, 116, interrupting cache-building, PDF Presentation. 165.209-212 . . 159-160.161 151 Picture Package, 166,213-215 Bayer Pattern color filter arrays, 3 live cache, 167-168 scripting, 218 before-and-afterviews, 41,99 loading multiple folders, 151 Web Photo Gallery, 166 local cache. 168-169 bit depth. moving or renaming folders, Seealso16-bit us. %bit channels 166,168,169,170 B &bit channels, 18, 19 purging, 112,169,170 background processing, File 16-bit channels, 18, 19-20 recovering lost Camera Raw Browser, 115,147 Depth output setting, 47,71 settings, 169 backup copies of images, 142-143, dynamic range us., 18 Calibrate tab. 144 black clipping. See also calibratingcamera Banner options, Web Photo Gal- See clipping shadows profiles lery, 216 black (shadow) clipping, 25 calibration compared to camera Basic mode, 42 clipping display, 53-54,74, default settings, 66 Batch dialog box 7576,89-92 color-to-grayscaleconversions, Destination section, 196,197, data loss, avoiding, 24-25 102 208-209 Shadows control adjustments, creative editing, 102-104 Errors section, 196,197 32-33,52,53-54,55,82,89-92 Hue controls, 63,64,65 Play section, 196, 197 Blue Hue control, 63.65 o v e ~ e w60 ,
  2. Index 223 Saturation controls, 63,64,65, opening converted images in in Picture Package, 166 102,103 Photoshop, 133,164,165 casts, evaluating using RGB settingsin sidecar xmp files, 178 settings. readout, 76 ShadmTint control, 63 See image settings CDs as archival media, 144 calibratingcamera profiles as universal converter, 12- 13 CF (Compact Flash) cards Adjust tab adjustments,62 Camera Raw conversions. archiving images, 143-144 Calibrate tab adjustments, See raw conversions capacities and prices, 12,142 63-64,66 Camera Raw database, saving file size, and media capacity, 12 Macbeth Color Checker, - 1 image settings in, 46,68,69,105 formatting, 141-142 saving camera defaults,65 Camera Raw dialog box general usage guidelines, 139, camera default settings Adjust tab, 48-56,62,65,79-96, 142 color noise reduction setting,99 178 microdrives, 14&141 luminance smoothingsetting, bypassing to open images, 133, read speed, 140 97 164,165 recovering unreadable data, opening converted images in Calibrate tab, 29,6046, 142,150 Photoshop, 164 102-104,178 Secure Digital (SD)cards, 141 resetting,46 Detail tab, 5&57,9&99,178 transferringimages to disk, saving Calibrate settings as, 65 Lens tab, 57-60.99-101,178 142-143 camera media opening images in, 164 write speed, 140 archiving images, 143-144 recording settings in actions, chromatic aberration, 57-58 capacities and prices, 12,142 201-202,204-205 Chromatic Aberration controls, file size, and media capacity, 12 suppressing in batch opera- 58-59,100,101 formatting, 141-142 tions, 134,199,208 click-balancing white balance,41, general usage guidelines, 139, Camera Raw menu, 45- 46 80-81 142 Camera Raw preferences, 67. clipping microdrives, 14C-141 See& File Browser preferences by camera sensors, 32 read speed, 140 p " 'y l sharpening to" option, clipping display. recovering unreadable data, 46,69,96-97 Seeclipping display 142,150 "Save image settings in" option, data loss, avoiding, 24-25 Secure Digital (SD) cards, 141 46,6849,146 highlight recovery, 11,30,31,32, transferringimages to disk, Camera Raw settings. 53,82,86 142-143 See image settings highlights. write speed, 140 Camera Raw Settings menu, See clipping highlights camera pm6les 132-133 histogram display, 43.73-74 calibrating. camera-recorded metadata, individual channels. Seecalibrating camera profiles 171-172 Seeclippingin individual in Camera Raw color conver- camera sensors channels sions, 29 clipping, and highlight r e m r y , overview,24 Camera Raw 32 Prophoto RGB us. sRGB and advantages of shooting raw, Fovwn X3 technology, 5 Adobe RGB, 10 7-11,13, xv-xvi raw image data. 2-4 shadows. dosing, 42 . Cancel button, 42 See clipping shadows database, saving image settings capacities of CF cards, 12,142 clipping display. in, 46,68,69,105 captions See also clipping File Browser. SeeFile Browser in Contact Sheet 11.213 evaluating raw images, 74- 76, integration with Photoshop, 14 in PDF Presentation,210 77,79
  3. 224 Real World Camera Raw with Adobe Photoshop CS highlight clipping display, Color Noise Reduction control write speed, 140 53-54,74-75,77,78,79 editing images, 57,97-99 compressing tonal range, 8,9,26 histogram display, 43,73-74 raw conversion overview, 35 compression in PDF presentations, shadow clipping display, 53-54, color space conversions 210 74,7576.89-92 in batch operations, 199,208 Contact Sheet 11,165,212-213 clipping highlights, 25 camera profiles and, 29 contact sheets clipping display, 5354,7475. converting in Photoshop, 71 Contact Sheet 11,165,212-213 77,78,79 dataloss associatedwith, 27 Web Photo Gallery, 165 data loss, avoiding, 24-25 raw converters and, 9-10 Contrast control, 52,54 Exposure control adjustments, Space output setting, 47,71 calibrating camera profiles, 62, 3C-32,52-53.55 white balance adjustments, 65 highlight recovery, 11,30,31,32, 29-30 editing images, 82,8749 53,82,86 color spaces raw conversion overview, 33 , clipping in individual channels, 25 clipping compared to Prophoto control buttons, 38,42 in clipping display, 75,76,79 RGB, 10 converting between color spaces. in histogram, 73, 74 clipping inindividualchannels. 74 See color space conversions clipping shadows, 25 converting between. copying images to hard drives, clipping display, 53-54,74, Seecolor space conversions 142-143 7576,89-92 color temperature. copyright notice. data loss, avoiding, 24-25 See also white balance See also metadata Shadows control adjustments, creative editing, 94-95 adding to images, 125,152,188 32-33,52,53-54,55,82,89-92 Temperaturecontrol. 49-50.51. Copyright entry, sidecar .xmp color 80-81,94,95 files, 182,183 &bit channels, 18, 19 color-to-grayscaleconversions, 102 embedding metadata in images, 16-bit channels, 18,19-20 colored speckles, noise reduction 173,192 balance. and, 97-99 creative editing, 93-95.102-104 See color balance colorimetric interpretation Creator entry, sidecar .xmp fdes, bit depth overview. 18.19 advantages of shooting raw, 182.183 casts, evaluating using RGB 9-10 Curves adjustment layers, adding readout, 76 camera profiles and, 29 to images (exampleaction), 205, color gamut plots, 10 raw conversion overview, 28-29 206 color-to-grayscale conversions, raw converters and, 4-5.9-10 Curves command, Photoshop. 102 Compact Flash [CF)cards See also Contrast control dynamic range overview, 18 archiving images, 143-144 equivalent tonal adjustments, noise. capacities and prices, 12,142 52 See noise reduction fde size, and media capacity, 12 Custom Colors options, Web Photo spaces. formatting, 141-142 Gallery, 217 See color spaces general usage guidelines, 139, Custom Thumbnail Size setting, temperature. 142 115 See color temperature microdrives, 14C-141 color balance read speed, I40 Tint control, 50.51.80-81,94, recovering unreadable data, 95 142,150 data loss. white balance tool, 50,80-81 Secure Digital (SD)cards, 141 See also data recovery color filter array cameras, 2 transferring images to disk, &bit channels us. 16-bit color gamut plots, 10 142-143 channels, 8,21-23,26,27
  4. Index 225 clipping highlights and pre- us. post-conversion Vignetting controls, 100 shadows, 24-25 resampling, 73 White Balance controls, 8 M l compressing tonal range, 26 resizing images, 34 Encoding option, PDF converting between color Dr. Bmwn's Image Rocessor, 218 Presentation, 210 spaces, 27 Dublin Core Properties,sidecar Errors section, Batch dialog box, destructiveediting, 8.9 .xmp files, 182,183 196,197 expanding tonal range, 26 DVDs as archival media, 144 evaluating raw images highlight m r y , 11,30,31,32, dynamic range, bit depth us., 18 clipping display, 74-76.77.79 53,82,86 histogram display, 72,73-74,77, in raw conversions, 27-28 7679 data recovery. E image preview, 72,74-76,79 Seealsodata loss Edit menu, File Browser, 112-115 RGB readout, 76 highlight recovery, 11,30,31,32, editing headroom EXlF (Exchangeable Image File 53,82,86 &bit us. 16-bit channels, 22-23, Format) standard. lost Camera Raw settings, 169 47.71.72 See also metadata from unreadable media, 142, advantages of shooting raw, 7-8 editing EXIF metadata, 182, 150 highlight recovery, 11,30,31,32, 184188 demosaicing, 4,5,28-29,46 82.86 W F data in sidecar .xmp files, Depth output setting, 47,71 ~ditingimages. 179 Description entry, sidecar m p Seealsoraw conversions metadata overview, 114,172 files, 182,183 Adjust tab, 79-96 expanding tonal range, 8.9,26 Destinationsection, Batch dialog applying settings in File Expon Cache command, 112,170 box, 196,197,208-209 Browser, 13&135,157-158 exposure adjusbnents. destructive editing, 8,9 Brightness control, 82.87-89 See also Exposure control Detail tab Calibrate tab, 102-104 advantages of shooting raw, Color Noise Reduction control, Chromatic Aberration controls, 1&11 57,974 100,101-102 linear gamma and, 6 editing images, 9 6 9 9 Color Noise Reduction control, exposure clipping display. Luminance Smoothing control, 97-99 See clipping display 35,57,97 Contrast control, 82,8749 Exposure control, 52-53,55. settings in sidecar m p files, creative editing, 9345,102-104 S e e a h exposure adjustments 178 data loss during editing. calibratingcamera profiles, 62, Sharpness control, 5 g 5 7 . 9 6 9 7 Seedata loss 65 digital images. destructiveediting, 8.9 clipping display, 53-54,74-75 See images Detail tab, 96-99 data loss, avoiding, 24-25 dimensions, and image resolution, editing headroom. editing images, 82,8346 1617 Seeediting headroom h i i g h t recovery, 11,30,31,32, disadvantages of shooting raw, Eqosure control, 82,8346 53,82,86 11-13 Lens tab, 9S101 negative us. positive settings, 82 Do Not Process Files Larger Than Luminance Smoothing control, raw conversion overview, 30-32 setting, 114 97 extensions, Batch Rename Document section, Contact Sheet opening convened images in command and, 160 11,212 Photoshop, 133 Downgrade Color Profile option, Saturation control, 92,102,103 PDF Presentation, 211 Shadows control, 82,8942 downsampling Sharpness control, S 9 7
  5. 226 Real World Camera Raw with Adobe Photoshop CS F opening, 110 Rename command and, 160 Favorite Folden folder, 118 opening images in Camera Raw, files. File Browser 164 See images; raw files advantages of shooting raw, opening images in Photoshop, filters XY-xvi 133,164-165 flaggingimages, 126,154-155 all-thumbnails view, 122 palettes, displaying, 118 FoveonX3 technology, 5 applying edits directly, 158 Previewpalette, 111, 119, 154 on photosensors, 3 applying keywords, 120, ranking images, 127-128, FireWire interfaces, 140 162-163 155-156 flag information, cached, 166,167 applyingmetadata, 161-162 renaming images, 159-161 flag tool, File Browser, 117.154-155 applying saved settings subsets, rotatingimages, 117,126 Flagged Files command, 126,155 132-133,158 saving layouts as workspaces, flaggingimages, 126,154-155 applying setting presets. 44.45. 121 Folder (Destination option), 197 , 158 selecting images, 153-154 folders applying settings by example, sequencing images, 128-129 building cache for subfolders, 130-131,157 sorting images, 116,159 169 applying settings in batch unreadable data, recovering, live cache, 167,170 operations, 134-135, 165,198, 150 local cache, 168-169 201-202.205-206 File Browser preferences, 114. moving or renaming, 166, 168, automation features. See also Camera Raw preferences 170 See automation Mow Background Processing Folders palette, File Browser, cache, exporting or purging, 112 option, 115.147 ll&lll,ll8 cache-building, interrupting, High Quality Previews option, formatting camera media, 141-142 151 115,14&147 FoveonX3 technology, 5 cache-building process, 145, Keep Sidecar Files with Master fringing, correcting, 100,101-102 147-148 Files option, 115,146 closing, 164, 165 file formats, proprietary, 12-13 copyright notice, adding to File Info dialog box, 112 C images, 125,152,188 Advanced panel, 179 gamma CustomThumbnail option, 123 custom panels, creating, Brightness control adjustments, editing images, 157-158 189-193 33 flagging images, 123,126, metadata templates, 161 correction, and raw 154-155 PDF properties, 180,182,183 converters, 5 Folders palette, 110-111, 118 Photoshop properties, 180,182, gamma encoding, 20 high-quality thumbnails, 183 linear gamma us. human 148-149.153-154 private metadata, embedding, visual perception, 6 Keywords palette, 111,120-121, 192-193 overview, 20-21 162-163 ShowTemplates command, 184, gamut plots, 10 layout options, 121,122-123 185 Green Hue control, 63,65 loading multiple folders, 151 TIFF properties, 181,182,183 Green Saturation control, 63,65, main window, 110,111,118 underlying .xmp files, 188 102,103 menu bar, 111-1 17 XMP Rights Management green splotches, color noise Metadatapalette, 111, 119-120, properties, 181-182,183 reduction, 97-99 125,162 File menu, File Browser, 112 - . navigation kevboard shortcuts, file size, and media canacitv. 12 . 121,124 filename extensions, Batch
  6. 228 Real World Camera Raw with Adobe Photoshop CS interpolation options, PDF linear gamma us. human visual rotate tools, File Browser, 117, Presentation, 210 126 perception, 6 IPTC (International Press trash tool, File Browser, 117 live cache. TelecommunicationsCouncil) white balance tool, 40 See also cache, File Browser metadata. Wmdows us. Macintosh OS, xviii cache files, 167 See also metadata zoom tool, 40 exporting, 168,170 copyright notices, 125, 152, 188 keyword sets, creating and purging, 169, 170 editing, 112,119,161-162 applying, 120,163 Load Settings command, 45 keywords and keyword sets, keywords. loading images into File Browser 120,162-163 See also metadata cache-building phase, 145, metadata overview, 114, creating and applying, 120, 147-148 171-172 162-163 high-quality thumbnds, metadata templates, 112, 161 keyword sets, 120,163 148-149 in sidecar .xmp files, 182,183 interrupting cache-building, Keywords palette, File Browser, 151 111.120-121.162-163 loading multiple folders, 151 Johnson, Stephen, 114 Knoll, Thomas, 184 unreadable data, recovering, 150 JPEG images loading saved settings, 44,116, applying sharpening, 97 132-133,158 creating (exampleactions), 134, L local cache. 135,200-204 Label section, Picture Package, 214 See also cache, File Browser editing headroom, 7-8 Large Images options, Web Photo cache files, 168 file size, and media capacity, 12 Gallery, 216 exportinglive cache, 168,170 processing using Batch Rename layers, adding to images purging live cache, 169 command, 160 (example action), 134, 135.204, Luminance Smoothing control, 35, Save as JPEG action, 200-204 205206 57.97 JPEG Options dialog box, 202 layouts, multiple photos Contact Sheet 11,212-213 PDF Presentation, 209-212 M Picture Package, 213-215 Macintosh OS Keep Sidecar Files with Master Web Photo Gallery, 215217 cache folder location, 167 Files option, 115,146,160 Lens tab keyboard shortcuts, xviii keyboard shortcuts Chromatic Aberration controls, magenta splotches, noise reduc- closing File Browser, 164 58-59,100,101-102 tion, 97-99 File Browser navigation, 121, editing images, 99-101 main control buttons, 38.42 124 settings in sidecar .xmp files, media, archival, 144 flaggingimages,117,126, 178 media, in-camera 154-155 Vignetting controls, 5%60,100 archiving images, 143-144 opening images in Camera Raw, Levels adjustment layers, adding to capacities and prices, 12,142 164 images (example action), 205 file size, and media capacity, 12 opening images in Photoshop, Levels command, Photoshop. fomamhg, 141-142 164,165 See also Exposure control; general usage guidelines, 139, pan tool, 40 Saturation control; Shadows 142 previewing settings, 41 control microdrives, 140-141 rankingimages, 127-128,156 data loss associated with, 26 read speed, 140 Rotate controls, Camera Raw, 42 limitations of rawworldlow, 11-13 recovering: unreadable data,
  7. Index 229 Secure Digital (SD)cards, 141 XMP standard. Color Noise Reduction control. transferring images to disk, SeeXMP (extensible Metadata 35,57,97-99 142-143 Platform) Luminance Noise Reduction write speed, 140 Metadata Display Options control, 35 menu bar, File Browser wmmand 113 Luminance Smoothing control, Automate menu, 115-116 Metadata palette, File Browser 57,97 Edit menu, 112-115 copyright notice, adding to raw converters and, 5,11 File menu, 112 images, 125 non-squm pixels, resizing images, Sort menu, 116,159 displaying metadata fields, 113, 34 View menu, 117 120 None (Destinationoption), 197 metadata. See a h keywords edithg metadata, 162,182 nonlinear visual perception,6 advantages of shooting raw, overview 1,111,119-120 mx i -v recovering lost Camera Raw applying to images, 161-162 settings,169 0 cache. Seecache, File Bmwser metadata templates offloading rate, and CF card speed, Camera Raw settings, applying copyright notice, adding to 140 as metadata, 114 images, 125,152,188 O button, 42 K camera-recordeddata, 171-172 editing, 188,189 on-camera histograms, 6 captions, in Picture Package, extraneoussettings saved in, Open step, recording in actions, 166 184,186 198,201,204-205,208 copyright notice, adding to File Info dialogbox and, 161, opening images images, 125,152,173,188,192 162 in Camera Raw, 164 custom File Info panels, locating 184,185 converted images, in 189-193 unedited templates, 186487 Photoshop, 133,164,165 displaying metadata fields, 113 microdrives, 140-141 Open actions, batch operations, editing in Metadata palette, mosaic sensor cameras, 2 198,201,20&205,208 119-120,182 moving images and folders. ordering images. See sorting im- editing with text editor, 182, See also renaming images ages 184-188 cache overview, 166169,170 output controls, 47-48,70-71 embedding in derived files, exportingcache, 168,170 overexposure, highlight recovery 192-193 keeping sidecar files with image and, 11,32,82,86 W F metadata, 114,172 files, 115,146,160 Override Action "Open" IITC metadata, 112,114,119, multiple folders, loading, 151 Commands option, 198,208 161-162,171-172 multiple-image presentations Override Action "Save&" movingfolders, 166,168-169, Contact Sheet 11,212-213 Commands option, 134,19&199, 170 PDF Presentation, 209-212 208 overview, 114,171,m x i -v Picture Padrage,213-215 private metadata, 192-193 Web Photo Gallery, 215-217 renarningfolders, 166,16&169, P 170 pan tool, 40,99 sidecar files. PDF Presentation, 165,209-212 See sidecar m p files namespace declaration, m p files, PDF properties, in sidecar m p templates. 178 files, 180,182,183 See metadata templates noise reduction PDF Security option, PDF updating without converting advantages of shooting raw, 11 Presentation, 2 11 images, 42 before-and-after views, 99 performance
  8. 230 Real World Camera Raw with Adobe Photoshop CS background processing, 115. saved settings subsets, 45, ProPhoto RGB, 9-10 147 106-108,116,132-133,158 proprietary raw formats, 12-13 cache-building process, 151 working space presets, 47 Pwge Cache command, 112,169 PhotoKit Sharpener, 205 Presets folder, 45, 106, 107, 132 Purge Entire Cache command. 170 Photoshop Preview checkbox, 41 File Browser. preview controls, 41-42 SeeFile Browser preview images R integration with Camera Raw, applying sharpening to, 34,46, Rankcommand, 112,156 14 57,69,96-97 ranking images opening converted images in before-and-after views. 41.99 overview, 127-128,155-156 Photoshop, 133,164.165 building for specified images, Rank command, 112,156 Photoshop properties, in side- 151 rank information, cache car .xmp files, 180,182,183 cache overview, 166-168 overview, 166,167 Picture Package, 166,213-215 Camera Raw setup, 67 raw conversions. pixels dipping display See also editing images; raw &bit channels, 18, 19 See clipping display converters 16-bit channels, 18. 19-20 evaluating raw images, 72, automating. bit depth overview, 18,19 74-76,79 Seeautomation camera sensors and raw image generating, 148-149 Brightness control adjustments, data, 2-4 generatingin background, 115, 33 image resolution and 147 Calibrate tab adjustments, dimensions, 16-17 High Quality Previews option, 28-29 non-square pixels, resizing 115,146-147 camera profiles and, 29 images, 34 high-quality thumbnails, canceling, 42 square pixels, resizing images, 148-149,153-154 Color Noise Reduction control 34 in live cache, 167-168 adjustments, 35 pixels per inch (ppi). in local cache, 16%169 colorimetric interpretation See resolution moving or renaming folders, overview, 28-29 Play section, Batch dialog box, 196, 169 Contrast control adjustments, 197 selecting images for flaggingor 33 plots, color gamuts, 10 ranking, 154 data loss associated with, 27-28 posterization, 6 Preview palette. File Browser, 111, demosaicing overview, 28-29 preferences 119,154 evaluating raw images, 72-78 Camera Raw, 67-70,146 previewing images Exposure control adjustments, File Browser, 114-115,146147 in Camera Raw. 30-32 Preferences command, 1 1 4 115 See preview images Luminance Noise Reduction presentations Preview palette, File Browser, control adjustments, 35 using Contact Sheet 11,212-213 111,119,154 opening converted images in using PDF Presentation, 165, prices of CF cards, 142 Photoshop, 133,164,165 209-212 processing time of raw files. 11-12 resetting changes, 42 using Picture Package, 213-215 profiles, camera Saturation control adjustments, usingWeb Photo Gallery, calibrating. 33 215217 Seecalibrating camera profiles Shadows control adjustments, presets in Camera Raw color 32-33 loading and saving, 44.45, conversions, 29 Sharpness control adjustments, 106-108,116,117,158 default. . . 34.46.69-70 Seecamera default settings skipping images, 42
  9. Index 231 updating metadata, 42 suppressingCamera Raw dialog Resnick, Seth,159160,192-193 white balance adjustments, box, 134,199,208 resolution 29-30 recovering data image resolution and raw converters. highlight m e l y , 11,30,31,32, dimensions, 1 6 1 7 See d o raw conversions 53,82,86 pre- us. post-conversion Camera Raw as universal lost Camera Raw settings, 169 resampling, 73 converter, 12-13 unreadable camera media, 142, raw conversion adjustments, c o l o r i m ~interpretation, c 150 33-34 910 redlcyan fringhg, correcting, 100, Resolution output setting, 48,71 exposure adjustments and, 101-102 Resolution output setting 48,71 10-11 red-green color balance, Tint RGB noise reduction and, 11 control, 50,51,80-81,94,95 8-bit us. 16-bit channels, 19-20 processing time, 11-12 Red Hue control, 63,65 PmPhoto RGB us. sRGB and sharpeningand, 5,11 Red Saturation control. 63.65.102, Adobe RGB, 10 white balance and, @-9 103 R B working spaces, 70 G raw files refreshing archival data, 144 RGB readout, 38,43,76 Camera Raw as universal renaming images. Rotate controls, Camera Raw, 42 converter, 12-13 See ahmoving images and rotate tools, File Browser, 117,126 camera sensor data, 2 4 folders rotating images color information in, 4 in batch operations, 208-209 Camera Raw, 42 file size, and media capacity, 12 batchrenaming, 116,159160, File Browser, 117,126 on-camera settings and, 7 161 rotation informationin cache, processing time, 11-12 cache overview, 166169 166 raw data overview, 2 expartingcache,168,170 raw image converters, 4-5 file name extensions and, 160 S vendors' proprietaryformats, file name length, 161 saturation clipping 12-13 JPEG images, 160 in clipping display, 75,76,79 raw images keeping sidecar .xmp files with clipping individual channels, 25 advantages of shooting raw, imagefiles,115,146,160 in histogram, 73,74 7-11, xv-xvi retainingcopies with original Saturation control, Adjust tab archiving, 143-144 names, 161 calibratingcamera profiles, 62, editing headroom, 7-8 special characters in file names, 65 image files. 161 editing images, 92 See raw files resampling overview, 54.55 limitations of raw wor1610~, pre- us. post-conversion raw conversion overview, 33 11-13 resampling 73 Saturation controls, Calibrate tab transferringfrom camera me- resizingimages, 34 calibratingcamera profiles, 63, dia, 139,142-143 Size output setting, 47,71 65 read speed of camera media, 140 Reset button, 42 creative editing. 102,103 recording actions. Reset Camera Default command, Save Actions command, 203 S e also actions; batch operations 46 e Save and Close command, 165,197 applying settings, 201-202, resizing images Save As dialog box, in batch 205-206 image resolution and operations, 202,206207 Open step, 198,201,204-205, dimensions, 1&17 Save as JPEGaction, 2W204 208 raw conversion adjustments, Save Camera Default command, 65 Save step, 19@-199,202,206207 33-34
  10. 232 Real World Camera Raw with Adobe Photoshop CS "Save image settings in" option, 46, clipping, and highlight recovery, gamma overview, 20-21 6849,146 32 Shadows control, 52,53-54,55 Save Settings command, 45 FoveonX3 technology, 5 clipping display, 53-54.74. Save Settings Subset command, 45, raw image data, 2 4 75-76 106108.158 sequencing images, 128-129 data loss, avoiding, 24-25 Save step, recording in actions, settings editing images, 82,89-92 198-199,202,206207 applying as metadata, 114 raw conversion overview, 32-33 saved settings subsets applying in batch operations, sharpening applying, 116,132-133,158 134-135,165,198,201-202, advantages of shootingraw, 11 saving, 45,106108,132-133 205-206 applying to preview us. saving applying in File Browser, 116, converted images, 34,46,57, actions and action sets, 203 117 69,9697 camera defaults, 65 applying to groups of images, fringing, correcting, 100 image files, in batch operations, 130-131 JPEG images, 97 . 134,198-199,202,206207 camera default. pre- us. post-conversion image settings, in Camera Raw See camera default settings resampling, 73 database, 46.68.69, 105 image settings, saving, 46, raw converters and, 5,11 image settings, in sidecar .xmp 6849,104-108 sharpening layers, adding to files, 46,6849, 105, 146 presets, loading and saving, 44, images (example action), 205 layouts as workspaces. 121 45,106108,116,117,158 Sharpness control presets, 44,45, 106108,116, previewing effects of, 41.99 editing images, 9697 117,158 recording for actions, 201-202, fringing, correcting, 100 saved settings subsets, 45, 204-205 overview, 5 6 5 7 106108,132-133 recovering lost Camera Raw raw conversion overview, 34 schema name, .xmp files. 178 settings, 169 shooting rate, and CF card speed, scripting, 218 saved settings, loading, 44,45, 140 Search Results folder, 118 116,117 Show menu, File Browser, 111,118 search tool, File Browser, 117 saved settings subsets. 45, Show Rank command, 127,155156 searching 106108,116.132-133.158 Show Templates command, 184, flagged or unflagged images, saving in Camera Raw database, 185 155 46.68.69, 105 sidecar .xmp files. ranked images, 156 saving in sidecar .xmp files, 46, See also XMP (extensible Secure Digital (SD) cards, 141 6849,105,146 Metadata Platform) security in sidecar .xmp files, 178-183 batch file renaming, 116,160 embedding metadata in images, Settings menu, 44 cache overview, 166168 173,192 shadow clipping, 25 Camera Raw settings, 178 PDF Presentation, 211-212 clipping display, 53-54,74, Copyright entry, 182,183 Web Photo Gallery, 217 75-76,89-92 Creator entry, 182,183 selecting images data loss, avoiding, 24-25 Description entry, 182,183 flagging images, 126,154-155 Shadows control adjustments, Dublin Core Properties,182,183 ranking images, 127-128, 32-33,52,53-54,55,82,89-92 W F data, 179 155156 ShadowTint control, 63,65 keeping with image files, 115, using high-quality thumbnails, shadows. 146,160 153-154 See also Shadows control PDF properties settings, 180, using Preview palette, 154 clipping. 182,183 sensors See shadow clipping Photoshop properties settings, 180,182,183
  11. Index 233 RGB redout, 38,43 editing metadata templates, e file with annotations, Settings menu, 38,44 1W189 Tool palette, 40-41 reading sidecar .rmp files, Stop on Errors setting, 197 178-183 storagemedia, archival,144 thumbnails storage media, in-camera cache overview, 166168 archivingimages, 143-144 contact sheets, 165,166, s settings, 181-182, capacitiesand prices, 12,142 212-213 file size, and media capacity, 12 custom thumbnail size, File n,Web Photo Gallery, formatting,141-142 Browser, 115 ganersl usage guidelines, 139, Pile Browser main window, 111, 142 118 mlerodrives,140-141 high-quality thumbnails, resolution and lead speed, 140 14&149,153-154 reccnrering unreadable data, selecting images, 153-154 142,150 Thumbnails options Secure Digital (SD)cards, 141 Contact Sheet 11.213 trensferringimages to disk, Web Photo Gallery, 216 142-143 TIFF files, and Save and Close write speed, 140 command, 165.197 on, 165,209-212 saiped arrays, 3 TIFF Options dialog box, in batch subfoMers, building cache for, 169 operations, 207 subsets of settingg Tint control . images, 126,154-155 nnldngimages, 127-128, Seesaved settings subsets Suppress Color Profilewarnings creative edit&, 94,95 editingimages, 50,51, @&81 155-156 optlon, 134,199,208 Title entry, sidecar .xmp files, 182, aquencing images, 128429 SuppreasFile Open Options 183 sort order, cached information, Dialogs option, 134,199,208 Toggle Expanded View button, 111, 166,167 118 Source Images section tonal values Contact Sheet It, 212 T 8-bit channels, 18.19 Web Photo Gallery, 215 Temperature control. 16-bitchannels.18,19-20 Srwnce section, Batch dialog box, See alsowhite balance bit depth overview, 18,19 196,197,208 creative editing, 94,95 dynamic range overview, 18 Space output setting, 47,71 editing images, 80-81 gamma o v e ~ e w20-21 , speed overview, 49-50,51 tonal variations,luminance cache-buildingprocess, 151 templates, metadata smoothing, 97 camera media, 139- 141 copyright notice, adding to images, tone controls, Adjust tab raw file processing time, 11-12 125,152,188 Brightness control. 52,54,82, square pixels, resizing images, 34 editing, 188,189 87-89 sRGB, 10 extraneous settings saved in, 184, Contrast control, 52,54,82, static controls 186 87-89 Camera Raw menu, 38,4543 File Info dialog box and, 161,162 Exposure control 52-53,55 histogram, 38,4243 locating, 184,185 Shadow8 control. 52.53-54.55, main wntrol buttons. 38.42 unedited templates, 186-187 82,8942 preview controls, 4142 text editors Tool palette, 38,40
  12. 234 Real World Camera Raw with Adobe Photoshop CS transfening images to hard drives, XMP online documentation, editing images. 142-143 172 See editing images trash tool, File Browser, 117 white balance embedding metadata in derived troubleshooting batch operations, calibratingcamera profiles, 62 files, 192-193 208 click-balancing, 41,50,8041 flaggingimages, 126,154-155 creative editing, 94-95 high-quality thumbnails, highlight recovery and, 32 148-149.153-154 raw conversion overview, 2S30 interrupting cache-building, Unflagged Files command, 126, raw converters and, 4,%9 151 155 TemperaNre control, 49-50.51. limitations of raw workflow, unreadable data, recovering, 142, 8041,94,95 11-13 150 white balance tool, 40-41.8041 loading multiple folders, 151 Unsharp Mask. White Balance controls opening converted images in See Sharpness control Temperaturecontrol, 49-50.51. Photoshop, 133,164,165 Up One Level button, 111,118 80-81,94,95 opening images in Camera Raw, Update button, 42 Tint control, 50,51,8041,94, 164 upsampling 95 package layouts, 166,213-215 pre- us. post-conversion white (highlight) clipping, 25 PDF-formatted presentations, resampling, 73 clipping display, 53-54,74-75, 165 resizing images, 34 77,78,79 ranking images, 127-128, URls (Uniform Resource Indica- data loss, avoiding, 24-25 155-156 tors), 178 Exposure control adjustments, renaming images. USB interfaces, 140 30-32.52-53,55 See renaming images highlight recovery, 11,30,31,32, selecting images, 153-154 53,82,86 sequencing images, 12a129 Windows OS sorting images, 116,159 vendors' proprietary raw formats, cache folder location, 167 unreadable data, recovering, 12-13 keyboard shortcuts, xviii 142,150 View menu, File Browser, 117 workflow Weh-based contact sheets, 166 vignetting, 59 advantages of shooting raw, workflow settings, 4748,7&71 Vignetting Amount control, 59,100 7- w-xvi 11, working spaces, 47,70 Vignetting Midpoint control, 60, applying Camera Raw settings, See also color spaces 100 130-132.157-158 write speed of camera media. 140 applying keywords, 120, 162-163 applying metadata, 161-162 Web Photo Gallery, 166,215217 batch processes. XMP (extensible Metadata Web sites See batch operations Platform). Adobe Studio Exchange, 218 cache-building process. File See also metadata CF card database, 140 Browser, 145,147-148,151 Adobe support for, 114 Dr. Brown's Image Processor, contact sheets, 165,166, online documentation, 172 218 212-213 o v e ~ e w172-174 , Galbraith,Rob, 140 copyright notice, adding to sample sidecar file with Macbeth Color Checker, Lab images, 125,152,173,188,192 annotations, 178-183 image, 60 displaying flagged or unflagged sample sidecar .xmp file, RGB working space images, 155 174-177 information, 70 displaying ranked images, 156 text files, 174
  13. Index 235 II .xmp files. See aLw XMP hKtemible Metadata ffsPbmr) custom File W o panels, creating. 1- 93 editing. 188 File Info didogbox, underlying files, 188 namespaeededaration, 178 private metadata, embedding in derived files, 192-193 schema name, 178 sidecar .xmp See sidecar s n p files XMP R g t Management ihs properties, 181-182.183 zoom tool, 40



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