Summary of dissertation in International Economics: Development of the pay TV market in some countries and lessons for Vietnam
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On the basis of analyzing and assessing the current situation of the pay TV market development in some countries such as the US, South Korea, China, the dissertation draws the experience lessons and proposé solutions to develop and manage the pay television market of Vietnam in the coming time.
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Nội dung Text: Summary of dissertation in International Economics: Development of the pay TV market in some countries and lessons for Vietnam
- The work is completed at: GRADUATE ACADEMY OF SOCIAL SCIENCE Science instructor: 1. Assoc. Prof. PhD. Nguyen Thi Kim Chi 2. Assoc. Prof. PhD. Nguyen Xuan Trung Reviewer 1: Assoc. Prof. PhD. Doan Ke Bon Reviewer 2: Assoc. Prof. PhD. Tran Kim Chung Reviewer 3: Assoc. Prof. PhD. Doan Xuan Thuy The dissertation will be defended in front of the Academy-level Dissertation Evaluation Committee at At ………..…. o’clock …………minutes, date………month……….year……………….. The dissertation can be found at the libraries: Vietnam National Library Library of Graduate Academy of Social Sciences
- INTRODUCTION 1. The imperative of the subject In the world, pay TV has a history of nearly 70 years. This is a type of premium television, appearing to meet the increasing demand of television viewers. In Vietnam, pay TV has been officially present for more than 20 years. In the market economy in Vietnam, pay television is a completely new and very active market. Pay television in Vietnam has quickly become an inevitable trend, a new feature in cultural activities and a vivid expression of international cultural integration. The pay TV market has been constantly developing, perfecting on the supply, demand side and the institutions supporting the development of the market. Over the past time, the development of the pay TV market in Vietnam has partly met the essential needs of the people in the period of international integration with the strong development of the digital economy. However, the rapid development of pay TV services has created many problems that need to be studied and resolved, especially issues related to competition, copyright, state management and market activities. The reality shows that, the pay TV market of Vietnam today is revealing shortcomings in both aspects: On the one hand, the market needs conditions to develop properly with its potential; and on the other hand, there have been problems with the state management of this market that need to be addressed. The above practice shows that it is essential to continue to research and improve the market for a healthier development, so that consumers can maximize their choices and benefits when participating in this market. Therefore, research on the pay TV market to develop and manage it better, especially researching the experience of some countries around the world, which 1
- have early development of pay-TV as America, created a boom and a lot of achievements in such a short period as South Korea; Pay TV market having development conditions and state regulation has many similarities with Vietnam as China. From there, clarify the development status, characteristics, affecting factors and the role of the government in the pay TV market of those countries; It is essential to compare the achieved results and the limitations of the pay TV market development of the studied countries and draw lessons for Vietnam. That is why the PhD student chose the topic: "Development of pay TV market in some countries and lessons for Vietnam" as a research topic for PhD dissertation in Economics. 2. The dissertation's research purposes and tasks 2.1. Research purposes On the basis of analyzing and assessing the current situation of the pay TV market development in some countries such as the US, South Korea, China, the dissertation draws the experience lessons and proposé solutions to develop and manage the pay television market of Vietnam in the coming time. 2.2. Dissertation research questions For the purposes of research, the dissertation focuses on answering the following research questions: - How is the pay TV market in the world formed, developed and managed? - What can experience in developing and managing the pay TV market in some countries such as the US, China, and Korea be applied to Vietnam? - What are the conditions and solutions for the pay TV market to be developed and managed well in Vietnam? 2
- 2.3. Research mission To achieve the above research purposes, the dissertation identifies the following specific research tasks: Firstly, setting a theoretical framework for research on the Pay TV market, constituting the Pay TV market, developing the Pay TV market and managing the Pay TV market. Second, analyzing the pay TV market of some countries with early developed pay TV market in the world such as the US; Pay TV market developed rapidly, creating booms and gaining a lot of achievements in such a short period as that of Korea; Pay TV market has development conditions and state management having many similarities with Vietnam like China ... clarifying the development situation, state management experience in this market, from which to draw lessons for the development of the pay television market in Vietnam. Third, based on the analysis of the pay TV market of Vietnam, applying international experience lessons to propose solutions to develop and manage the pay TV market in Vietnam to 2025, 2030 vision. 3. Research object and scope of the dissertation 3.1. Research object of the dissertation The dissertation has the research object of the pay TV market development problem in some countries such as the US, South Korea, China and Vietnam. 3.2. Research scope of the dissertation - Scope of content: The dissertation researches on the pay television market of some countries and Vietnam, focusing on two main issues: (1) The current development of the pay television market. In which clarifying the level and 3
- ability to provide pay television services in the market; characteristics and development of the demand for pay television; characteristics and factors affecting pay TV market. (2) State administration of the pay television market. The dissertation only limits the research focus on the pay TV market on the macro research perspective, does not go into the micro elements of production techniques and business of pay TV enterprises. - Scope of space: The dissertation uses global space for arguments and use of case studies on specific pay TV market in some countries such as China, Korea, USA and Vietnam. - Time scope: The dissertation researches the pay TV market in some countries since this market started to develop strongly, but mainly focuses on the period 2015 to 2018 (when OTT TV appeares and thrives, competes and transforms the pay TV market in countries); proposing solutions for the pay television market of Vietnam to 2025, with 2030 vision. 4. Research methodology of the dissertation 4.1. Methods of studying secondary documents - Collect secondary documents - General analysis method: - Statistical analysis, comparison - Prediction method 4.2. Primary document research method Practical survey 4.3. Other methods - Observation method - Method of seminars and workshops 4
- 5. New contributions to the science of the dissertation Firstly, the dissertation outlines the basic theoretical issues about the pay television market, the development of the pay television market and the management of the pay television market. This is a conditional business market, especially the State management factor. The dissertation builds a system of market development evaluation criteria for telecom enterprises providing pay television services in Vietnam in the context of international integration with control, regulation and management of the State. This is one of the important contributions of the dissertation, currently in Vietnam, the pay TV market is newly formed and developed, there are no systematic, comprehensive and direct studies on this content. Besides, the pay television business units do not have a system of unified and scientific criteria for the development of the pay television market. Second, by specific research methods, especially through direct surveys: Observing, listening, viewing live reports, attending seminars, participating directly in real activities in order to study the pay TV market development of the US, China, South Korea and some other countries. Clarifying the "picture" of the level of development and the role of state management for the pay TV market of the studied countries, thereby drawing important international experience lessons, ensuring that there are highly practical meaning and a good reference for those interested in this field, this is a new contribution of the dissertation. Thirdly, from the study of the development of the pay TV market in Vietnam, on the basis of applying international lessons, the dissertation proposes 04 groups of solutions to develop and manage the pay TV market of Vietnam to 2025, vision to 2030. Solutions to develop and better manage the pay TV market in 5
- Vietnam are given on the basis of researching the subjects of the Pay TV market in Vietnam, including: (i) The governing body is a system of agencies that direct and manage the pay TV market in particular and the television sector in general, including: National Committee on application of information technology, Ministry of Information and Communications, Department of Information and Communication; (ii) Telecommunication enterprises providing pay television services in the market. 6. The theoretical and practical significance of the dissertation The research results of the dissertation will be valuable as a reference on theoretical and practical basis for researchers interested in the pay TV market in general and in the US, South Korea, China and Vietnam in particular. At the same time, it contributes to perfect institutions and policies to manage the pay TV market of Vietnam, serving the needs of the development of the television field and national development in the context of integration. In addition, the dissertation is also an essential document for the research and teaching of issues related to the high school market. 7. The structure of the dissertation In addition to the introduction, conclusion, references and appendices, the dissertation is structured as follows: Chapter 1: Overview of research on the pay TV market Chapter 2: Theoretical basis for the pay TV market Chapter 3: Experience in developing the pay TV market in some countries Chapter 4: Applying international experiences and solutions to develop the pay TV market in Vietnam. 6
- Chapter 1 OVERVIEW OF RESEARCH SITUATION ABOUT PAY TV MARKET In chapter 1, the PhD student (NCS) carries out an overview of the research situation by groups: Firstly, the studies related to the theoretical basis of market theory, international economic theory on trade. and service. Secondly, the research works on the pay TV market in the world, in which mainly overview the studies on such issues as: The current status of the pay TV market (THTT); managing the high school market; the development trend of the high-end market of the countries. Focus on the countries subject to the dissertation research such as Korea, China, America. Thirdly, the research works on the pay TV market of Vietnam. On the basis of an overview of the research situation, making comments, evaluating and clarifying gaps that the dissertation topic aims to solve. 1.1. Studies related to theoretical basis During the documentary research process, the author found that Vietnam had many works, projects, dissertations, dissertations, scientific articles ... researches / research approaches on pay-television, but only mainly on the aspects of psychology and sociology, there are no in-depth studies on the pay TV market on the international economic level. Therefore, in this part, the dissertation will mention some research projects that are related / asymptotic / close to the research topic. 1.2. Researches on pay TV market in the world From an overview of the research on the pay TV market in the world, it shows that this market is developing very actively in the world; Along with the different levels of development of economies, the level of development of the pay TV market in countries is also different; At the same time, in the development process, the pay TV market in countries always undergoes 7
- constant changes, especially due to the impact of science and technology, economic development, and cultural changes and human needs…. The research also shows that the development of the pay TV market in countries always requires the management of the state at different levels and the volatility of this market due to the effects of the government macro policies of governments. 1.3. Researches on Vietnam's pay TV market The pay TV market of Vietnam is just developing, researches on this market are still quite modest. The above studies mention different aspects of pay TV and pay TV market of Vietnam, including studies from economic, cultural, social, educational perspective ... This study are all references to the topic of the dissertation. 1.4. Comments, reviews and issues that need further research 1.4.1. Some comments and reviews on the research situation In general, the domestic and foreign studies on pay TV and the pay TV market at home and abroad all show that the pay TV market is a "fertile land", is broadcasting. The development is very active and always changing very strongly in countries and regions. Research on pay TV market development is an attractive topic in the international economy. The research works in general have pointed out some characteristics of the pay TV field compared to other types of telecommunications, analyzing and assessing the current status of pay TV in the countries up to the time of study , about the successes and limitations associated with the causes. The above-mentioned domestic and foreign studies have mentioned a number of contents related to the factors affecting the development of pay TV on many different angles and levels. The researches all confirm the 8
- development trend of television and pay TV and the objective indispensability of the state management over television activities in general, pay TV in particular in nations; affirming that, in order to develop the pay TV market, countries, especially Vietnam, need to pay attention to the good management of program content; program quality; the price of the service; technical infrastructure, television technology…. Studies have also identified that the competitive factor is the force to develop the pay TV market, but it is necessary to have the right orientations, strategies and policies for competition to fully play its role, at the same time, to prevent the negativeness of the market. However, the pay TV market up to now has had a lot of changes in quality and quantitty, originating from technological breakthroughs, strengthening of state management, and a tendency to separate services from TV stations, the participation of most telecommunications units, the development of forms of competition ... Vietnam Television itself has had an independent separation of pay TV segments, part moved to joint ventures to link with partners, the rest changed the mechanism from administrative and non-business to a business mechanism to create a breakthrough in the pay TV field to match the position of national television station. Therefore, the analysis, evaluation and proposed solutions of the above studies have more or less reduced practicality, low or no efficiency when applying in the current situation. 9
- At the same time, the research overview shows that there is a lack of research focusing on the experiences of countries in developing the pay TV market. Pay TV is an attractive but new market in Vietnam, so research on how to operate, develop and manage this market in other countries to apply experience for Vietnam is needed. 1.4.2. The gap and research direction of the dissertation From the overview of research related to the topic of the dissertation shows, the gap in research on the pay TV market is still very large: Firstly, a comprehensive study of the pay TV market is needed; clarifying the theoretical and practical basis of the pay TV market, in which including the factors constituting the pay TV market, impact factors, requirements and conditions for market development of pay TV; state management of the pay TV market; study of global trends and contexts impacting the pay TV market. Secondly, there is a lack of research from the perspective of the international economic approach to the pay TV market. Accordingly, it is necessary to study the pay TV market in some countries around the world, to clarify the development status, characteristics, impact factors and role of governments in their pay TV markets; compare the results achieved and the shortcomings of the pay TV market development of the studied countries and draw lessons for Vietnam. The case studies are countries with early developed pay TV markets in the world such as the US; a country with a rapidly growing pay TV market, booming and acquiring a lot of achievements in such a short time as South Korea - a country with a pay TV market with development conditions and has many similar state regulations with Vietnam as China. 10
- Thirdly, research on Vietnam's pay TV market from its constituent factors such as supply, demand, prices, characteristics and impact factors, achievements as well as achievements, limitations and reasons ... to apply lessons learned from other countries, find solutions to develop the pay TV market of Vietnam in the coming time. This is also the content that the PhD student will clarify in the dissertation. 11
- Chapter 2 THEORETICAL BACKGROUND ON PAY TV MARKET In chapter 2, the dissertation clarifies some important concepts related to the dissertation topic; establish a theoretical basis for the research problem. Specifically: (i) Clarifying the basic theoretical issues about the pay TV market, focusing on clarifying the characteristics and demand factors into the pay TV market; to develop the pay TV market and manage the state over the pay TV market. (ii) Along with the analysis of the emergence and development of the pay TVschool in the world; study global trends affecting the pay TV market; the legal environment related to the pay TV market; and the scale of customers, the economic contributions of the pay TV market ... Chapter 2 of the dissertation will generalize a practical "picture" of the pay TV market, as the basis for research on pay TV market development experience in some countries and Vietnam in the following chapters. 2.1. Some concepts - Concept: Development - Concept: Pay - TV - Concept: Pay - TV Market - Concept: Pay - TV market development 2.2. Characteristics, the role of pay TV market development 12
- 2.2. Characteristics, the role of pay - TV market development - About subjects operating in the pay - TV market - About the mechanism and mode of operation of the pay - TV market - Regarding the structure of products and services in the pay - TV market. - About the scope and level of competition in the pay - TV market. 2.3. Content and criteria for the assessment of the development of the pay television market and factors affecting the development of the pay - TV market 2.3.1. Content of development of pay - TV market - Supply development - Demand development - Ensure competitive environment - State administration of the pay - television market 2.3.3. Factors affecting the development of the pay – tv market - Political / legal factors - Demographic factors - Technology factor - Cultural - social factors - Customer factor - Consumer trends - Capital and labor factors: - The general trend of the television industry in the world 13
- Chapter 3 EXPERIENCE IN DEVELOPING PAY - TV MARKET IN SOME COUNTRIES In this chapter, the dissertation analyzes the reality of the pay - TV market of some countries such as the US, China, and Korea; clarify the level of development of the pay TV market in these countries and the role of the state Administration over the pay TV market in those countries. 3.1. An overview of the development and trends of pay - TV in the world * An overview of the history of pay television development * Development trends - Pay - TV digitalization trend - The trend of transmission network convergence - The trend of terminal convergence - OTT television development trend in the world: - OTT television development trend in Asia: 3.2. Pay - TV market of the US 3.2.1. Development status - Development of service provison - Developing demand - Competition in the pay - TV market in the US 3.2.2. State administration of the pay - TV market in the US - Administration agency - Administration object - Administration tools 3.3. Pay - TV market of China 3.3.1. Development status 14
- - Development of service provison - Developing demand 3.3.2. State administration of the pay - TV market in China 3.4. Pay - TV market of Korea 3.4.1. Development status - Development of service provison - Developing demand - Competition in the pay - TV market in Korea 3.3.2. State administration of the pay - TV market in Korea 3.5. Lessons learned from the pay TV market of the US, China, and Korea 3.5.1. Lessons on supply development Experience from research countries shows that the supply development in the pay TV market is always associated with scientific and technological advances; At the same time, it is necessary to always follow up with new demands and changes in people's lives; from there, actively orienting the public tastes. - Quickly apply new inventions to pay – TV development - Research new needs that arise in life - Proactively orienting public tastes. - Production cost optimization: Under economic pressure, broadcasters, pay TV production units and businesses are always trying to decrease production costs and buy programs. Some useful and easy-to-apply methods for small-scale television stations in Vietnam can be proposed as follows: (1) Mass program production 15
- (2) Produce low cost programs (3) Reuse of art programs (4) Maximally use of news content - Outlining competitive tactics and strategies based on the "flow" of special and good content: 3.5.2. Lessons on demand development - Using national cultural values - Focusing on investment in specific types of works - Establishing national development support policies and mechanisms. 3.5.3. State management lessons in the pay television market First, the state should encourage enterprises in the same line to cooperate with each other. This will help the State management role in the radio and television sector in general, pay television in particular to be focused more consistently and closely in line with the policies of the Party and the Government. . Second, the current pay television management policies must encourage the development of pay television with modern technology, in order to support the transmission of radio and television program channels for serving the propaganda information task of the Party and State, meeting the increasingly diverse needs for information and entertainment of the people. Third, the state must clearly stipulate that pay television service providers are responsible for announcing the quality of services in accordance with regulations and immediately taking necessary measures to resolve incurred problem, ensure service quality. Fourthly, on the client side, the state should clearly stipulate that pay TV subscribers are entitled to complain about service charges and quality; To be 16
- reimbursed and compensated for other direct damages caused by the pay television service provider's mistake in case that the service is not provided in accordance with the signed contract, except force majeure specified in the contract. It is necessary to build the operation model and mechanism of of the pay television market: Connecting small television stations to the national network network; Apply a combined financial model; Pay TV development is associated with social norms. 17
- Chapter 4 APPLICATION OF INTERNATIONAL EXPERIENCE AND PAY TV MARKET DEVELOPMENT SOLUTIONS IN VIETNAM Chapter 4 on the basis of clarifying the current status of the pay TV market in Vietnam, its features and shortcomings ... and applying international experience lessons to propose solutions for better pay TV market development and management of Vietnam in the coming time. 4.1. The current situation of Vietnam's pay TV market development - Status of providing pay TV service - Demand for pay television services - Competition in the pay TV market in Vietnam - Factors affecting Vietnam's pay TV market - State managemant on Vietnam's pay television market + Management Agency + Management Object + Management Tool - Evaluate the results, shortcomings and causes + The achieved results: (i) The number of enterprises participating in the pay television market increased rapidly; (ii) The capacity of pay TV service providers has also increased; (iii) The contribution of pay TV enterprises to the state budget has also increased; (iv) The results of enterprises participating in the pay television market are shown through relatively good revenue and profit. + Shortcomings and causes: 18

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