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Summary of doctoral thesis in economics: The roles of government in social sercurity for farmer in Vietnam

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The objectives of the thesis research: Basing on the theoretical and practice research of countries and Vietnam today, the thesis proposes orientations and solutions to strengthen the role of the Government in social welfare for farmers in Vietnam in next years.

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Nội dung Text: Summary of doctoral thesis in economics: The roles of government in social sercurity for farmer in Vietnam

  1. 0 Ministry of Education and Training THE RESEARCH IS COMPLETED AT NATIONAL ECONOMICS National Economics University  UNIVERSITY PHAN THI KIM OANH Scientific Supervisors: 1. Prof.Dr. Mai Ngoc Cuong 2. Associate Prof.Dr. To Duc Hanh THE ROLES OF GOVERNMENT IN SOCIAL SERCURITY FOR FARMER IN VIETNAM Reviewer 1 : Specialized Research: Political Economic Reviewer 2 : Code : 62310102 Reviewer 3: SUMMARY OF DOCTORAL THESIS IN ECONOMICS. The thesis will be reviewed and marked by Government Thesis Examination Committee At :…………….. At………. On …….. Hanoi - 2013 You can read and refer more about the contents of research at: - State library - Library of National Economics University
  2. 1 2 INTRODUCTION social protection packages, social priority packages have been amended and supplemented and codification by Government. However, social welfare system 1. Reasons to do the reaseach: in general and for for farmers in particular remains many shortcomings and According to active facts of economic innovation implementation within inadequacies as well as not to meet the demand when the country has a 30 years which has provent that the Party’s policies and decisions are correct fluctuation in economic and politics. Thus it requires to have an additional and approriate steps. Development of market economy had profoundly effected research to make it becomes better and to complete it in scientific way. Vietnamese economic and society. Economic has grew fastly, economy There are several meticulous research on social welfare and social welfare structure has moved toward progress, average income of employees has for farmers in Vietnam. However, the results of these research had not applied or increased, economic life of citizen and society have improved markedly. slowly applied to actual living of citizens. For these reasons, author of this However, the implications of market economic development such the trends of research found that doing a research of the role of government in social welfare inequality, the gaps between rich and poor people tend to increase from rural for farmers in Vietnam is very nessesary and now is an urgent job for the areas to urban areas. country. That is reason why the author has choosen the topic: "The Role of the In order to ensure the political system remains stable and Vietnam’s Government in social welfare for farmers in Vietnam " for her research in the economy will develop sustainable under the way of market-oriented socialism. doctoral thesis in economics politics. Those require the government needs to build and rapidly develop a social 2. The objectives of the thesis research: sercurity system instead of following the focused planning economy as previous 2.1. The general objectives: time. Because this can contribute and cordinate the rights and obligations of all citizens in community and thereby regulating social conflicts which have been Basing on the theoretical and practice research of countries and Vietnam and will be arising. today, the thesis proposes orientations and solutions to strengthen the role of the Government in social welfare for farmers in Vietnam in next years. Since independence, Vietnam is still a backward agricultural country with over 80 % of the population who are farmers. Although under the leadership of 2.2 . Specific Objectives: the Vietnam Communist Party, the country now is fast moving on the path of - To clarify the theories of the role of the Government on social welfare industrialization and modernization but in the near future, this rate can not for farmers which bases on the basis of theoretical research and experience of reduce to under 40% yet. It can being said that farmers are still a major some countries around the world. workforce and they specially are always a vital social and political force in - To analys factual effect of the roles of the Government on social welfare ensuring social stability and national security. for farmers in Vietnam then pointing out the achievements, constraints and root Because of the productivity of agricultural labor and products in Vietnam causes which limited these roles is not high. Therefore the contribution of this sector to GDP is still low. For this - To suggest a directive proposal and solutions to enhance the roles of the reason, in a long time policy makers forgot or delayed issues which related to State the Government on social welfare for farmers in Vietnam in next years. social welfare to farmers or only approached problems to express the 3. Subjects and scope of research superiority of the socialist regime but they seem not to put it in the category of government management yet. 3.1 . Research subjects: Up to recent years, the Party and Government have made guidelines and The research’s subject is the roles of the Government in social welfare in policies to address the general issues which relate to social security and Vietnam. However, this subject is quite broad. Therefore, this thesis mainly particularly for farmers. Many policies such as social insurance, health insurance, focus on the roles of the Government in legal system construction, policy
  3. 3 4 mechanism, policies, policy coordination organization and management - Providing recommendation of directions and solutions to enhance the organization, monitoring and supervision in order to set up the system and roles of the Government in social welfare for farmers in Vietnam in next years. creating the conditions to ensure the operation of social welfare system. 5. Thesis’s Structure Regarding the establishment of a social welfare system, the thesis The thesis includes an introduction, conclusion, list of references, considers to build up the social welfare system which bases on the principles of appendices of the processing of information, data and survey results as well as contribution – get benefits and the social welfare system not just is contribution the contents of the four following chapters. principle. Chapter 1: Overview and research methodology of the roles of the To create the conditions to implement the roles of the Government in Government in social welfare for farmers . social welfare for farmers, the thesis has focused on analyzing policies and Chapter 2: The roles of the Government in social welfare for farmers: viewpoints of the Party, economic capacity to ensure that farmers have a chance theoretical issues and practical experiences. to take part in and the the Government’s ability of financial assuarance, management capacity farmers awareness about social welfare system. Chapter 3: Evaluating actual condition of the roles of the Government in social welfare for farmers in Vietnam today. In respect of farmers, a research’s objective, the thesis just select and research lives of farmers in the north central areas where economic growth Chapter 4: Viewpoints and solutions to enhance the roles of the level is average compared to other areas in Vietnam. Additionally, here also Government in social welfare for farmers in Vietnam in next few years. have farmers who live in different terrains such as midland, coastal and mountainous areas. Those can present for most of farmers over the country. Chapter 1 3.2. Scope of the Study Overview and research methodology of the roles of - In space: Research is done on a national scale, but data is collected the Government in social welfare for farmers through surveys which were implemented in three North Central provinces of Thanh Hoa, Nghe An and Ha Tinh. 1.1. OVERVIEW OF RESEARCH ON the roles of the Government in social welfare FOR FARMERS: - On time: the information and data in the research are collected then choosen from datas which were published from 2000 to 2012, and the proposed 1.1.1 . The contexts of research in overseas: solutions is suggested for the 2020s. In an overview of the research in the world, the thesis refers to the group 4. Thesis’s contributions: of problems: 1) Studies which involve the roles of the Government in building - To buid a conceptual framework of the roles of the Government in legal framework and institutional policies of social welfare for farmers; 2) a social welfare for farmers through integration of researchs in Vietnam and piece of research which relates to the role of the Government in the abroad which are based on practical experiences of some countries . coordination of economic – social policies in social welfare for farmers; 3) The research entails the role of the Government in organizing inspection and - Through secondary document systems from the ministries and related supervision the implementation of social welfare policies for farmers . departments as well as analysing the data, survey which were conducted and interviewed in three north-central provinces of Ha Tinh , Nghe An and Thanh 1.1.2 . The contexts of research in Vietnam: Hoa. The thesis analyzed and assessed the reality of the Government’s roles in After analysing several domestic research, the thesis has clarified three social welfare for farmers in Vietnam and then pointed out achievements, following issues: 1) The relevant research on the participation forms of farmers limitations and causes . in Vietnam on social welfare activities, 2) Studying the contents of related
  4. 5 6 issues to the roles of the Government in social welfare for farmers; 3) Studying Table 1.1: Research Framework the conditions to ensure the implementation of the Government's roles in the Effect features Roles of the Assesment criteria development of the social welfare system in Vietnam. Government in Since then, the thesis raises three issues must be addressed: Firstly, how social welfare do farmers engage to any form of social welfare mode? In other words, social welfare for farmers that will include how many components and who are major Government’s Setting up legal 1. Implemention viewpoints system, degree of the pillars? Secondly, How did the establishment status of welfare legislation mechanism, Government’s roles: system and institutional policies achieve to encourgate farmers to participate in policies on social - Adequacy, the system, was it appropriate or inappropriate? Thirdly, what is the limitation welfare. uniform, the of roles of the Government in social welfare for farmers now? What does the consistent of legal Coordinating system Government need to do to continue to help the social welfare system to work Budget capacity social welfare - Efficiency and into actual lives of farmers. effectiveness of of Government policy with other 1.2 . METHODOLOGY and farmers social policies policy coordination, inspection and 1.2.1 . Approaching method: monitoring The research is carried out though approaching the topics from theoretical to practical studies, from general to specific as well as systemic Management 2. Participation of approach and interdisciplinary approach. Ability on social Monitoring and farmers in social welfare suppervising welfare: 1.2.2 . Research Mode - The coverage The research carries out studying model which bases on the following Social awareness - Level of impact basis: of social welfare . Contents of the role of the Government in social welfare for . The factors that ensure the State's role in social welfare for farmers farmers: The thesis focuses on the following groups : First , the State 's view on The research focuses on analyzing three later issues: Firstly, the the development of social security system for farmers . Second, the ability to Government builds law systems, mechanisms and policies of social welfare for ensure that budgeting for farmers to participate in the principle of social farmers. The thesis will analyze the development process of legislation system security plays - enjoy , as well as state funding . Third, the capacity of the plant and related policies to social welfare in general and in particular for farmers. general manager of social security , in particular for farmers . In this thesis Secondly, the Government builds and coordinate social welfare policies with refers to machinery , staff management social security for farmers . Fourth, other social – economic policies such as the application of technology and social awareness and advocacy measures of social awareness about social science to argicultural production process, to create jobs, to improve income security for farmers. and to reduce poor rate. Thirdly, the Government monitors and supervises the Evaluating criteria for the roles of the Government on social welfare implementation of policies on social security for farmers. for farmers To evaluate the roles of the Government on social welfare for farmer,
  5. 7 8 researcher has used two criterion groups. The first group is the criteria for departments where their functions and duties related to the roles of the performance level of the contents of the Government on social welfare for Government in social welfare for farmers. farmer, such: 1) The degree of completeness, consistency and compliance of Besides the secondary data, the thesis has also collected primary data to legal systems and mechanisms, policies as well as assurance and commitment specifically evaluate and specify the roles of the Government in social welfare on financial support from government budget for social welfare for farmers; 2) for farmers and these surveys are conducted in three provinces of Ha Tinh, the effectiveness of the coordination of social welfare policies with economic - Nghe An and Thanh Hoa. Questionnaires for the primary document are divided social policies; 3) The honesty, effective and efficient of monitoring works in into two groups of respondents that are the group of farmers and the group of implementation of policies of social welfare for farmers. The second criterion managers. group is evaluation of farmers' participation in the social welfare components, Data processing how does it work? Because after all , the participation of farmers in social welfare is a vital measure criterion on validity and effectiveness of the In the thesis, researcher had used descriptive statistical methods to compare implementation of the Government's role in social welfare for farmers. This insurance participation status and the rate of surveyed farmers who involved in group includes the criteria of coverage and level of impact of social welfare on support programs of government, to collect and analyze viewpoints of managers farmers. at all levels on conformity and necessary adjustment which need to implement from current social welfare system for farmers. 1.2.3. Research Methodology: In this research, researcher has implemented cross-checking to limit errors In order to carry out research which follows the mentioned model, the during the data entry process . conducted thesis conducted uses both qualitative and quantitative method during studying progress. . Qualitative methods Chapter 2 Based on the methodologies of dialectical and historical materialism, THE ROLES OF THE GOVERNMENT IN SOCIAL WELFARE FOR researcherb has used statistical method and comparative approach method to FARMERS: THEORETICAL ISSUES AND PRACTICAL analyze and to compare the approach on the role of the Government in EXPERIENCES developing and improving the social welfare system, the advantages and 2.1. DEFINITION, CHARACTERISTICS AND THE ROLES OF difficulties in enforcing roles of the Goverment in over the country as well as SOCIAL SECURITY FOR FARMERS: in three north central provinces , the opportunities and challenges in achieving the objectives of social welfare implementing progress in incoming stages, then 2.1.1 . The concept and necessity of social welfare system: finding appropriate models to apply and expand social welfare system for . The concept of social welfare: farmers in Vietnam in general and in three central provinces in particular, as According to the research, social welfare is an income guarantee and well as analyzing and pointing out factors which affect sustainable development other certain essential conditions for individuals, families and communities of the social welfare system for farmers, since then indicating what efforts need under significant changes on economic, society and nature which had impacted to make to achieve given objectives . their lives and make them reducing or losing their ability to work or losing their . Quantitative Methods jobs because of their sickness, disease or a worse case is death. This guarantee In order to use for targeted quantitative studies , researcher had collected may help vulnerable people such elderly peole, orphans, disabled people, the secondary data from reports of government management departments and local victims of war and natural disasters reduce their hurt and can survive. . The need of a social welfare system
  6. 9 10 Firstly, to prevent, limit and overcome risks due to growing demand of social - economic crisis, Those impacted farmers’ lives and make them human nature . reducing or losing their incomes then falling into poverty and impoverishment. Secondly, to overcome the defects which had been occured in the difficult The research illustrates that the roles of the Government in social welfare time and financial crisis during the development cycle of the market economy . for farmers have reflected the basis of Government as well as reflecting social Thirdly, the impact of industrialization, modernization also requires to responsibility of the Government in the distribution and the use of national have a social welfare system for substanable lives of citizens. product . 2.1.2. The concept and characteristics of social welfare to farmers The importance of the role of the Government in social welfare for . The concept of social welfare for farmers: farmers The research refers that social welfare for farmers is a system of policies Firstly, to help the Government to prevent risks and keep the lives of and methods that the Government, family and society had done to help farmers farmers – one of the most vulnerable group in stable to deal with the risks which were happened due to the social - economic crisis, Secondly, to help the Government to achieve the objectives of sustainable Those impacted farmers’ lives and make them reducing or losing their income economic development . then falling into poverty and impoverishment . Thirdly, to contribute to improvement of social - economic management The basic characteristics of social welfare for farmers. tools of the Government. Firstly, social welfare for farmers is inextricably linked between the form 2.2.2. Contents of roles of the Government in social welfare for farmers: of contribution - beneficiary and the form which is not based on the principle of The thesis focused on three major content groups : 1) Government builds contribution. Secondly, social welfare for farmers is belonged to the field of and enhances legal environment and institutional policies on social welfare for social security for the unofficial sector (non- structural). Thirdly, farmers who farmers; 2) The Government coordinates the implementation of social welfare are people wherether most of them have low and unstable incomes therefore the policies for farmers with other social - economic policies, and 3) The sustainability and stability of financial capacity of them to take part in a form Government monitors and suppervises the implementation progress of policies of social welfare is not high. on social welfare for farmers 2.1.3 . The roles of social welfare for farmers 2.2.3. The factors affect the roles of the Government in social security for The research analyzes the social welfare for farmers to show that this farmers system has contributed to political stability role besides contributing to The research analyzed four groups of factors: 1) The Government implement social equality and to develop sustainable society and economy. perspective on social welfare for farmers; 2 ) The financial capacity of the 2.2 THE ORIGIANAL, CONTENT AND AFFECTING FACTORS ON THE Government and farmers' income; 3) The capacity of the management system ROLES OF GOVERNMENT IN SOCIAL SECURITY FOR FARMERS on social welfare for farmers and 4) Social awareness about social security for 2.2.1. The original and importance of the roles of the Government on social farmers . welfare system for farmers 2.3. SOME EXPERIENCES OF SOME COUNTRIES OVER THE WORLD The original of the Government’s roles on social welfare system for ON THE ROLES OF GOVERNMENT IN SOCIAL WELFARE AND farmers PRACTICAL EXEPERIENCES IN VIETNAM: In the researcher’s perspective, original roles of the Government in social From the analysis of the experience of the Federal Republic of Germany welfare for farmers is the Government to build a system of policies and and China in the development of social welfare system for farmers, the research measures to help farmers to deal with the risks which were happened due to the concludes:
  7. 11 12 Firstly, the establishment of a social welfare system for farmers is establishes and improves legal environments and policy institutions to help necessary for all countries in the developing process of economic market farmers to participate in voluntary social insuarance system. Secondly, the because it is the most effective method to help farmers - one of the vulnerable government establishes and improves legal environments and policy institutions groups of society to prevent, remedy and mitigate risk. to help farmers to participate in voluntary medical insuarance system. Secondly, depending on each different model of social welfare and the Government establishes and enhances legal environment, policy specific conditions of each country, the Government has different roles on institutions for farmers to participate in social welfare system not based on social welfare deployment for farmers. However, the most common role of the the principle of contribution: Government is reflected on the establishment of legal system, institutional Thesis refers to three issues : Firstly, the government establishes and mechanisms and policies to supervise and monitor the implementation of social improves legal environments and policy institutions of normal social assistant welfare policies . packages in the community. Secondly, the government establishes and develops Thirdly, It also depends on the different types of institutions, social - a system of unexpected social assistant packages for farmers. Thirdly, the economic conditions whether each country will has various ways to operate the Government encourages social organizations and individuals to help from the different social welfare system. Therefore, the scope of the Government’s role community . in social welfare for farmers varies widely or narrow in different. In some 3.1.2. Government coordinates the implementation of social welfare countries, their government directly intervene in the operation of the social policies for farmers with other social - economic policies welfare system as well as directly organise income and expenditure of social The thesis had analyzed the implementing coordination between social welfare funds. Besides that other countries asign to social welfare organisation welfare policies for the farmers and other social economic policies in order to to manage and operate by them-self. contribute to socials support and to encourage farmers to take part in as well as Fourthly, although in some extents, there are differences, but generally to ensure the implementation of the Government's roles on social security for most government must have a financial support policy for farmers to participate farmers. in the social welfare system. Without this support, social welfare mode is hardly 3.1.3. The Government sets up management mode, inspection and to implement and expand. supervision modes on the general social security and the social welfare for farmers in particular. Chapter 3 The thesis has described the development and improvement steps of the THE STATUS QUO OF THE GOVERNMENT ON THE ROLES OF organizational model of voluntary social and medical insuarance and the SOCIAL WELFARE FOR FARMERS IN VIETNAM TODAY organization of self - management on social participation for farmers in Vietnam. 3.1 . ANALYZING THE STATUS QUO OF THE GOVERNMENT’S 3.1.4. Results of farmer participation in the social welfare system today ROLES IN SOCIAL WELFARE FOR FARMERS IN VIETNAM TODAY The participation of farmers in social welfare system under the 3.1.1. Government establishes and enhances legal environment, policy principle of contribution – getting benefits. institutions for farmers to participate in social welfare system. The research shows some participation results of voluntary social and medical Government establishes and enhances legal environment, policy insuarance in particular, which involved farmer participation during the years of institutions for farmers to participate in social welfare system according to 2008 – 2012. the principles of contribution – getting benefits Commenting on the involvement and impact of social welfare system under the The research analyzes two following problems: Firstly, the government principles of contribution – getting benefits on the farmers.
  8. 13 14 Table 2. Statistic of social and medical insuarance participation rate voluntary medical insuarance. At the surveyed provincinces in 2011, these of farmers in Vietnam rates were higher but there was only 9.3 % of farmers who took part in 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 voluntary social insuarance and 28.8 % on voluntary medical insuarance, 1. The number of official labor 11.580,1 12.226,6 13.498,5 respectively. This result is quite low. The implementation of the guidelines and (thousand people) policies of the Party and Government on social welfare for farmers into actual The number of official labor who 8.500 8.800 9.400 10.104,5 10.436,8* lives has been still slow. bough forced social insuarance The rate of official labor who 73,40 71,97 69,64 2) The participants on voluntary social insuarance mainly those who have bough forced social insuarance (%) taken the time to participate on forced social insuarance then turn to on 2. The number of unofficial labor 30.629,50 37.095,40 36.903,4 50.000* voluntary social insuarance or the people who are over working age but not (thousand people) enough working time to get retired pensions or the farmers who had incomes The number of unofficial labor who 6.110 41.193 67.319 96.400 134.000* bough voluntary social insuarance from medium to high rate…etc,.The amount of money which is choosen to The rate of unofficial labor who 0,019 0,11 0,18 0,38 participate voluntary social insuarance still remains at low level, normaly they bough voluntary social insuarance choose a higher level of the minimum wage . (%) 3) According to a survey in a number of localities, up to now there are 3. Total of Vietnamese citizens 85.118,70 86.025,00 86.932,5 87.840,00 (thousand people) very few farmers who received pensions from voluntary social insuarance. The number of people who bough 39.700 50.070 51.140 60.000* However, the overall pension rate is quite low, It normaly ranges from 725,000 medical insuarance in general VND to 1,300,000 VND /person / month. With a pension level is lower than The number of forced medical 29.100 34.700 47.000 minimum wage or higher than it a little bit, that is very difficult for insuarance and medical insuarance for poor people: beneficiaries from the voluntary social insuarance to pay living expenses and The number of people who bough 10.600 15.300 4.200 get a stable life. voluntary medical insuarance The participation of farmers in social welfare which are not based on Cover rate of voluntary medical 19,00 29,80 10,5 10,30* insuarance (%) the principle of contribution 4. Voluntary social insuarance The thesis presents the participation of farmers in normal social assistant and medical insuarance for packages, unexpected social assistant packages from government budget and farmers through survey datas The number of farmers who did 258 expected social assistant packages from community and has drawn the survey (person) following comments: The rate of farmers who bought 9,3 1) The coverage and level of impact of normal social assistant packages voluntary social insuarance (%) The rate of farmers who bought 28,8 in general and for farmers in particular is low. In 2010, the rate of assisted voluntary medical insuarance (%) cases just reached 1.65 % in comparation with the population. In three Reference sources: Department of invalids and social affairs (Cục TBXH) 2010; Vietnam social investigated provinces, in 2009, the coverage rate of normal social assistant insuarance (BHXHVN 2013); research survey 2011; * researcher’s projection. packages is higher than national average rate but it only reached 3.19 % . 1) According to research results show that social welfare system which is The impact level of normal social assistant packages is low. Social run under the principles of contribution – getting benefits until 2012 just had assistant standard compared to the poverty line period 2006 - 2010 is by 60 % 0,38% participation rate on voluntary social insuarance and 10,3% on
  9. 15 16 rural poverty standard. In the three mentioned provinces in 2009, the average death, maternity, labor accidents and occupational diseases), while those who amount of received money was 135.416 VND/person/ month. enrolled in VSI only have two benefits which are retirement and death. 2) The unexpected social assistant packages from the Government’s - If the retirement pension is less than the minimum wage, those who are budget in terms of crop failure, natural disasters, etc,. normaly are very low. enrolled in CSI will be compensated by the minimum wage, and those who There are still many cases which are incorrect addresses or identifiable moral enrolled in VSI will not. support than offseting losses. 2) Social security which is not based on contribution. 3) The unexpected social assistant packages from community activities Although the number of beneficiaries of social protection policies is have been implemented at the local level, especially for the average, poor and expanding, there are still many limitations regarding irrational approaches and very poor households. However, this support is not stable and the level of synchronization with other social policies. assistance is not high. Thirdly, having a general evaluation on legal law and policy 3.2. EVALUATE THE ROLE OF THE GOVERNMENT IN SOCIAL - Regulation on social security based on the pay-get principle is not SECURITY FOR FARMERS suitable for the contribution ability of farmers. The principle of receiving 3.2.1. Achievements and limitations the role of the Government in social voluntary social insurance is not equal with the principle of receiving security for farmers in Vietnam currently compulsory social insurance. and limitations in developing and improving the system - The legal system of social support in Vietnam lacks a system of uniform of laws, policies and social security for farmers. standards; it is based more on humanity than on the rights of the people. Many Firstly, regarding achievements, the Government built and is gradually regulations are not suitable for the social economic conditions which lead to improving the legal system of social security for farmers, including social inefficient implementation, causing conflicts and social inequality. security based on get –pay principle (including voluntary social insurance and - The allowance has many discrepancies and inconstancies with other voluntary health insurance) and social security not based on the contribution social policies; identifying the beneficiaries is still based on many complicated (including regular social assistance, unexpected social assistance from the criteria which lead to difficulties. national budget, community social assistance from individuals and social organizations. - The socialization in voluntary social insurance and compulsory social insurance’s regulation is still poor. Secondly, there are still some limitations in creating a legal environment of social security for farmers. Achievements and limitations of the Government in combining social security with other social economic policies. 1) Social security system which is based on pay-get principle Firstly, in general, poverty alleviation policies are more appropriate than - The proportion of contribution between compulsory social insurance the market labor polices for farmers. (CSI) and voluntary social insurance (VSI) is equal but those who are enrolled in CSI receive major support from the Government and enterprises while the Secondly, the influence of social economic policies on social security is farmers have to pay the entire 18%. not substantial. Loans are the most effective policy; other policies such as employment and labor market access policy are still poor. - The average income of farmers is very low, less than the minimum wage of present society, therefore it is unfair to pay VSI if based on the minimum wage. Achievements and limitations of the Government in managing and observing social security implementation for farmers - Those who are enrolled in CSI have five benefits (illness, retirement, Many measures have been implemented but the implementation is still
  10. 17 18 inadequate. The mechanism is not transparent; therefore, the solutions which National budget and community budget to support social security should handle errors are not serious enough, limiting the effectiveness and which is not based on the pay-get principle for farmers is still limited efficiency of the social security program for farmers in our country. Financial support from these sources is still limited. Compared with some 3.2.2. The causes of the limited role of the Government in social security other countries in religion, social security expenditure is still low. for farmers The ability of social security management to farmers still has many Social security is still new to farmers, and its guidelines have not kept limitations. pace with the reality. Specificity: Firstly, social security network based on the pay-get The regulations on the managing and organizing models are not suitable principles has not delivered to communal and ward levels to mobile people to for the reality of farmers. This has resulted in a low participation of farmers in enroll in social security system. Secondly, the number and quality staff working pay-get system as well as other system which does not require farmer’s in social security have not met the requirement. contribution . Social awareness of farmers about social security and the The income of farmers is low which causes difficulties for them to propagation and dissemination of information on social security to people is enroll in social security which is based on the pay-get principle. limited The research results show that only households who have an average income above 3.244 VND / month can participate in social security which is based on the pay-get principle. Other households with an average income of Chapter 4 around 927.166 VND/ month did not participate in social security. DIRECTIONS AND SOLUTIONS TO STRENGTH THE ROLE OF The thesis analyzed the causes of low income status of farmers: GOVERNMENT IN SOCIAL SECURITY FOR VIETNAMESE FARMERS IN THE NEXT FEW YEARS Table 3. Income of households participating social security in pay-get principle 4.1. CONTEXT OF STRENGTHENING THE ROLE OF THE GOVERNMENT IN SOCIAL SECURITY FOR VIETNAMESE FARMERS The total Average Total income Number Average IN THE NEXT FEW YEARS number of income of a of household of people income of a households househould having having having in a person 4.1.1. Social economic context has influence on the role of Government in information family (thousand information (million/ year) information (Person) VND/ month) social security for farmers in the next few years. (Household) (million/ year) 1. General income of Career structure in rural areas. investigated 247 15784.38 63.904 4,42 1.204.750 households Although modernization and industrialization has spurred economic 2.Households restructuring towards increasing the proportion of industry and services, enrolling in social reducing agriculture's share in GDP, but by 2011, in rural Vietnam, the 24 3644.7 151.863 3,9 3.244.916 security in the pay-get principle structure of agricultural producers is still big, accounting for 62.0% share of 3. Households did not industrial households and construction accounting for 14.73%, the proportion enroll in social of service households accounting for 18.4% . Furthermore, the proportion of 223 11.150.0 50.178 4,51 927.166 security in the pay-get principle households with the greatest income from agriculture, forestry and fisheries Source: Author’s research results households is lower than the proportion of agriculture, forestry and fisheries. This is creating challenges for social security policies.
  11. 19 20 Population and labor in rural areas in the next few years. 4.2 DIRECTIONAL ENHANCEMENT THE ROLE OF THE As anticipated, by 2015, population in rural areas will be 60.820 thousand GOVERNMENT IN SOCIAL SECURITY people, accounting for 66,41% national population; by 2020 will be 60.52 From the real situation of farmers participating to the social security (SS) thousand people, accounting for 62,93% national population. As can be seen, system of whole country for several recent years, the socio-economic conditions rural population structure will be reduced but the rate is still low; the number of of farmers and the law and the policy of the party and the government as rural population is still big. This is a challenge for the development of social mentioned in the previous parts, the dissertation proposes a method to improve security system in rural area. the participation of farmers to SS in the next few years. In addition, by 2020 the proportion of elderly people who are above 65 4.2.1. Improvement of the participation of the farmers to the SS year old in rural areas will be increased from 6,72% in 2009 to 7,3% in 2019. The SS based on pay-get principle This is also a challenge in supporting social security for these objects. In 35,4 Firstly, to increase the organizations to implement and encourage healthy million of labor in rural areas, only 3,2 million of labor are trained and most of classes to pay volunteer social insurance fee (VSIF). them reached only the intermediate level Secondly, to increase the impact of SS based on pay-get principle. For the Income, expense, saving and the life of people living in rural areas ones who pay SSF, it needs the policy to maintain the income for the retirees as much as minimum basic salary. For the ones who have volunteer health Although there has been some improvements, the income of people living insurance (VHI), the qualities of health checking and health treatments by in rural areas is still low; the gap between the rich and the poor, between health insurance need to improve. economic religions is still getting bigger which makes difficulties in expenditure and saving for people living in rural areas. This creates a challenge The SS not based on payment of farmers to the development of social security system for farmers. Firstly, to enlarge the coverage of regular social assistance (RSA) in general and farmer in particular, especially for the vulnerable people. This context has shown that population and labors living in rural areas have a big part; aging population is increasing significantly, farmer’s lives are Secondly, to increase the payment of RSA for different groups of people. still difficult. These are challenges to the development of social security for Thirdly, to ensure the unexpected social assistance (USA) be suitable to Vietnamese farmers, including the pay-get system as well as other systems in different people at different districts and wards with different socio-economic the next few years. conditions. 4.1.2. Party and Goverment’s policy in social security for farmers. 4.2.2. The directional improvement of the role of government to SS for the famer of the country in the next few years. The dissertation demonstrates opinions, objects, policies and solutions of Continue completing the law system and policies of SS to the farmers Resolution number 15-NQ/TW on 01June 2012 of Central committee course XI: Some issues of social issues period 2012-2020 and Resolution 70/NQ-CP Firstly, to adjust the VSIF that is suitable for the farmers. The rate of on 01 November 2012, the executive committee presented an Action plan of VSIF follows its policy and is adjusted accordingly to the standard income of the Government in social security implementation by 2020. This is a foundation the particular area. for the direction and solution of strengthening the role of Government in Secondly, to add more benefit of volunteer social insurance (VSI) that developing social security system to Vietnamese farmer in the next few years. reaches to the benefit of compulsory social insurance (CSI). This equality between VSI and CSI needs to be proposed. The benefit of VSI need to be General spirit of the Party and Government is guaranteed a minimum further enlarged to reach to the benefit of CSI. level of social security for people in general and farmers in particular
  12. 21 22 Enhance the cooperation of socio-economic policies and social Secondly, the government should propose the way to adjust the funds for security system for farmer social assistance in general and for farmers in particular. The 4 groups of policies need to be finalized in order to better cooperate 4.3.3. Study and innovate the organizational management of social security with social security policies are proposed as follows: reducing poorness and based on pay-get principle for farmers. removing the hungriness programs; the programs and methods that support The government should study and innovate the organizational farmers to participate in the labour market; the policies that provide the basic management for social security based on volunteer pay-get principle. It is able social services for farmers; distribute the reasonable government funds for to separate the pay-get parts of volunteer social security in general and for social security targeting to farmers that includes: education, hospital, farmers in particular and give to the other organization from the national scale environment and national objective programs on labour, reducing poorness and to regional scale. Innovate the informatics and statistical processes with the removing hungriness, and culture that aims to use effectively the social reference to social security in general for farmers in particular. financial sources. 4.2.4. Increase the quality of human resources training for social security Finalize the policy system of management, validation and observation process. of the social security for the farmers. The human resources for social security in general and for social security Increase the validation, observation and construction of information, for farmers in particular need to be increased and trained both quality and report and documentation processes. Implement the financial validation and quantity. The code of ethic for these activities is also needed. testing clearly with financial sources of social security for farmers are used clearly. 4.2.5. Improvement of understanding and consideration of farmer about 4.3. MEASURES TO STRENGTH THE ROLE OF GOVERNMENT IN benefit of social security programs SS FOR THE FARMERS OF THE COUNTRY IN THE NEXT FEW The advantages and the need of social security need to be shown and YEARS proved to farmers, especially the benefit when they participate in the social 4.3.1. Push the production, increase the income source and income of farmers. security systems. These programs should be cooperated with education of self- security of each people, also should educate people to self-improve, self-pay In order for farmers to actively participate in social security pay-get, the and save for social security for whole family. On the other hand, the raise of income is the most essential way. Three ways are proposed as follows: government has to pay more attention on building the social security system for 1) increase systematically both agricultural and non-agricultural production; 2) farmers, supporting them to participate as well as creating a good social increase the job training for farmers in the country sides; 3) increase and collect environment that encourage farmers to self-improve instead of waiting to the the government sources for enhance the infrastructure in the country sides that support of government. aims to create a good condition for production, sale the agricultural products. 4.3.2. Push the financial support from government for farmers to participate in the social security system CONCLUSION Firstly, the methods of financial support for VHI. In order to encourage The whole country is gradually changing to the economic market and has the farmers to participate in VHI that orients to whole country people to get the big amount of countryside area, so building the social security system play health insurance, the government need to encourage the healthy classes to an essential role that aims the farmers to reduce or resolve the risk of lives. In participate to VHI system. Also, the government needs to support the poor and order to do so, the government has paid more attention to build and gradually approach to the middle class with the support about 60-80% payment with the complete the social security system for people including farmers. However, due accordance to their income. to the limitation of economic conditions, organizing and understanding, the
  13. 23 24 social security for farmers still faces many difficulties, the coverage is still Increase the coverage of RSA from 1.65% in 2010 to 3% in 2015 and 5% small and lowly impacts. There are many reasons including the role of the in 2020, rise the national fund of RSA from 0.54% in 2010 to 1.12% in 2015 government. Consequently, the study on “the role of the Government in social and 2.45% in 2020. Within unexpected social assistance, the support for the security for farmers” is needed both practically and theoretically. vulnerable farmer’ families is considered well. Based on the positive role of Government on building and completing the For the organizational system, the Government needs study and separate law, policy system of social security for farmers according to pay-get principle the VSI for farmer and others to and official organization from the national (VSI and VHI) and social security not according to payment of farmers but with scale to regional scale. the support from government and group of people (RSA and USA), the statuses of role of government in social security of three provinces (Thanh Hoa, Nghe An and Ha Tinh) have been investigated. Until now, the social security system for farmers has just been created. It is not systematic and also the coverage of VSI, VHI and social assistance is low. It does not impact much and the guarantees of social security for farmer also face to a lot of difficulties. Consequently, the roles of the Government in social security need to be improved in the next few years. In order to increase the coverage areas of VSI, it is needed to encourage the healthy and middle class people in the countryside participate to this system and also add some more benefits of VHI that make equal to CHI. For the social assistance system, it is necessary to enlarge and improve the support of social assistance at least as current poorness standard, especially consider the vulnerable families. Finally, in order to improve the role of the government in social security for farmers in the next few years, several solutions including job solution, increase income, government fund support for pay-get systems as well as other system, complete the management system, training human resources and enhance the understanding the social security for famers. Four important solutions are proposed: In order to develop VSI, the government needs to change the principle of VSI payment, not follow basic salary but follow the regional average income. On the other hand, the benefit of VSI should add more that create the equality to CSI. In order to cover whole country national health insurance, the Government should support 60-80% of payment for the farmers with low and poor income.
  14. 25 AUTHOR’S PUBLISHED WORKS 1. Mai Ngọc Anh, Phan Thị Kim Oanh, Phạm Hương Thảo (2012) Improve income for farmers: Vietnamese experience and recommendation for Laos. The summary record of international conference “Vietnam – Lào economic cooperation: Developing spearhead economic sector by 2020”. Publisher: National economic University. 2. Mai Ngọc Cường, Phan Thị Kim Oanh (2012) Social security which is based on pay-get principle for Vietnamese farmers:Reality and recommendations. Economic and development magazine, Number 185 November 2012. 3. Mai Ngọc Cường, Phan Thị Kim Oanh and colleagues (2013) Income, poverty alleviation and social security policy in Vietnam currently: Reality and recommendations. Book “Some basic issues of Social policy in Vietnam currently”. Publisher: National politics. 4. Mai Ngọc Cường, Mai Ngọc Anh, Phan Thị Kim Oanh (2013) About social security in Vietnam period 2012 - 2020. Book, Publisher National politics 5. Mai Ngọc Anh, Phan Thị Kim Oanh (2013). Social assistance for farmers: The reality of 3 provinces and recommendations. Economic and development magazine, number 191(II) May 2013. 6. Mai Ngọc Cường, Mai Ngọc Anh, Phan Thị Kim Oanh (2013). Social policy for rural migrant in Vietnam currently. Publisher National politics.



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