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The assassin bug subfamily Peiratinae (Hemiptera: Reduviidae) from Vietnam: an annotated checklist of species and taxonomic notes and taxonomic notes

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12 loài bọ xít ăn sâu thuộc phân họ Peiratinae (Hemiptera: Reduviidae) ở Việt Nam đã được ghi nhận và có khóa định loại, 3 loài bao gồm Sirthenea dimidiate Horvath, Peirates leturoides Wolff và Ectomocoris biguttulus Stal đã được ngi nhân lầm đầu tiên ở Việt Nam. Mời các bạn cùng tìm hiểu.

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Nội dung Text: The assassin bug subfamily Peiratinae (Hemiptera: Reduviidae) from Vietnam: an annotated checklist of species and taxonomic notes and taxonomic notes

  1. Journal of Science of Hanoi National University of Education Natural sciences, Volume 52, Number 4, 2007, pp. 188- 194 The assassin bug subfamily Peiratinae (Hemiptera: Reduviidae) from Vietnam: an annotated checklist of species and taxonomic notes and taxonomic notes Truong Xuan Lam Institute of Ecology & Biological Resources, Vietnamese Academy of Science and Technology Tâm t­t. 12 lo i bå x½t «n s¥u thuëc ph¥n hå Peiratinae (Hemiptera: Reduviidae) ð Vi»t Nam ¢ ÷ñc nghi nhªn v  câ kho¡ ành lo¤i. 3 lo i bao gçm Sirthenea dimidiate Horvath, Peirates leturoides Wolff v  Ectomocoris biguttulus Stal ÷ñc nghi nhªn l¦n ¦u ti¶n ð Vi»t Nam Key words: Reduviidae, Peiratinae, Vietnam, new records, key. 1 Introduction The subfamily Peiratinae occurs world-wide with the tropical areas of African and Oriental Regions richest. This subfamily is a medium sized in the family Reduviidae. About 380 species in 27 genus have been known in the world (Putshkov & Putshkov, 1985; Maldonado- Capriles, 1990). Some of them can be find in agricultural crops such as Rice, Soybean, Cotton, Corn, Peanut, and playing an important role in the natural control of insect pests in the field ( Ambrose, 1990) In the Viet Nam, so far only 3 genera and 4 species of the Peiratinae have been reported (Serville, 1831; Distant, 1904, 1919; Hsiao & Ren, 1981; Maldonado-Capriles, 1990, Cai & Lu, 1990, 1991; Putshkov & Putshkov, 1996). Recently, Cai & Tomokuni (2004) have been new reported more 4 species and 1 genus belonging to the subfamily Peiratinae. One of them was new species of genus Sirthenea . The present paper, we also review and new report more several species that were previously unknown from there. All the measurements are in millimeters. This research is supported by The National Natural Science Foundation of Vietnam (No. 6.021.06, Truong Xuan Lam) Key to the genera of Vietnamese Peiratinae 1. Head short, antennae inserted near or not remote from eyes, mid tibia with spongy fossa ............................................................................................................. ......................2 - Head long, subproject, antennae inserted remotely from eyes, mid tibiae of most species with . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . .... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . ...................... . . . . . .Sirthenea Spinola 2. Inner surface of fore femur with tubercular processes, spongy fossa of fore tibia not longer 188
  2. The assassin bug subfamily Peiratinae (Hemiptera: Reduviidae) from Vietnam than the 1/3 of fore tibia length. . . ..............................Lestomerus Amyot et Serville - Inner surface of fore femur without tubercular process, spongy fossa of fore tibia longer than the 1/3 of fore tibia length. . . . . . . . . ... . . ............ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ....... . . 3 3. Spongy fossa of fore tibia occupyin.g less or not more than half of fore tibia. . . . . . . . . . . . ....... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . ... . . .............. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Peirates Serville - Spongy fossa of fore tibia occupying more than half of fore tibia. . . .. Ectomocoris Mayr 1. Genus Sirthenea Spinola, 1837 Sirthenea Spinola 1837, Essai Hem., p. 100. Type species: Reduvius carinatus Fabricius, 1778. Sirtheneana Miller, 1958, New Guinea (New Ser.) 9: 72. Type species: Sirtheneana ni- gronites Miller, 1958. Synonymized by Willemse, 1985. Zool. Verh., No. 215:16. Key to the Vietnamese species of genus Sirthenea Spinola 1. Body above with yellow parts, body longer than 16 mm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .......... . . . . . . 2 - Body above totally blackish, body less than 16 mm. . . ........................................ S. nigra 2. Head and anterior lobe of pronotum, the 1, 3, 4 of antennal segment with yellow. The connexium with yellow, the end segment of connexivum with black ............. . . S. flavipes - Head and anterior lobe of pronotum with brown, the antennae with slight brown. The connexium with black, the end segment of connexivum with yellow. . . ........... S. dimidiate 1.1 Sirthenea dimidiate Horvath, 1991 Sirthenea dimidiate Horvath 1911. Ann. Hist. Nat. Mus. Natl. Hung.,9: 333 Specimen examined: 1 Huong Son district, Ha Tinh Province; 10.V.2004. Distribution: Vietnam, China Remarks: The species is frequently attracted by lights. 1.2 Sirthenea flavipes (Stal,1855) o Rasahus flavipes Stal, 1855, Oefr. Vet. Ak. Forh., p. 187. o Rasahus coming Dohrn, 1860, Stett. ent. Zeit., 21: 407. Synonymized by Sta l, 1874. Enum. Hemipt.,4:57. Pirates strigifer Walker, 1873, Cat. Het., 7: 116. Synonymized by Distant, 1902. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., (5)10:286. Pirates basiger Walker, 1873, Cat. Het., 7: 117. Synonymized by Distant, 1902. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., (5)10:286. Specimen examined: 2 , Mekong Delta; XII.1979 (without collector.); 1 , To Hieu dis- tric, Son La province, 20.VI.1998; 2 , Sa Pa district, Lao Cai province,4.IV.2000; Phong Dien district, Hue city, 5.V.2001; 1 ,1 , Xuan Son National Park, Phu Tho province, 16.X.2004; 1 , Paco-Maichau district, Hoa Binh province, 6.VIII.2004; An Lao district, Binh Dinh provice, 9.VIII.2004. 189
  3. TRUONG XUAN LAM Distribution: Vietnam, China, Japan, India, Sri Lanka, Indonesia, and Philippines. Remarks: The species is frequently attracted by lights. Feeding on many caterpillars, com- monly found in fields of important economic crops and occurring in huge numbers, S. flavipes is considered as an effective enemy of many insect pests. 1.3 Sirthenea nigra Cai et Tomokuni, 2004 Sirthenea nigra Cai et Tomokuni, 2004. Orien. Ins. Vol. 38: 89. Distribution: Vietnam: Pha Din Pass. Remarks: This species can be easily distinguished from congeners by the black color pattern. 2 Genus Lestomerus Amyot et Serville, 1843 Lestomerus Amyot et Serville, 1843. Hist. Nat. Ins. Hem., p. 322. Type species: Pirates spinipes Serville. Leptomerus: Schouteden, 1931. Ann. Mus. R. Congo Belge., 1: 145. Misspelling. Remarks: Only one species of the genus has been recorded in Vietnam. 2.1 Lestomerus affinis (Serville,1831) Peirates affinis Serville, 1831. Ann. Sci. Nat., 23:216. |it Lestomerus diffinis Walker, 1873. Cat. Hem., 7:92. Synonymized by Distant, 1902. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., (5)10:284. Lestomerus piceipennis Walker, 1873. Cat. Hem., 7:92. Synonymized by Distant, 1902. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., (5)10:287. Pirates walkeri Lethierry & Severin, 1896. Cat. Gen. Hem., 3:127. New name for Pirates diffinis [sic.] Walker. Specimen examined: 1 , Mekong Delta; XII.1979, without collector; 1 , Son La Province, 19.VII.2004 Distribution: Vietnam, China, Burma, Indonesia, India, and Malaya. 2.2 Genus Peirates Serville, 1831 Peirates Serville, 1831. Ann. Sci. Nat., 23:215. Type species: Cimex stridulus Fabricius. Pirates Burmeister, 1835. Handb., 2:222. Incorrect subsequent spelling or emenda- tion. Remarks: This genus is restricted to Eastern Hemisphere in distribution. Key to the Vietnamese species of genus Peirates Serville 1 The pronotum or the posterior lobe of pronotum orange yellow. . . . . . ..... . . ..P.arcuatus - The pronotum black to dark black . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 2. The membrance without marked small spots deep black, the connexium (except narrow outer margin) dark yellow. The corium with grey yellow. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . . . . . P. .lepti- doides 190
  4. The assassin bug subfamily Peiratinae (Hemiptera: Reduviidae) from Vietnam - The membrance with marked small spots deep black, the connexium with black. . . .....3 3. The membrance with two black spots, one small spot in inner cell and one larger spot in outer cell . Corium with a longitudinal yellow marking. . . . . . . . . . . . ......... . . .P. .atromac- ulatus - The membrance without a big black spot, the corium without a longitudinal yellow mark- ing... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .................. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . P. .turpis 2.3 Peirates leturoides Wolff, 1804 Peirates leturoides Wolff, 1804. Ic. Iv., f. 159: 165; Stal, 1866. Oefr. Vet. Ak. Forh.,3:262. .pecimen examined 2 , Quoc Oai distric, Ha Tay province, 27.VIII.1998 .Distribution: Vietnam, China, Japan, India, Sri Lanka, Indonesia, Myanma and the Philip- pines. 2.4 Peirates arcuatus(Stal, 1870) Spilodermus arcuatus Stal, 1870. Oefr. K. Vetensk. Akad. Forh., 27: 692 Pirates mutilloides Walk, 1873. Cat. Het. Bri. Mus., P.VII: 120 Specimen examined: 1 , Quoc Oai distric, Ha Tay province, 30.VII.1998; 2 , Ba Vi National Park, Ha Tay province, 8.VII.2002; 2 , Huong Son district, Ha Tinh province, 10.IV.2004; 2 , Me Linh district, Vinh Phuc province, 23.V.2003. .Distribution: Vietnam, China, Japan, India, Sri Lanka, Indonesia, Myanma and the Philip- pines. 2.5 Peirates atromaculatus (Stal, 1870) o Cleptocoris atromaculatus Stal, 1870. Oefr. Vet. Ak. Forh., 27:692. Pirates sinensis Walker, 1873. Cat. Hem., 7:144. Synonymized by Distant, 1902. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., (5)10:283. Specimen examined: 1 , Mekong Delta; 3.V.1995; without collector; 2 , Huong Son district, Ha Tinh Province, 10.V.2004, 4.XI.2004. Distribution: Vietnam, China, Japan, Sir Lanka, Burma, and Indonesia. 2.6 Peirates turpisWalker, 1873 Pirates turpis Walker, 1873, Cat. Hem. 7:120. Pirates (Cleptocoris) brachypterus Horväth, 1879. Term. Fuzet., 3: 148. Synonymized by Distant, 1902. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., (5)10:284. Pirates concolor Jakovlev, 1881. Bull. Mosc., 56:213. Synonymized by Horväth, 1889. Rev. Ent., 8:326. Pirates (Cleptocoris) moestus Reuter, 1881. Acta Soc. Sci. Fenn., 12:311. Synonymized by Horväth, 1889. Rev. Ent., 8:326. 191
  5. TRUONG XUAN LAM Specimens examined: 1 , Mekong Delta; 3.V.1995; without collector. Distribution: Vietnam, Japan, Korea, and China. 2.7 Genus EctomocorisMayr, 1865 Eumens Klug, 1830. Symb., p. 2. Type species: Eumens fenestratus Klug, 1830. Preoccu- pied by Eumens Meigen, 1804, Diptera. Ectomocoris Mayr, 1865. Verk. z,-b. Ges. Wien, 15:438. Type species: Ectomacoris coloratus Mayr. Remarks: With about 100 valid species known now, this genus is the largest genus in the subfamily Peiratinae. They are restricted to Eastern Hemisphere in distribution. Key to the Vietnamese species of genus Ectomocoris Mayr 1. Legs black or blackish brown. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..2 - Legs reddish yellow . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ............ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. E. ele- gans 2. Corium black completeness; inner cell of membrance with one big spot yellow. . . ......3 - Corium without black completeness; corium with two big ellipse spots yellowish brown . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...... . . . . . . . . .... . . . . . . . . E. bigut- tulus 3. body wide; body length about 19mm, tibiae yellow brown . . . . . . . . . ............... . . ..E. atrox - body slender, body length about 15 mm, tibiae blackish brown. . . .... . . . . . E. yunnanensis 2.8 Ectomocoris atrox (Stal, 1870), 1855) Pirates atrox Stal, 1870), 1855. Oefr. Vet. Ak. Forh., p. 187. Peirates fuscicornis Dohrn, 1860. Stett. Ent. Zeit. 21:408. Synonymized by Stçl, 1871. Ofvr. Vetenk. Akad. Forh., 27:692. Pirates diffinis Walker, 1873. Cat. Het. Bri. Mus. 7:120. Synonymized by Distant, 1902. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., (5)10:282. Pirates stigmativentris Kirby, 1891. J. Linn. Soc., Zool. 24:112. Synonymized by Distant, 1902. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., (5)10:282. Pirates ypsilon Kirby, 1891. J. Linn. Soc., Zool. 24:113. Synonymized by Distant, 1902. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., (5)10:282. Pirates walkeri Lethierry et Severin, 1896. Cat. Gen. Hem 3:127. New name for Pirates diffinis Walker, 1873, because of secondary homonymy with Lestomeus diffinis Walker, 1873. Specimen examined: 1 , Mekong Delta; XII.1979; without collector; 2 , To Hieu district, Son La Province, 6.VIII.1999; 1 , Tay Ninh Province, 3.XI.2003; 1 , Huong Son dis- trict, Ha Tinh Province, 10.V.2004; 3 +4 , Xuan Son National Park, Phu Tho Province, VI.2004, X.2004. 192
  6. The assassin bug subfamily Peiratinae (Hemiptera: Reduviidae) from Vietnam Distribution: Vietnam, China, Indonesia, Burma, Malaya, Cambodia, India, and the Philippines. Remarks. This species is frequently attracted to the lights. 2.9 Ectomocoris elegans (Fabricius, 1883) Reduvius elegans Fabricius, 1883. Syst. Rhyng., p. 270. Pirates inscriptus Walker, 1873. Cat. Het., 7:115. Synonymized by Distant, 1904. Faun. Brit. Ind., Rhyn. 2:295. Pirates yayeyamae Matsumura, 1913. Thous. Ins. Jap., Add., 1:163. Syn. Nov. Specimen examined: 2 , Mekong Delta; XII.1979; without collector; 3 Yen Thuy district, Hoa Binh Province, 7.VI.2002; 2 , Tay Ninh Province, 3.XI.2003 Distribution: Vietnam, China, Japan, Burma, India, Malaya, and the Philippines. 2.10 Ectomocoris yunnanensisRen, 1990 Ectomocoris yunnanensis Ren, 1990. Acta Sci. Nat. Univ. Hankai., (1990): 69. Specimen examined: 1 , Mekong Delta; 3.V.1995; without collector; 1 , To Hieu district, Son La province, 6.VIII. 1999, 2 , Huong Son district, Ha Tinh Province, 8.V.2004, 1 , Xuan Son National Park, Phu Tho Province, 24.XI.2004 Distribution: Vietnam, China. 2.11 Ectomocoris biguttulus Stal, 1870 Ectomocoris biguttulus Stal, 1870. Oefr. K. Vet. Ak. Foerh.,27:692 Pirates caliginosus Walker,1873. Het. Coll. Bri. Mu.,PVIII, 8: 123. Synonymized by Distant 1902. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., (5)10:283. Eumerus biguttulus Stal, 1874. Africae, Asiae, et Australiae. Enum. Hemipt., 4:62 . Specimen examined: 1 , Lam Dong, Cat Tien National Park, 10.VII.2002 Distribution : Vietnam, China, Thai Lan, Philippin References AMBROSE, D. P., 1990. Assassin bugs. Science Publishers, Inc., Enfield, New Hampshire. 337 pages. CAI, W.-Z. & LU, J.-S., 1990. A taxonomic revision of the Chinese species of Sirthenea Spinola (Hemiptera: Reduviidae: Peiratinae). Entomotaxonomia, 12(2):85-96. CAI, W.-Z. & LU, J.-S., 1991. A taxonomic revision of the Chinese species of Ectomocoris Mayr (Hemiptera: Reduviidae: Peiratinae). Entomotaxonomia, 13(4):241-254. CAI, W.-Z, ZHOU Y. & LU J.-S., 1994. The morphology, postembryonic development and evolution of stridulitra in Reduviidae (Heteroptera: Reduvioidea), with special reference to their taxonomic importance. Ent. Sin., 1(1):1-16. DISTANT, W. L., 1902. Rhynchotal notes. XV. Heteroptera: Family Reduviidae (contin- ued), Piratinae, and Ectrichodiinae. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., (5)10:282-295. 193
  7. TRUONG XUAN LAM HSIAO, T.-Y. & REN, S.-Z., 1981. Reduviidae. In: Hsiao et al. (eds.), A Handbook for the Determination of the Chinese Hemiptera-Heteroptera (II), pp. 390-538. Science Press, Beijing (in Chinese with English summary). MALDONADO-CAPRILES, J., 1990. Systematic catalogue of the Reduviidae of the world (Insecta: Heteroptera). A special edition of Caribbean Journal of Science, 694 pages. PUTSHKOV, V. G. & PUTSHKOV, P. V., 1985. A Catalogue of Assassin-bugs Genera of the World (Heteroptera, Reduviidae). VINITI, Moskva, 138 pp. o STAL, C., 1874. Enumeratio Reduviidarum Europae, Africae, Asiae, et Australiae. Enum. Hemipt., 4:3-97. WALKER, F., 1873. Catalogue of the specimens of Hemiptera Heteroptera in the collec- tion of the British Museum. Part VII. Printed for the Trustees, London. 123 pages. 194


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