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The Global and Cultural Contexts

Chia sẻ: Nguyen Lan | Ngày: | Loại File: PDF | Số trang:36

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Purpose After studying this chapter, you will be able to: ● Understand the role culture can play in leadership ● Describe the three levels of culture ● Discuss the model of national culture ● Identify the impact of gender on leadership ● Discuss the role diversity plays in leadership

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Nội dung Text: The Global and Cultural Contexts

  2. Chapter 2: The Global and Cultural Contexts
  3. Purpose After studying this chapter, you will be able to: ● Understand the role culture can play in leadership ● Describe the three levels of culture ● Discuss the model of national culture ● Identify the impact of gender on leadership ● Discuss the role diversity plays in leadership
  4. Content ● Definition and levels of culture ● Models of national culture ● Group culture: gender and diversity
  5. Chapter 2 2.1- Definition and Levels of Culture
  6. Definition and Characteristics ● Culture consists of the commonly held values within a group of people. It is a set of norms, customs, values, and assumptions that guides the behavior of a particular group of people. ● Culture is the lifestyle of a group the collective programming of the group members. ● Culture is shared by members of a group. ● Culture has performance and is passed down from one generation to another.
  7. Definition and Characteristics ● Group members learn about their culture through their parents and family, schools, and other social institutions, and consciously and unconsciously transfer it to the young and new members. ● Culture affects how people view the world and how they think, and therefore, shapes behavior.
  8. Levels of Culture Culture exists at three levels: ● National Culture: a set of values and beliefs shared by people within a nation. ● Group Culture: different cultural, ethnic, and religious groups lead to cultural diversity (variety of human structures, belief systems, and strategies for adopting to situations that exist in different groups. ● Organizational Culture: a set of values, norms and beliefs shared by members of an organization
  9. Impacts of Culture ● National culture exerts a strong and pervasive influence on people’s behavior in everyday activities and in organizations. ● The influence of organizational culture is, generally, limited to work-related values and behaviors. ● National culture strongly influences organizational culture. ● All three levels of culture shape views and expectations of leaders. ● Each country and region in the world develops a particular organizational and management style based largely on its national culture.
  10. Chapter 2 2.2- Models of National Culture
  11. 1. Hall’s High-Context and Low- Context Cultures ● Edward Hall’s model, divides communication styles within cultures into two groups: high context and low context (Hall, 1976). ● Context refers to the environment and the information that provide the background for interaction and communication. ○ Leaders from high-context cultures rely heavily on the context, including nonverbal cues and situational factors, to communicate others and understand the world around them. They use personal relationships to establish communication. ○ Leaders from low-context cultures focus on explicit, specific verbal and written messages to understand people and situations.
  12. 1. Hall’s High-Context and Low- Context Cultures
  13. 2. Hofstede’s Five Cultural Dimensions Power distance The extent to which people accept unequal distribution of power. In higher power-distance cultures, there is a wider gap between the powerful and the powerless. Uncertainty The extent to which the culture tolerates ambiguity avoidance and uncertainty. High uncertainty avoidance leads to low tolerance for uncertainty and a search for absolute truths. Individualism The extent to which individuals or closely-knit social structure, such as the extended family, is the basis for social systems. Individualism leads to reliance on self and focus on individual achievement. Masculinity The extent to which assertiveness and independence from others is valued. High masculinity leads to high sex-role differentiation, focus on independence, ambition, and material goods.
  14. 3. Tigh and Loose Cultures ● Harry Triandis (2004): uncertainty avoidance be classified into tigh or loose categories. ● In tigh cultures, members follow rules, norms, and standards closely. ○ Behaviors are, therefore, closely regarded; those who do not abide by the rules are criticized, isolated, or even ostracized, depending on the severity of the offense. ● Loose cultures show much tolerance for behaviors that are considered acceptable, and although rules exist, violating them is often overlooked.
  15. 4. Vertical and Horizontal Dimensions of Individualism and Collectivism Vertical (emphasis on Horizontal (emphasis on Hierarchy) Equality) Individualistic Focus on the individual Although the focus is on where each person is each individual being considered unique and unique, individuals are superior to others, often considered equal to others based on accomplishments without a strong hierarchy. and performance, or Ex: Sweden. material wealth. Ex: USA Collectivistic Strong group feeling with All group members are clear rank and status considered equal; the group differentiation among group has little hierarchy and members; members feel there is strong focus on obligation to obey authority democratic and egalitarian and sacrifice self for good processes. Ex: Israel. of the group if needed. Ex:
  16. 5. Trompenaars’s Cross-Cultural Organizational Cultures ● Fons Trompenaars: cross-cultural organizational cultures can be classified on two dimensions (Trompenaars, 1994): ○ Egalitarian-hierarchical and ○ Orientation to the person or the task.
  17. 5. Trompenaars’s Cross-Cultural Organizational Cultures
  18. 5. Trompenaars’s Cross-Cultural Organizational Cultures ● Incubator Cultures are egalitarian and focus on taking care of individual needs. ○ Leaders in such organizations emerge from the group rather than being assigned. ○ Therefore, leadership is based on competence and expertise, and the leader’s responsibility is to provide resources, manage conflict, and remove obstacles. ● The Guided Missile is also egalitarian culture, but focus on task completion rather than individual needs. ○ In guided-missile organizations, leadership is based on expertise and follower participation is expected. ○ People work in teams of professionals who have equal status, with performance being the primary criterion for effectiveness.
  19. 5. Trompenaars’s Cross-Cultural Organizational Cultures ● The Eiffel Tower cultures is hierarchical and task focused. It is characterized by a steep, stable, and rigid organization. ○ The focus is on performance through order and obedience of legal and legitimate authority. ○ The leader is the undisputed head of the organization and has full responsibility for all that occurs. ● The Family Culture is hierarchical and take care of individuals. ○ The family culture functions like a traditional family. ○ The leader’s role is that of a powerful father figure, who is responsible for the welfare of all members.



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