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The woman participation in community empowerment programs to alleviate: Fishermen poverty in Indonesia

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This study aims to examine the woman participation on empowerment program that has been implemented by the government and whether it has had an impact on poverty alleviating.

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  1. International Journal of Management (IJM) Volume 11, Issue 3, March 2020, pp. 316–324, Article ID: IJM_11_03_034 Available online at Journal Impact Factor (2020): 10.1471 (Calculated by GISI) ISSN Print: 0976-6502 and ISSN Online: 0976-6510 © IAEME Publication Scopus Indexed THE WOMAN PARTICIPATION IN COMMUNITY EMPOWERMENT PROGRAMS TO ALLEVIATE FISHERMEN POVERTY IN INDONESIA Bengkel Ginting* and Hairani Siregar Universitas Sumatera Utara, Medan, Indonesia Corresponding Author: ABSTRACT The involvement of women in policy development and community services was a manifestation of the implementation of an essential democracy, because women are as assets and the potential of the nation can contribute greatly to national and state life in accordance with their abilities and capacities. This research uses a descriptive qualitative method by conducting research on Women's Participation on and factors that influence the woman participation. This study aims to examine the woman participation on empowerment program that has been implemented by the government and whether it has had an impact on poverty alleviating. This research is descriptive with qualitative information determined purposively, namely 10 traditional fishermen wife, administrators fishermen groups accept fisheries and marine service programs and officials. Data collection will reached by collection, in-depth interviews and focus group discussion. The results of research on the socio-economic conditions of fishermen Percut Village is classified as poorly seen in terms of housing and indicators poor sanitation for healthy living, limited fishing gear roaming and capture areas that are over fishing, their children's education very low and the lack of other work when the results of fishing are inadequate. The woman participation on planning, implementation, monitoring and evaluation in low categories. The National Maritime and Fisheries Community Empowerment Program (PNPM-MKP) have been designed with a participatory approach but the woman did not much contribute on this programs. Keyword: National Empowerment Program, Fisherman; Poverty Cite this Article: Bengkel Ginting & Hairani Siregar, the Woman Participation in Community Empowerment Programs to Alleviate Fishermen Poverty in Indonesia, International Journal of Management (IJM), 11 (3), 2020, pp. 316–324. 1. INTRODUCTION Indonesia has economic resources marine especially abundant fishery resources and not well managed, this is marked by the small contribution of the marine and fisheries sector to national income, which only reaches 14.7% of Indonesia's total gross domestic product (GDP). 316
  2. Bengkel Ginting & Hairani Siregar According to (Sudarsono, 2011) blue revolutionary policies or sector modernization fisheries conducted by the government in the 1970s also contributed to the process marginalization of traditional small fishermen. The lives of fishing communities (poor, without access) according to (Sudarsono, 2011), almost happens in all Coastal communities in Indonesia, including the study area: Percut Village. According to (Ginting, 1996) there are at least three factors that influence the poverty of fisher families Percut Village: First, the weakness of human resources and capital causes lack of initiative and creativity of fishing families. Village location adjacent to Medan City, should position Percut Sei Tuan community as a part from the economy of Medan City. The presence of buildings workshop, tourism centers, shrimp packing factory located nearby the village should be a new employment opportunity for fishermen outside the activity catching fish. However, due to lack of resources and lack of capital, opportunities this is more widely used by people who come from outside Percut Village. The National Maritime and Fisheries Community Empowerment Program (Program Nasional Pemberdayaan Masyarakat Mandiri Kelautan Perikanan/ PNPM-MKP) began 2007 until 2015. The program was carried out by the Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries in overcoming poverty of fishermen. The PNPM-MKP program consists of ; (1) Rural Mina Business Development on Fisheries, Aquaculture and Processing and Marketing of Fisheries Products, (2) Empowerment of Salt Community Businesses and (3) Development of the Resilient Coastal Village. Each development program involved women according to Indonesia Presidential Instruction Number 9, 2000 concerning to the Mainstreaming Gender in National Development. Equity and justice program this gender is listed as one strategy for optimizing roles Indonesian women. Implementation of gender mainstreaming delivered to the department as well government and non-departmental institutions and the entire Regional Government of Indonesia, to carry out the arrangement programs in planning, implementing, monitoring and evaluation. Community participation is the basic principles in the development implementation. This participation not only for men but for women. According to Kartasasmita in (Soebiato, 2013) unsuccessful development or not achieving due to lack of community participation, even many cases, people opposing development efforts. This is due to: (1) The development result only benefits a small group of people (2) Many people do not understand the purpose of development (3) People understand the purpose of development but in its implementation not in accordance with this understanding; and (4) the people are not included in the development process. The PNPM- MKP program also refers to the principles of quality gender and justice. The woman participation in development raises different perceptions between individuals given that cultural construction has shaped the mindset of the people in the woman position in their social environment. Even though women are potential human resources, as the same as men, but in the reality of women's life of Indonesia society is still low due marginalization (Fakih, 1997) (Saptari, 1997). Successful community participation in development not only seen from community participation but viewed from a gender perspective. According to Overholt (Rinawati, 2010) development planning has failed to recognize the whole or systematically the woman contribution in development process. This study aims to examine the woman participation on empowerment program that has been implemented by the government and whether it has had an impact on poverty alleviating. Starting from the planning, implementation, monitoring and evaluation, involves women participants and vulnerable people facilitated by the Facilitator Team. For example a woman group and the all the members are fisherman's wife. 317
  3. The Woman Participation in Community Empowerment Programs to Alleviate Fishermen Poverty in Indonesia 2. LITERATURE REVIEW 2.1. Woman Participation The problem of women's aspirations for development in policies, programs/projects and the activities. Based on the President's instructions it should be involving women in each stage: planning of village development program. In development planning, women's participation was observed such as attending a meeting or whatever related to village development. As quoted in (Sumardi, 2010) "Participation means the involvedness of a person or group community in the development process both in the form of statements and in the form of activities. By give their thought, energy, time, expertise, capital and material to utilize the development. According to Anhsari (Budi Guntoro, 2014) formulating participation terms for six points, (2) involvement in decision making, (3) involvement in supervision, (4) involvement in which the community gets benefits and rewards, (5) participation as an empowerment process (empowerment), (6) meaningful participation in partnership work, (6) participation as a result of stakeholder influence regarding taking decisions, supervision and use of resources that benefit them. According to Cohen and Up off (Supriatna, 2000): (1) participation is decision making in development should involve the community although in the initial stages with emphasis on mobilizing funds and resources. (2) Participation in development implementation can be done through community participation through energy, money, goods, materials, information that is useful for implementation of development. (3) Participation in utilizing the results of development that the community has the right to get both social and personal benefits of cooperation, (4) participation in evaluations which the community evaluates the results achieved. Participation will provide important benefits for successful development: (a) allows the right decision to be obtained because of the many meaningful and positive contributions, (b) promoting two-way communication so that strategic thinking collaborates, (c) encourage the ability to think creatively for the common good, (d) take responsibility and encourage development common interest and (6) analyze any changes that occur in every activity. 2.1. National Program for Empowerment of Maritime Communities and Fisheries (PNPM - MKP) The program was carried out by the Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries in overcoming poverty of fishermen is the National Empowerment Program Maritime and Fisheries Independent Community (PNPM-MKP). The consists of; (1) Rural Business Development for Capture Fisheries, Aquaculture and Processing and Marketing of Fisheries Products, (2) Empowerment of Salt Businesses and (3) Development of Coastal Resilience Villages (Glinting et al., 2018). The process of empowering the program is based on theory Community Driven Development (CDD) which is participatory planning, followed by the whole village community begins with socialization, identification, problem mapping, group organizing/community planning, implementation, activities to evaluation together in a groups. There are 6 (six) elements that are referred to in the empowerment process carried out through PNPM-MKP, namely: 1. Facilitation/Assistance The facilitation of PNPM-MKP is carried out by good facilitator from government officer: (a) to identifying/growing groups, (b) facilitating groups on planning preparation (c) to provide guidance, assistance and technical guidance/management of business facilitator during the ongoing business activities, and (d) Reported the activity implementation. 318
  4. Bengkel Ginting & Hairani Siregar 2. Community Participation by the planning side, all elements in the group are facilitated by Facilitator: the companion participates in arranging business plan, refer to business feasibility, and village potential. In terms of supervision, all group member joint supervision through regular meetings to discuss business development and financial management. 3. Organizing the Group The Business Group of Fishery and Marine (Kelompok Usaha Perikanan dan Kelautan/KUKP that has been formed has obtained institutional management strengthening, groups, financial management, marine business technical guidance and fisheries to meet shared needs. 4. Transparency KUKP provides Information Board for PNPM-MKP recipients at the location, at least contain a large amount of BLM funds and type of activity. Group financial accountability is facilitated by Facilitator and carried out through the Business Development Report regularly reported in stages to the Technical Team (Regency/City), Guidance Team (Province), and Working Group PNPM-MKP (Central). 5. Monitoring System The usage of group funds and their development are controlled together by all group members. 6. Gender perspective Women’s increased access to resources and control over decisions in the household sphere as well as change beliefs of both women and men acting in the public sphere that could lead to increased gender equality The PNPM-MKP basic strategy is (a) Integration of similar programs since the planning process at the village level through coordination with Regional TKPK in Regency/City, (b) Increasing the capacity of the KUKP institution in managing BLM, (c). Optimizing the potential of marine and fisheries business in rural areas, (d) Facilitating business assistance for KUKP, (5) KUKP assistance in business management, technology utilization, and partnerships and improving the quality of the environment and resources. Women's participation in PNPM MKP consists of: (1) Participating in meetings held at the village level as well between villages. (2) Participating in women's special meetings held at village level to discuss ideas coming from woman groups. Women's participation in the empowerment process in the PNPM-MKP program was analyzed by Oakley et al (Resoriero, 2008) which explained participation as an objective. According to Oakley et al, the achievement of development programs is not only seen from the success of the program itself, but also from the process and activities of meaningful community participation. In this discussion, the PNPM- MKP program launched by the government is a form of empowerment program which involves community participation as the main actors in development in the target village. The PNPM- MKP program empowers communities in their own development. The achievement of objectives needs to be assessed from the aspect of women's participation activities. Women's participation in the empowerment process through the PNPM-MKP program is demonstrated by their activities in the planning, implementation and evaluation processes as in the stages of the empowerment activities cycle (Sipahelut, 2010). 3. METHODS This study aims to describe the nature of something that is going on at the time of study (Nurlina et al., 2019). This qualitative method provides complete information that is useful for the development of science and more applicable to various problems. Descriptive method of investigation is focused on solving existing issues in the present. 319
  5. The Woman Participation in Community Empowerment Programs to Alleviate Fishermen Poverty in Indonesia The main purpose of qualitative research is to understand the phenomenon or social phenomena by emphasizing more on the complete picture of the studied to detail it into interrelated variables (Muda & Dharsuky, 2015). The research that has been conducted is aimed to describe the woman participation on National Program of Community Empowerment of Independent Marine and Fisheries (PNPM- MKP) on the traditional fishermen of Percut Village, Percut Sei Tuan in North Sumatra, Indonesia. This research is descriptive with qualitative information determined purposively, namely 10 traditional fishermen wives, fishermen administrators groups accept fisheries and marine service programs and officials. Data collection will be reached by collection, in-depth interviews and focus group discussions. Data were collected by observation, in-depth interviews and focus group discussions (FGD). 4. RESULT Women's participation in the form of thoughts is conveyed through proposals, suggestions and criticism. Participation in the implementation phase is more dominant in the form of labor through community service / mutual cooperation. Other participation is in the form of financial accounting, data collection on the poor, implementing program monitoring, and making proposals. In terms of quantity, the involvement of women in the PNPM-MKP program in the cycle of empowerment activities appears to be more dominated by men, because women have a double burden. This double burden makes them reluctant to get involved in discussion activities about the program and PNPM-MKP. This poverty drives the women (wives) of traditional fishermen in the village of Percut to involve themselves in meeting the economic needs of the family, the informants stating that they are involved in improving the family's economy by working as shellfish shells, legal processing, salted fish processing, there were even some of them became women fishermen. Women as fishermen are actually something new in Percut Village, before they worked such as opening a coffee shop, or a grocery store (people's daily needs: vegetables, rice, children's food, etc.) other), or work in formal and semi-formal sectors: shrimp processing plants, salted fish processing plants, waiters at trapung shops around Percut Village. Since the land area is the female work domain, due the women also have duties and responsibilities in the domestic sector. Fishing activities, become the domain men because the characteristics of this job require strong physical abilities, speed of acting, and high risk. With different physical abilities, folk women handle jobs on land, such as caring for responsibilities domestic, and socio-cultural and economic activities. Women have enough lot of time to complete the responsibilities of the job. Most of the economic activity in the coastal region involves women and the system the division of labor has placed women as "ruler coastal economic activity ". The impact of this division of labor system is the people women dominate in household economic affairs and taking important decisions in the household. Thus, women do not plays as a "supplement" but is "complementary" in maintaining survival of the household. As Endarwati's research (ENDARWATI, 2002) which revealed that women are more concerned with family needs (domestic) than public needs, so that participation in development is more dominated by men. The involvement of women in discussions about the PNPM-MKP program requires an awareness that they have the potential to participate and have a concern to jointly advance the village in the social, economic, and environmental fields, because these activities are a form of voluntary activities. Women who have the awareness that they have the potential to participate and have a concern to get involved at each stage of the empowerment voluntarily cycle. 320
  6. Bengkel Ginting & Hairani Siregar Although they also have a double burden like other women, they voluntarily want to participate to become a board of Badan Keswadayaan Masyarakat (Community Self-Reliance Body), and become part of Kelompok Swadaya Masyaraat (Non-Governmental Groups) in the environmental and social sectors. Women who have become administrators in the PNPM-MKP program always try to be active in every activity. This is as stated by (Suyatno, 2003) which states that participation is the mental and emotional involvement of a person in a group situation that encourages them to contribute to the ability to achieve group goals and share responsibility for the group's goals. The women in the research villages lacked confidence to be the organizers of activities in the PNPM-MKP program because they were worried that their affairs in working and managing domestic activities would be neglected, so she preferred to only carry out activities, such as participating in mutual assistance in development and preparing consumption. Such participation is not based on critical awareness, because based on the findings in the field shows that his involvement in the implementation of development activities is based on invitations and discomfort in other communities if he does not participate in helping mutual assistance activities. In this discussion it can also be seen that women's participation is indeed based on the existence of critical awareness, and some is based on an invitation or is more of a nature. Women who have a critical awareness, they realize that in fact they have the potential to get involved or participate, and have a sense of caring to be able to advance the village in the social, economic, and environmental fields, while women who have no critical awareness, their participation is only due to the existence compulsion. The level of participation is also motivated by the level of education. Different levels of women's education will in some way affect women's interest in participating. Although not significantly, but the education can be used as a provision to be used in participating. A person's level of education can influence her willingness to participate in activities carried out through PNPM-MKP programs, both environmental, social and economic activities. Based on the findings in the field, it was revealed that the women who participated were women who had an Elementary School (30 %) and Junior high school (50 %) and High School (20 %) 4.1. Factors Encouraging and Inhibiting Women's Participation in the PNPM- MKP Program. There are factors that encourage the participation of women in the empowerment process through the PNPM-MKP program, namely the mandate to include women starting from planning, implementation, monitoring and evaluation. The woman presence of the PNPM- MKP program in Percut Village was an opening for women's direct participation in development through empowerment. This is reinforced by the requirements in program management that require the involvement of women in every activity carried out, especially in terms of the quantity of women in Percut Village. The willingness of women to participate in the empowerment process through the PNPM-MKP program in Percut Village is inseparable from the driving factors. The factors driving women's participation include: 1. Awareness of women to develop villages. The organizers of activities in the PNPM- MKP program are people who have the awareness and concern to participate. Based on the results of interviews with respondents who participated in the empowerment process through the PNPM-MKP program in Percut Village, acknowledging that being part of the PNPM-MKP program activities is not easy, so awareness is really needed to be an initial factor as an incentive for engagement. 2. Awareness of women to develop her villages. The organizers of activities in the PNPM- MKP program are people who have the awareness and concern to participate. Based on the 321
  7. The Woman Participation in Community Empowerment Programs to Alleviate Fishermen Poverty in Indonesia results of interviews with respondents who participated in the empowerment process through the PNPM-MKP program in Percut Village, acknowledging that being part of the PNPM-MKP program activities is not easy, so awareness is really needed to be an initial factor as an incentive for engagement. 3. There is family supporting The involvement of women in the PNPM-MKP program in Percut Village is complemented by support from their husbands and children. In this case, related to the patriarchal concept of social gender which is adopted by the Indonesian people in general. Traditionally, the role of each family member is largely determined by the power structure of the male (husband) as the head of the family who hierarchically has the highest authority in the family. Such conditions will affect the involvement of women in the management of the PNPM-MKP program because with the support or permission of their husbands they can be free to actualize themselves in realizing development or progress. The inhibiting factors in the involvement or participation of women in the empowerment process through the PNPM-MKP program are not only based on driving factors, but in their involvement they also experience obstacles. These constraints will then be described as sub- factors inhibiting women's participation in the empowerment process in PNPM-MKP. In their daily activities, women who are involved in the management of the PNPM-MKP program in Percut Village are women who also have the responsibility to take care of the household and earn a living. This double burden certainly becomes an obstacle for women's involvement, because their involvement in the empowerment process through the PNPM-MKP program is a voluntary activity without rewards. From the findings in the field as described above, it appears that being part of the PNPM-MKP program is not an easy job, so that in their implementation they are constrained by obstacles namely the double burden they have as a woman. In the findings in the field, women are generally here as well as workers to make a living. Women not only work in the domestic sector but also play a role in supporting the family economy (productive), this results in women having less time to be involved in PNPM-MKP program activities. However, the double burden borne by women does not necessarily become an obstacle that decrease their participation. 4.2. Implications of Women's Participation in Increasing Women's Capabilities PNPM-MKP requires the involvement or participation of women in each activity. Women who only have activities as domestic administrators and earn a living, with the presence of the PNPM-MKP program in Percut Village participated in encouraging women's involvement or participation. Women's participation in the empowerment process through the PNPM-MKP program will have implications for increasing their capabilities. The capability in this study is a woman's ability to be an agent of development for progress in Percut Village. Women will have capabilities as development subjects or agents of development. So if the assumption that so far the subject of development is men, then when women are involved in development, he will have the capability as the subject of development or the driving agent of development. The PNPM-MKP program is one of the programs as an effort to improve gender equality and equality, so that the PNPM-MKP program uses the GAD and Gender and Development (GAD) approach is an approach that seeks to overcome gender disparities by providing equal opportunities for women and men to participate fully in development, this is also related to the world development targets and goals "The Millennium Development Goals" (MDGs) and are now Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) which have been ratified by the Indonesian government, including reducing poverty and hunger, achieving basic education for all, promoting gender equality and empowering women, reducing child mortality, improving maternal health, fighting HIV/AIDS, malaria and other infectious diseases, ensuring 322
  8. Bengkel Ginting & Hairani Siregar environmental sustainability, and building global partnerships for development. Promoting gender equality and empowering women, implemented in the PNPM-MKP program. The PNPM-MKP program will not be able to be realized maximally without meetings, involving the community, including women. The use of loan funds that are not in accordance with the objectives of the revolving economy appears to have caused a bottleneck in paying installments. From the findings in the field, it appears that women's participation in the empowerment process through the program and PNPM-MKP is also accompanied by a motivating factor that is their own motivation for involvement. However, in this involvement, there are obstacles that become obstacles to maximum participation. In accordance with the concept of participation as a goal according to Oakley et al (Resoriero, 2008) participation is not only seen from the achievements or successes of the program, but also the activity process. Women's participation in the empowerment process through the PNPM-MKP program encourages women in the village of Percut to be better able to study and overcome the problems of poverty in their area, both in environmental, social, and economic aspects. According to (Nugroho, 2011) the PNPM-MKP program is an effort to increase community capacity, both individually and in groups, in solving various problems related to efforts to improve the quality of life, independence, and welfare through development programs based on community empowerment and community development in development. In connection with women's participation in development, especially in this discussion is the participation of women in the empowerment process through the PNPM-MKP program, Sara H. Longwe bases the importance of development for women through efforts to address gender issues as obstacles to women's empowerment, especially in the empowerment effort. Developed criteria for analyzing levels of welfare, access, critical awareness, participation, and control. These five dimensions are the levels that move around like a spiral, the higher the level of automatic equality, the higher the level of empowerment 5. CONCLUSION Women's participation in the empowerment through the PNPM-KMP program in Percut Village can be concluded as follows; the form of women's participation in the form of thoughts and activities involved in the planning, implementation and evaluation process. The process was implemented in the PNPM-MKP program empowerment activity cycle, starting from the initial outreach to the participatory review stage. The second, found factors driving and inhibiting women's participation originating from internal and external factors. The internal factor is women's awareness to develop villages. The last, the implication of women's participation in increasing women's capabilities is that women become more active in development with their role as the subject of development. REFERENCE [1] Budi Guntoro, T. W. A. N. P. and. (2014). E-Government Performance for Increasing Community Participation in Infrastructure Development in Sidoarjo Regency. Kawistara Journal. [2] Endarwati, M. L. (2002). Women's Participation in Village Unit Cooperative Business Activities (KUD). Humanities, 7 (1).22-35. [3] Fakih, M. (1997). Analisis Gender dan Transformasi Sosial. Retrieved from sosial.html%5Cn akhmadefen-980-BAB3_310-3.pdf. [4] Ginting, B and Nasution, M. Arif and Subhilhar, and Harahap, R. Hamdani (2018): Analysis of Weaknesses of Coastal Community Economy Empowerment Program (Pemp) And 323
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