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Web Programming with HTML, XHTML, and CSS- P17

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Web Programming with HTML, XHTML, and CSS- P17: There are a lot of books about designing and building web pages, so thank you for picking up this one. Why do I think it is different? Well, the Web has been around for over a decade now, and during its life many technologies have been introduced to help you create web pages, some of which have lasted, others of which have disappeared. Many books that teach you to write web pages are revisions of earlier versions of the same book and therefore still take the same approach as the previous edition did....

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Nội dung Text: Web Programming with HTML, XHTML, and CSS- P17

  1. dots per inch dots per inch, 79 , 574, 701–702 drag-and-drop, Scriptaculous, 490–492 , 49–50, 574 drop-down navigation menus, 497 , 39–40, 574 element, 574 , 574 dynsrc attribute, element, 581 , 30, 574 , 575, 705–706 empty elements, 21 E , 171–173, 575 e-mail , 48, 576, 683–685 addresses , 140, 576 hiding, 497 , 195–197, 576–577 testing for, 465 , 186, 577–578 forms example, 477–482 grouping, 49–50 linking to addresses, 56–57 , 5, 10–11, 578 E property, 444 , 578 editing, text, inserting, 46 , 28, 579 editing text, deleting, 46–47 , 9–10, 579–580 elements, 4 , 26–27, 580 , 6, 65 IE-specific, 707–708 , 31, 565 , 580 , 31, 565 , 86, 580–582 , 35, 565 inline elements, 48–49 , 566, 704–705 , 582 , 567 , 582–583 basefont>, 565
  2. fixed( ) method Index , 594 enctype attribute, element, 576 , 594 equal to (==) operator, 426 , 594 escaping characters, 463 , 186, 197–198, 577, 594 events , 594 common events, 16 , 408, 594 intrinsic, 435 , 93–94, 594 onblur, 437 , 37–39, 596 onchange, 437 , 596 ondblclick, 436 , 159, 597 onfocus, 437 , 21, 597 onkeydown, 436 , 97–98, 567, 596, 597 onkeypress, 436 parent, 5 onkeyup, 436 , 597, 688–689 onload, 436 , 22–23, 597 onmousedown, 436 , 33, 598 onmousemove, 436 , 27, 598, 687 onmouseout, 436 , 35, 598 onmouseover, 436 , 406, 598 onmouseup, 436 , 158–159, 598–599 onreset, 437 , 28, 599 onselect, 437 , 49–50, 599 onsubmit, 437 , 27, 599, 687 onunload, 436 , 30, 599 triggering, 407 , 599 UI events, 16 , 28, 599 user events, 435 , 28, 599 window events, 435 , 109, 600–601 ex units, 250 tags, 4 exp( ) method, 445 comparison, 5 expiring web pages, 505 , 126, 601 explicit labels, 387 , 601–602 expressions, 414 , 602–603 external JavaScript, 409 , 126, 603 , 110, 604 , 126, 603 F , 11, 605 face attribute, 568, 576 , 605 Fetch, 521 , 27, 606 fgcolor property (DOM), 413 , 27, 606, 687–688 fields (forms) , 36–37, 606 auto-tabbing, 471–472 , 35, 606 trimming spaces from beginning and end, , 606 474–475 , 606, 688–689 element, 171–173, 385, 575 element, 30, 574 file, size, 84–85 em units, 250 file select boxes, 164–165 element, 575, 705–706 filepath, 60 emphasis, 30 FireFTP, 521 empty-cells property, 292–294 first-letter pseudo class, 239–240 empty elements, 21 fixed( ) method, 438 723
  3. fixed positioning fixed positioning, 310–311 grouping, 384–387 fixed-size fonts, screen resolution and, 369 hidden, 165–166 fixed-width designs, 331, 335–336 labelling, 387–389 Flash, 98–99, 535–536 radio buttons, 383 Flash Player, files, 85 relevant information and, 391–393 float property, 312–314 select boxes, 384 floating frames, 204–205 text boxes, 384 floor( ) method, 445, 485 text inputs, 145–150 flow, 17–18, 306 title attribute, 394–395 focus CSS and, 396–397 first form item, 470–471 designing element, 296 form controls, 382–384 tabbing order, 173–174 group-related information, 381 focus( ) method, 417, 449, 471–472, 475–476 information provided, 381 :focus pseudo class, 296 layout, 387–397 folders, directory structure, 57 listing required information, 380–381 element, 48, 576, 683–685 paper forms and, 381 font-family property, 368 e-mail example, 477–482 font test page, 240–243 fields fontcolor( ) method, 438 auto-tabbing, 471–472 fonts trimming spaces from beginning and end, CSS properties, 607–611 474–475 fixed-size, screen resolution and, 369 file select boxes, 164–165 font-family property, 368 focus, first item, 470–471 sans-serif, 367 introduction, 140–141 serifs, 367 element, 385 fontsize( ) method, 438 name/value pairs, 141 for attribute, element, 589 numbering questions, 387 for loops, 433, 434–435 radio buttons, 156–157 element, 140 registration form example, 166–169, 180–182 attributes, 142–145, 576 required information, 393 creating forms, 141–145 select boxes, 158–163 methods, 417 sending data to server, 178–179 onsubmit event handler, 454 site registration form example, 397–401 properties, 416 splitting into separate pages, 386 white space and, 145 submission, preventing until checkbox selection, form-feed (f), 463 469–470 formatting submit button, 140 align attribute, 692–693 tab order of elements, 395 element, 691–697 tables and, 389–391 text, 23–26 testing, 397 forms text, 472–474 buttons, 150–152, 394 text area, selecting all content, 475–476 case conversion, 474 validation checkboxes, 154–155, 476–477 checkboxes, 468–469 collecting data, 417–419 checking text fields, 457–459 color, 395–396 finding characters, 462–464 controls, 139, 382 how, 456 checkboxes, 383 preventing submission until checkbox selection, elements, 385 469–470 724
  4. history property Index radio buttons, 467–468 getDay( ) method, 442 required text fields, 459–461 getFullYear( ) method, 442 select box options, 464–465 getHours( ) method, 442 testing characters, 464–465 getMinutes( ) method, 442 when, 456 getMonth( ) method, 442 forms collection (DOM), 410–411, 415 getSeconds( ) method, 442 forums, 530 getTime( ) method, 442 forward( ) method, 449 getTimezoneOffset( ) method, 442 forward slashes, 462 getUTCDate( ) method, 443 fragment identifiers, 61 getUTCDay( ) method, 443 framborder attribute, element, 577 getUTCFullYear( ) method, 443 frame attribute, 115–116 getUTCHours( ) method, 443 element, 600 getUTCMilliseconds( ) method, 443 frame-based book viewer, 201–204 getUTCMinutes( ) method, 443 element, 194–195 getUTCMonth( ) method, 443 attributes, 576–577 getUTCSeconds( ) method, 443 frameborder attribute, 193 getYear( ) method, 442 element, 195 GIF (Graphics Interchange Format), 79–82 element, 578 graphics, 77–79 element, 207, 580 graphics packages, 536 frames, 185 greater than (>) operator, 426 DOCTYPE and, 187 greater than or equal to (>=) operator, 426 floating, 204–205 grids, 109 inline, 204–205, 207–209 grouping elements, 49–50 links between, 198–200 gutter attribute, element, 593 when to use, 188–189 frames property, 448 frameset, columns, 189–191 H element, 186 handleOther( ) function, 473 attributes, 189–194, 577–578 element, 5, 10–11 extensions, browser-specific, 192–194 attributes, 578 Frameset XHTML, 8 meta tags, 502 framesets, 185, 200 headers attribute, 602, 604 framespacing attribute, 194, 578 headings, 18–21 FTP (File Transfer Protocol), uploading site and, height attribute, 88–89, 96 520–522 element, 575 FTPX, 521 element, 206, 580 functions, 422 element, 581 calling, 428 element, 592 defining, 428 element, 600 JavaScript, 407 element, 602 return statements, 429 element, 604 height property, 419 hexadecimal codes, 638–639 G color, 637–638 generated content color names and, 640–641 :after pseudo-element, 297–298 color reference, 641–644 :before pseudo-element, 297–298 hidden attribute, element, 575 content property, 298 hidden controls, 165–166 getDate( ) method, 442 history property, 448 725
  5. elements elements, 18–19, 578 element, 579 home( ) method, 449 element, 579 home pages, designing, 345 element, 588 host address, 60 element, 589 hosting, 518 element, 592 backups, 519 element, 596 bandwidth, 519 element, 605 choosing host, 519–520 id selector, 244 country, 519 if statements, 429–430 data centers, 519 if...else statements, 430 dedicated, 520 element, 204–207, 580 disk space, 519 image maps, 77, 100–105 e-mail accounts, 519 image rollovers, 420–421, 482–483 shared, 520 images, 77 statistical analysis, 526–527 adding to documents, 92–93 statistics packages, 520 background, text readability and, 366–367 uptime, 520 background-image property, 277–278 hosting company, 501 bitmap, 78–79 element, 28, 579 as buttons, 152–153 href attribute, 7 formats, 78 element, 565 GIF, 79 element, 567 element, 86 element, 568 JPEG, 79 element, 591 as links, 99–100, 375 linking to documents, 54–56 list-style-image property, 286 hreflang attribute, 69, 565, 591 PNG, 79 hspace attribute, 90, 96, 696–697 images collection (DOM), 410, 419–420 element, 575 element, 86–91, 581 element, 581 implicit labels, 387 element, 592 @import rule, 304–305 element, 600 !important rule, 305 hspace property, 419 importing, styles, 304–305 element, 9–10, 579–580 increment (++) operator, 425 HTML (Hypertext Markup Language), 2 indexed color format, 79 HTML validation, 509–512 indexOf( ) method, 438 http-equiv attribute, element, 593 infininte loops, 435 HTTP headers, 505 inline elements, 48–49 HTTP (Hypertext Transfer Protocol), 59 inline frames, 204–205, 207–209 hyperlinks. See links input, forms, 145–150 text, disabling, 472–474 element, 150–152, 296 I element, attributes, 582 element, 26–27, 580 element, attributes, id attribute, 12–13, 564 582–583 element, 568 element, attributes, 583 element, 570 element, attributes, 584 element, 573 element, attributes, 584 element, 577 element, attributes, 585 element, 578 element, attributes, 586 726
  6. libraries Index element, attributes, 586 when not to use, 496–497 element, attributes, 587 write( ) method, 406 element, attributes, join( ) method, 447 587–588 JPEG (Joint Photographic Experts Group element, 46, 588 Format), 79 inserting text, 46 compression and, 82 internationalization attributes, 14–15 internationalization properties, 634–635 intrinsic events, 435 K element, 588–589, 706–707 element, 34–35, 589 ismap attribute, 90, 581 keyboard, element, 34–35 italic text, 26–27 element, attributes, 589 italics( ) method, 439 keywords JavaScript, 451 mailto, 56 J JavaScript breaking up code lines, 450 L case-sensitivity, 449 label attribute, 596, 597 comments, 408 element, 169–171, 589 conditional statements, 423 labels, controls, 169–171 data types, 450–451 Lang attribute, element, 573 external, 409 lang attribute, 14–15, 564 files, external, 455 element, 577 functions, 407, 422 element, 578 keywords, 451 element, 579 libraries, 487–488 element, 588 animation, 488–490 element, 593 auto-completing text, 495–496 element, 605 calendars, 494–495 language attribute, 598, 704 drag-and-drop, 490–492 language codes, 665–668 sortable tables, 492–493 lastIndexOf( ) method, 439 loops, 423 lastModified property (DOM), 413 opening and closing symbols, 450 element, attributes, 590 operators, 422, 424–425 leading, 365 arithmetic, 425 left attribute, element, 590 assignment, 425–426 left navigation, 343 Boolean, 427 leftmargin attribute, element, 570 comparison, 426 element, 171–173, 385, 590 logical, 427 length property, 438, 458 string, 427 lengths, CSS properties, 635 scripts less than (
  7. line breaks line breaks, 21–22 location property, 448 line height, readability and, 365–366 log( ) method, 445 linefeed (n), 463 LOG2E property, 445 link( ) method, 439 LOG10E property, 445 link attribute, element, 570 logical operators, 427 element longdesc attribute, 90–91 attributes, 591 element, 197, 577 CSS, 218–219 element, 207, 580 element, 10 element, 581 Link Valet tool, 513–514 loop attribute linkColor property (DOM), 413 element, 569 links, 53, 698–699 element, 581 element, 65 element, 592 checking, 513–514 looping statements, 432–435 color, 274 loops, 423 CSS, 274–275 lossless compression, 81 default files, 63 lossy compression, 81 e-mail, 74–75 lowersrc property, 419 to e-mail addresses, 56–57 lowsrc attribute, element, 581 between frames, 198–200 LZW compression, 81 images as, 99–100, 375 to other documents, 54–56 within pages, 71–74 M parent directory, 63 mailto, 56 from root, 63 element, 592 same directory, 62 marginheight attribute, 196 subdirectory, 62–63 element, 577 text links, 375 element, 207, 580 links collection (DOM), 411 margins liquid designs, 331, 333–335 CSS properties, 622 list-style-position property, 285–286 white space and, 362 list-style property, 286 marginwidth attribute, 196 list-style-type property, 284–285 element, 577 element, 591, 688–689 element, 207, 580 lists marker offset property, 287 CSS properties, 623–625 markup languages, 2 definition, 39–40 element, attributes, 592 list-style-image property, 286 matching strings, 462 list-style-position property, 285–286 math object, 445 list-style property, 286 max( ) method, 445 list-style-type property, 284–285 maxlength attribute marker-offset property, 287 element, 583 nesting, 40–41 element, 585 ordered, 37–39 element, 587 start attribute, 699 media attribute, element, 591 type attribute, 700–701 element, 593, 701–702 unordered, 36–37 menus value attribute, 700 consistency, 374 LN2 property, 444 content, separation from, 370–372 LN10 property, 444 focus, 370 728
  8. methods Index grouping items, 373 fontsize( ), 438 icons, representing links, 372 forward( ), 449 loading, 374 getDate( ), 442 navigation, drop-down, 497 getDay( ), 442 readability, 372–373 getFullYear( ), 442 selectability, 373–374 getHours( ), 442 element, 502 getMinutes( ), 442 attributes, 502, 593 getMonth( ), 442 author name, 507 getSeconds( ), 442 character encoding, 507 getTime( ), 442 content attribute, 503, 504, 505–508 getTimezoneOffset( ), 442 cookies, setting, 507 getUTCDate( ), 443 expiring web pages, 505 getUTCDay( ), 443 element, 10 getUTCFullYear( ), 443 http-equiv attribute, 505–508 getUTCHours( ), 443 name attribute, 503–505 getUTCMilliseconds( ), 443 rating web pages, 506–507 getUTCMinutes( ), 443 redirecting web pages, 506 getUTCMonth( ), 443 refreshing web pages, 506 getUTCSeconds( ), 443 scheme attribute, 508 getYear( ), 442 search engines and, 522–523 home( ), 449 meta tags, element and, 502 indexOf( ), 438 method attribute, element, 576 italics( ), 439 methods, 405 join( ), 447 abs( ), 445 lastIndexOf( ), 439 acos( ), 445 link( ), 439 alert( ), 449 log( ), 445 anchor( ), 438 max( ), 445 arguments, 414 min( ), 445 asin( ), 445 moveBy( ), 449 atan( ), 445 moveTo( ), 449 atan2( ), 445 open( ), 449 back( ), 449 parameters, 414 big( ), 438 parse( ), 442 blur( ), 417, 449 pow( ), 445 bold( ), 438 print( ), 449 ceil( ), 445 prompt( ), 449 charAt( ), 438 random( ), 445, 485 click( ), 417 replace( ), 462 close( ), 449 reset( ), 415 concat( ), 447 reverse( ), 447 confirm( ), 449 round( ), 445, 485 cos( ), 445 select( ), 417, 475–476 date( ), 442 setDate( ), 443 DOM, 410, 414 setFullYear( ), 443 exp( ), 445 setHours( ), 443 fixed( ), 438 setMinutes( ), 443 floor( ), 445, 485 setMonth( ), 443 focus( ), 417, 449, 471–472, 475–476 setSeconds( ), 443 fontcolor( ), 438 setTime( ), 443 729
  9. methods (continued) methods (continued) setUTCDate( ), 443 N setUTCDay( ), 444 name attribute, 91, 96, 97 setUTCFullYear( ), 444 element, 567 setUTCHour( ), 444 element, 571 setUTCMilliseconds( ), 444 element, 575 setUTCMinutes( ), 444 element, 195 setUTCMonth( ), 444 element, 581 setUTCSeconds( ), 444 element, 582 setYear( ), 443 element, 582 sin( ), 445 element, 583 slice( ), 447 element, 584 small( ), 439 element, 584 sort( ), 447 element, 585 sqrt( ), 445 element, 586 stop( ), 449 element, 587 strike( ), 439 element, 587 sub( ), 439 element, 589 submit( ), 415 element, 590 substr( ), 439 element, 593 substring( ), 439, 474–475 element, 567, 596 sup( ), 439 element, 599 tan( ), 445 name property, 419, 448 test( ), 464 name/value pairs, 141 toGMTString( ), 443 namespace identifier, 10 toLocalString( ), 443 navigation, 342–343 toLowerCase( ), 439, 474 bottom, 344 toString( ), 443 left, 343 toUpperCase( ), 439, 474 menus, 369–374 methods (JavaScript), write( ), 406 right, 345 MIME media types top, 343 application, 674–679 top and left, 344 audio, 672–673 nesting image, 671 framesets, 200 message, 674 lists, 40–41 model, 674 tables, 356–359 multipart, 672 nesting elements, 6 text, 670–671 element, 594 video, 673 element, 594 min( ) method, 445 element, 594 MochiKit, 492–493 element, 186, 197–198, 577, 594 modularized style sheets, 304–305 nohref attribute, element, 567 modulus, division remainder (%) operator, 425 element, 594 monospaced font, 27 non-digit (D), 463 moveBy( ) method, 449 non-white-space character (S), 463 moveTo( ) method, 449 non-word character (W), 463 element, attributes, 593 noresize attribute, 196, 577 multiple attribute, element, 598 normal flow, 306 multiple-line text input controls, 148–150 element, 408, 594 multiplication (*) operator, 425 noshade attribute, element, 579 730
  10. operators Index not equal to (!=) operator, 426 ondblclick event, 436 notab attribute onerror attribute, element, 581 element, 567 onfocus attribute element, 582 element, 571 element, 583 element, 583 element, 583 element, 585 element, 584 element, 587 element, 585 element, 589 element, 586 element, 599 element, 586 onfocus event, 437 element, 587 onkeydown attribute, 564 element, 587 onkeydown event, 436 nowrap attribute, 703 onkeypress attribute, 564 element, 574 onkeypress event, 436 element, 600 onkeyup attribute, 564 element, 602 onkeyup event, 436, 471 element, 604 onload attribute element, 605 element, 570 null data types, 451 element, 578 number data types, 451 element, 581 numbers, ordered lists, 38–39 onload event, 436, 471 onmousedown attribute, 564 onmousedown event, 436 O onmousemove attribute, 564 element, 10, 93–97 onmousemove event, 436 objects onmouseout attribute, 564 built-in, 422 onmouseout event, 436 string object, 437–439 onmouseover attribute, 564 custom, 422 onmouseover event, 436 W3C DOM, 422 onmouseup attribute, 564 element, 37–39, 596 onmouseup event, 436 onabort attribute, element, 581 onreset attribute, element, 576 onblur attribute onreset event, 437 element, 571 onselect attribute element, 578 element, 585 element, 583 element, 588 element, 585 onselect event, 437 element, 587 onsubmit attribute, element, 576 element, 589 onsubmit event, 437 element, 599 onsubmit event handler, 454 onblur event, 437 onunload attribute onchange attribute element, 570 element, 583 element, 578 element, 585 onunload event, 436 element, 587 open( ) method, 449 element, 599 opening tags, 4 onchange event, 437 operators, 422, 424–425 onclick attribute, 564 arithmetic, 425 onclick event, 436 assignment, 425–426 ondblclick attribute, 564 binary, 424 731
  11. operators (continued) operators (continued) palette attribute, element, 575 Boolean, 427 paragraphs, 21 comparison, 426 element, 567, 597 conditional operator, 432 attributes, 97–98, 567, 596 logical, 427 parameters, 414, 441 string, 427 parent elements, 5 unary, 424 parse( ) method, 442 element, 161–163, 596 password input controls, 147–148 element, 159, 597 path arguments, 61 ordered lists, 37–39, 491 percentage values, liquid designs, 333 outline-color property, 295 PHP, 531–532 outline property, 296 phrase elements, 29–30 outline-style property, 295 PI property, 445 outline-width property, 295 PICS (Platform for Internet Content Selection), outlines, 630 506 CSS, 294–295 pilot testing, 516–517 outline-color property, 295 pixels, 250 outline property, 296 columns in framesets, 190 outline-style property, 295 resolution, 79 outline-width property, 295 element, 597, 688–689 pluginspage attribute, element, 575 PNG (Portable Network Graphics), 79, 83–84 P pop-up windows, 486–487 element, 21, 597 ports, 60 padding position property, 306–307 CSS properties, 622–623 positioning, CSS, 625–629 white space and, 362 pow( ) method, 445 page layout element above the fold, 331 preformatted text, 22–23 aims of site, 324–325 width attribute, 597 categorization, 327–328 preformatted text, 22–23 content, defining, 326–327 presentational elements, 26–28 content pages, 345–346 preventing cached web pages, 505 CSS and, 356 print( ) method, 449 elements, 329–330, 340–342 profile attribute, element, 578 fixed-width designs, 331, 335–336 program output, 35 grouping, 327–328 prompt( ) method, 449 home pages, 345 prompt attribute, element, 588 liquid designs, 331, 333–335 properties, 405 new content, 326 action, 415 sacrificial columns, 354–355 alinkColor (DOM), 413 single-column, 348–350 background, 283 site map, creating, 328–329 background-attachment, 282 structuring pages, 346–347 background-color, 276 element and, 334 background-image, 277–278 tables, nested, 356–359 background-position, 281 three-column layouts, 353–354 background-repeat, 278–280 two-column, 350–352 bgcolor (DOM), 413 visitors and, 325–326 border, 419 width, 331 border-collapse, 289–291 page size, screen resolution and, 330 box offset properties, 307 732
  12. rating web pages Index caption-side, 292 outline, 296 checked, 416 outline-color, 295 closed, 448 outline-style, 295 complete, 419 outline-width, 295 content, 298 PI, 445 CSS position, 306–307 background, 614–617 referrer (DOM), 413 borders, 617–619 selectedIndex, 416, 466 classification, 632–634 SQRT1_2, 445 color, 614–617 SQRT2, 445 dimensions, 619–621 src, 419 fonts, 607–611 status, 448 internationalization, 634–635 statusbar, 448 lengths, 635 table-layout, 294 lists, 623–625 target, 415 margins, 622 title (DOM), 413 outlines, 630 toolbar, 448 padding, 622–623 top, 448 positioning properties, 625–629 type, 416 tables, 630–632 value, 416 text, 611–614 visibility, 302–303 cursor, 301–302 vlinkColor (DOM), 413 defaultStatus, 448 vspace, 420 disabled, 416 width, 420 display, 302 window, 448 document, 448 z-index, 311–312 DOM and, 410, 413–414 Prototype, 488 E, 444 pseudo classes, 274 empty-cells, 292–294 :active, 296 fgcolor (DOM), 413 background-color property, 274 float, 312–314 color property, 274 form, 416 first-letter, 239–240 frames, 448 :focus, 296 height, 419 text-decoration property, 274 history, 448 hspace, 419 lastModified (DOM), 413 Q length, 415, 416, 438 element, 33, 598 linkColor (DOM), 413 queries, 376 list-style, 286 Query String, 61 list-style-position, 285–286 quotation marks, 300 list-style-type, 284–285 quotes, 32, 33 LN2, 444 LN10, 444 location, 448 R LOG2E, 445 radio buttons, 156–157, 383 LOG10E, 445 validation and, 467–468 lowersrc, 419 random( ) method, 445, 485 marker offset, 287 random script generator, 485–486 method, 415 rating label, 506 name, 415, 416, 419, 448 rating web pages, 506–507 733
  13. read-only controls read-only controls, 176–177 sample output, 35 readonly attribute sans-serif fonts, 367 element, 583 scheme attribute, 508, 593 element, 583 scope attribute, 602, 604 element, 584 screen resolution element, 585 fixed-size fonts and, 369 element, 586 page size and, 330 element, 588 site testing, 514 redirecting web pages, 506 element, 406 referrer property (DOM), 413 attributes, 598 refreshing web pages, 506 element, 10 registration form example, 166–169, 180–182 ordered list, 491 Regular Expressions, 462 scriptable objects, 410 characters, 463 Scriptaculous, 488–492 testing characters, 464–465 scripting language, default, 508 testing for, 465 scripts, 453–455, 485–486 rel attribute, 69–70 scrollamount attribute, element, 592 element, 565 scrolldelay attribute, element, 592 element, 591 scrolling, scrolling select boxes, 159–160 relative positioning, 307–308 scrolling attribute relative URLs, 55, 59 element, 196, 577 element, 64–65 element, 207, 580 importance of, 509 search engines, 522–525 replace( ) method, 462 search utilities, 530–531 required information in forms, 393 select( ) method, 417, 475–476 reset( ) method, 415 select boxes, 158–163, 384 resolution, 79 attributes, 163 return statements, functions, 429 options, 466–467 reusable functions, 454 quick jump, 497 rev attribute, 70, 565, 591 element, 158–159, 598–599 reverse( ) method, 447 selected attribute, element, 597 RGB color space, 638 selectedIndex property, 466 right navigation, 345 serif fonts, 367 robots.txt, 524–525 server-side image maps, 100, 101–102 rollover images, 405 server-side language, 532 round( ) method, 445, 485 server-side web programming, 531–532 rows attribute, 191–192, 578 setDate( ) method, 443 rows (tables) setFullYear( ) method, 443 introduction, 109 setHours( ) method, 443 shading multiple, 378–379 setMinutes( ) method, 443 spanning, 129–130 setMonth( ) method, 443 rowspan attribute, 602, 604 setSeconds( ) method, 443 rules attribute, 116–117, 600 setTime( ) method, 443 setUTCDate( ) method, 443 setUTCDay( ) method, 444 S setUTCFullYear( ) method, 444 element, 27, 598, 687 setUTCHour( ) method, 444 sacrificial columns, 354–355 setUTCMilliseconds( ) method, 444 element, 35, 598 setUTCMinutes( ) method, 444 sample layout, 315–320 setUTCMonth( ) method, 444 734
  14. superscript text Index setUTCSeconds( ) method, 444 element, 581 setYear( ) method, 443 element, 584 shape attribute, 70 element, 590 element, 565 element, 598 element, 567 src property, 419 Silverlight, 86 standby attribute, 96 sin( ) method, 445 start attribute single-column layout, 348–350 element, 581 single-line text input controls, 146–147 lists, 699 site registration form example, 397–401 element, 596 site searches, 376–378 statistical analysis, 526–527 site testing, 508–509 status property, 448 accessibility checkers, 514–515 statusbar property, 448 browser versions, 515 stop( ) method, 449 color depth, 514 Strict XHTML, 8 CSS validation, 509–512 strike( ) method, 439 directory structure, importance of, 509 element, 27, 599, 687 HTML validation, 509–512 strikethrough text, 27 link checking, 513–514 string data types, 451 pilot testing, 516–517 string object, 437–440 relative URLs, importance of, 509 string operator, 427 screen resolution, 514 strings, 414, 462 XHTML validation, 509–512 element, 30, 599 size attribute structure of document, 3 element, 568 structuring pages, 346–347 element, 576 sacrificial columns, 354–355 element, 583 single-column layout, 348–350 element, 585 three-column layouts, 353–354 element, 588 two-column layouts, 350–352 element, 599 style attribute, 13–14, 564 slash (/ /) characters, 407 element, 570 slashes, 462 element, 577 slice( ) method, 447 element, 579 small( ) method, 439 element, 589 element, 28, 599 element, 599 sort( ) method, 447 CSS, 220 sortable tables, MochiKit and, 492–493 element, 10 spacing, borders, 291 style sheet for code, 265–270 span attribute, element, 572 style sheet languages, default, 508 element, 49–50, 599 sub( ) method, 439 special characters, 47, 450, 649–663 element, 28, 599 special terms, 32 submit( ) method, 415 sqrt( ) method, 445 subscript text, 28 SQRT1_2 property, 445 substr( ) method, 439 SQRT2 property, 445 substring( ) method, 439, 474–475 src attribute, 86–87 subtraction (-) operator, 425 element, 569 summary attribute, 117, 600 element, 575 sup( ) method, 439 element, 195, 577 element, 28, 599 element, 206, 580 superscript text, 28 735
  15. SVG (Scalable Vector Graphics) SVG (Scalable Vector Graphics), 85 element, 584 switch statement, 431–432 element, 585 element, 586 element, 586 T element, 587 tab (t), 463 element, 588 tabbing order, 173–174 tags, 3–5 tabindex attribute, 70, 97 tan( ) method, 445 element, 565 target attribute, 70 element, 567 element, 565 element, 571 element, 567 element, 575 element, 568 element, 582 element, 576 element, 583 element, 126, 601 element, 583 element element, 584 attributes, 119–122, 493, 601–602 element, 585 test( ) method, 464 element, 586 testing characters, 464–465 element, 586 testing for element, 587 alphabetic characters, 465 element, 588 alphanumeric characters, 465 element, 589 credit card details, 465 element, 592 currency, 465 element, 599 decimal numbers, 465 element e-mail addresses, 465 attributes, 113–117, 493, 600–601 white space, 465 introduction, 109 testing forms, 397 page layout and, 334 testing site, 508–509 table-layout property, 294 accessibility checker, 514–515 tables browser versions, 515 body, 125–128 color depth, 514 cells, 109 CSS validation, 509–512 columns, 109, 128–132 directory structure, importance of, 509 CSS, 287–294 HTML validation, 509–512 CSS properties, 630–632 link checking, 513–514 foot, 125–128 pilot testing, 516–517 forms, 389–391 relative URLs, importance of, 509 heads, 125–128 screen resolution, 514 introduction, 109–112 XHTML validation, 509–512 linearization, 132–136 text nested, 356–359 abbreviations, 31 nowrap attribute, 703 acronyms, 31 rows, 109 alignment, readability and, 365 shading multiple, 378–379 auto-completing, 495–496 spanning, 129–130 background images and, 366–367 sortable, MochiKit and, 492–493 bold, 26 taborder attribute case conversion, 474 element, 582 columns, width, 366 element, 583 CSS properties, 611–614 element, 583 editing, 45–46 736
  16. validating forms Index emphasized, 30 Transmit, 521 fonts, 367–368 transparent background, 81 formatting, 23–26 element, 27, 606 forms, disabling input, 472–474 two-column layouts, 350–352 input, forms, 145–150 type attribute, 71, 98 italic, 26–27 element, 565 keyboard, 34–35 element, 571 line height, readability and, 365–366 element, 575 markup, 41–45 element, 574, 591, 593 monospaced font, 27 element, 591 selecting all content area of form, 475–476 lists, 700–701 strikethrough, 27 element, 596 strong, 30 element, 567, 596 subscript, 28 element, 598 superscript, 28 element, 606 underlined, 27 type selector, 243 white space and, 362–364 text attribute, 570, 685 text boxes, 384 U text fields, required, validation, 459–461 element, 27, 606, 687–688 text formatting, 16–18 UI event attributes, 15–16 text links, 375 element, 36–37, 606 element, attributes, 602–603 unary operators, 424 element, 126, 603 undefined data types, 451 element, 110 underlined text, 27 attributes, 119–122, 493, 604 units attribute, element, 575 element, 126 unordered lists, 36–37 attributes, 603 unversal selector, 243 three-column layouts, 353–354 uptime, 520 timetable example, 122–125 URLs title attribute, 13, 55, 70, 564 absolute, 59, 61–64 element, 570 credentials, 60 form controls, 394–395 filepath, 60 element, 577 fragment identifiers, 61 element, 579 host address, 60 element, 589 path arguments, 61 element, 11, 605 ports, 60 title property (DOM), 413 Query String, 61 toGMTString( ) method, 443 relative, 55, 59, 61–65 toLocalString( ) method, 443 scheme, 59 toLowerCase( ) method, 439, 474 usemap attribute, 90, 97, 581 toolbar property, 448 user events, 435 top attribute, element, 590 username variable, length property, 458 top navigation, 343 top property, 448 topmargin attribute, element, 570 V toString( ) method, 443 validate( ) function, 457 toUpperCase( ) method, 439, 474 validating forms element, 117–118, 605 checkboxes, 468–469 Transitional XHTML, 8 finding characters, 462–464 737
  17. validating forms (continued) validating forms (continued) vspace attribute, 90, 96, 695–696 preventing submission until checkbox selection, element, 575 469–470 element, 582 radio buttons, 467–468 element, 592 select box options, 464–465 element, 601 testing characters, 464–465 vspace property, 420 text fields, 457–461 when, 456 validation( ) function, 457 W valign attribute, 118–119 element, 606 element, 571 W3C DOM objects, 422 element, 572 web hosting, 518 element, 573 web marketing, 525–526 element, 601 web pages, 505–507 element, 601 web site element, 602 aims, 324–325 element, 603 categorization, 327–328 element, 604 content, defining, 326–327 element, 603 grouping, 327–328 element, 605 new content, 326 value attribute, 97 site map, creating, 328–329 element, 571 uploading, FTP and, 520–522 element, 582 version control, 527–529 element, 583 visitors, 325–326 element, 583 while loops, 432, 433 element, 584 white space, 17–18, 362–364, 465 element, 584 white-space character (s), 463 element, 585 width attribute, 88–89, 96, 117, 693–694, element, 586 694–695 element, 586 element, 572 element, 587 element, 573 element, 588 element, 575 element, 574, 591 element, 579 lists, 700 element, 206, 580 element, 597 element, 582 element, 567, 596 element, 590 valuetype attribute, 97–98, 596 element, 592 element, 35, 606 element, 593 variables (JavaScript), 422–424 element, 597 vector graphics, 78, 85–86 element, 601 version attribute, 579, 704 element, 601 version control, 527–529 element, 602 vertical tab (v), 463 element, 603 visibility attribute, element, 590 element, 604 visibility property, 302–303 element, 603 vlink attribute, element, 570 width property, 420 vlinkColor property (DOM), 413 window events, 435 738
  18. z-index property Index window object, 447–449 XML (Extensible Markup Language), 8 window property, 448 xml:lang attribute, 15 windows, pop-up windows, 486–487 element, 573 wireframe model, element placement and, 338 element, 578 word (w), 463 element, 580 wrapping text, 17 element, 589 write( ) method, 406, 414 element, 593 writeln( ) method, 414 element, 605 xmlns attribute, element, 580 element, 606, 688–689 X XHTML (Extensible Hypertext Markup Language), 2 Y case sensitivity, 8 YUI (Yahoo User Interface), 494–496 Frameset, 8 Strict, 8 Transitional, 8 Z XHTML validation, 509–512 z-index attribute, element, 590 xml attribute, 564 z-index property, 311–312 XML Declaration, 8 739
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