A parallel tool for searching
Special issue paper PAR-3D-BLAST: A parallel tool for searching and aligning protein structures present a parallel tool, parallel 3D-BLAST (PAR- 3D-BLAST), which lists the similar structures to the query protein. Each protein in the result list has a structural similarity score and an alignment to the query structure. The presented tool is implemented to fit both the standalone multi-core computers and clusters of multi-core nodes. The achieved speedup is linear and scalable.
10p ducla78 30-07-2015 39 3 Download
In this demo, we present a wiki-style platform – WikiBABEL – that enables easy collaborative creation of multilingual content in many nonEnglish Wikipedias, by leveraging the relatively larger and more stable content in the English Wikipedia. The platform provides an intuitive user interface that maintains the user focus on the multilingual Wikipedia content creation, by engaging search tools for easy discoverability of related English source material, and a set of linguistic and collaborative tools to make the content translation simple. ...
4p hongphan_1 15-04-2013 54 2 Download