Accounting techniques
Models representing uncertainty factors; data mining techniques; calculation methods of power systems taking into account uncertainty factors.
31p gaocaolon6 30-07-2020 23 2 Download
The study employed statistical techniques to address the subject matter of the research problem. Among other things, the study found that quality of financial reporting is very significant in enhancing financial accountability of Tanzanian local governments.
18p guineverehuynh 20-06-2020 18 1 Download
India accounts for 30% of neonatal deaths globally. Bacterial sepsis is a significant cause of morbidity and mortality in newborns. The study helps to make antibiotic policy in neonatal sepsis. The main objective is to study the incidence of multidrug resistant gram negative and gram positive organisms causing neonatal septicemia and their antibiotic sensitivity pattern. The study was conducted in the Department of Microbiology over a period of one year. Sample of blood was collected under aseptic precautions and processed by standard techniques.
5p gaocaolon5 14-06-2020 27 3 Download
The main concern of the current empirical research is to examine the role of management accounting techniques in determining the relationship between purchasing and supplier management in the retail sector of Kazakhstan, which during the last four years, has grown significantly.
16p tohitohi 22-05-2020 35 3 Download
The research objectives of the thesis are to assess the status of applying accounting management techniques in enterprises; The influence of factors on the application of management accounting techniques in Northern Vietnam enterprises.
0p dungmaithuy 17-09-2019 50 4 Download
The research objectives of the thesis are to assess the status of applying accounting management techniques in enterprises; The influence of factors on the application of management accounting techniques in Northern Vietnam enterprises.
0p gaunguyen6789 17-09-2019 54 3 Download
Thesis aims to identify and measure factors, which impact to the use of management accounting techniques in Vietnamese SMEs. The findings will be discussed to suggest some solutions in order to enhance the possibility of implementing management accounting techniques in Vietnamese SMEs. It will help Vietnamese SMEs improve their competitive capability in the flat world as the trend of globalization.
24p change05 08-06-2016 95 7 Download
In this chapter, students will be able to understand: Password policies ensure that users choose effective passwords; user-level security requires a separate account for each user; in share-level security, all users access shares by using the same passwords; a firewall is a hardware or software product that protects a network from unauthorized access, using techniques such as packet filtering, NAT, or proxy servers;...
15p tangtuy08 21-04-2016 37 3 Download
A chilly, but still very attractive, Asilomar hosted the seventh edition of the Critical Assessment of Protein Structure Prediction Experiment (CASP) [1]. A few months ago, 96 protein sequences of unknown, but soon to be determined structure, were distributed to more than 250 groups, whose task was to predict their structure and a number of other fea-tures, such as their domain boundaries, the presence of disordered regions, contacts between specific amino acids and their molecular function.
4p galaxyss3 21-03-2013 48 4 Download
cacls /T /E /G administrator:F d:\users\*.* Cacls will add Full Control for the adminsitrator account all files and subfolders in the Users folder of the D:\ drive. cacls /T /E /R Everyone d:\users Cacls will remove all permissions for the 'Everyone' group in all files and subfolders in the Users folder of the D:\ drive. Be sure to use the /E switch when you are just making modifications to a specific account or group. Without the /E switch, your settings will replace the current security with only what is specified. ...
19p muathu_102 28-01-2013 28 2 Download