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  • This article presents a teaching design for the concept of shapes with a center of symmetry, the center of symmetry of a figure with the support of GeoGebra software. The "dynamic" features of the GeoGebra software have facilitated students in the process of acquiring knowledge and simultaneously created opportunities for students to form and develop mathematical competencies.

    pdf8p viaburame 14-03-2025 2 0   Download

  • The intricacies and limitations of AI-driven medical image analysis are the focus of this paper, particularly challenges in acquiring, preprocessing, and analyzing medical imaging data. We explore how Artificial Intelligence (AI) presents significant potential to revolutionize this field: improving diagnostic accuracy; streamlining workflows–even enhancing patient outcomes.

    pdf10p viyamanaka 06-02-2025 2 2   Download

  • Dental caries is a common disease and is acquired very early in children after teething. Primitive teeth play an important role in chewing, so oral disease will affect the physical development of children. The objective of the study was to investigate the current status of oral disease, the role of the mother and related factors of 3-5 year-old children.

    pdf7p viuchiha 03-01-2025 4 2   Download

  • Invite you to consult the document content, "新 汉 语 水 平 考 试" below for additional study material and exam review Chinese. Content document provides you with multiple choice quiz questions to help you strengthen your acquired knowledge.

    pdf22p 0962301825 07-01-2016 67 9   Download

  • Invite you to consult the document content, "新 汉 语 水 平 考 试" below for additional study material and exam review Chinese. Content document provides you with multiple choice quiz questions to help you strengthen your acquired knowledge.

    pdf22p 0962301825 07-01-2016 80 9   Download

  • Interpreting, like playing chess, is a game of problem solving, evaluation, critical thinking, intuition and forecasting. Every game is different and each game is a challenge, which requires interpreters, to unceasingly develop knowledge and experience. It is disciplined study and repeated practice of many techniques and skills that bring victory to the interpreter. Apart from basic requirements of language mastery and culture sensitivity, there are quite a few skills that need to be acquired for successful interpreting. One of them is note-taking skill....

    pdf61p hattieubenho2009 13-11-2012 228 76   Download

  • Culture as the deposit of knowledge, experience, beliefs, values, attitudes, meanings, social hierarchies, religion, notion of time, roles, spatial relationships, concept of the universe, and material objects and possessions acquired by a group of people in the course of generations through individual and group striving...

    ppt27p hoanglan952001 11-12-2010 105 27   Download

  • Why Globalize? expand sales when domestic markets are saturated, should go overseas to increase sales and profits acquire resources resources may be more readily available and less costly in other countries diversify sources of sales and supplies different business cycles between countries may avoid impact of price swings or shortages avoid tariffs

    ppt21p mioangelo1911 17-03-2013 63 6   Download

  • Rationale: ICTs have changed the way information is created and distributed. They have also changed the way libraries select, acquire, organize and deliver information. Library automation has. By the end of the lesson you should be able to: Define library automation Define an automated/Integrated Library System and identify as general features. Be aware of standards. Define an online public access catalog/web catalog Indentify the binifit of Library automation Identify potentail difficult in imple menting library automation ...

    ppt32p hoangyen999 04-05-2013 42 3   Download

  • 1.1 WORD PROCESSORS A word processor is an application program that is acquired for running on a particular computer. It enables one to type and display text on a page: retrieving, amending, adding to, and arranging in different ways before printing text is generally entered as a keyboard or scanned file.

    ppt53p minhngannt 08-04-2013 70 9   Download

  • Lectures Bronchitis and Community acquired pneumonia introduce acute bronchitis, bronchitis and management, community pneumonia, pneumonia diagnosis & sputum Gram stain, cause of pneumonia in the community, the guidance of DSA / ATS antibiotics for pneumonia in adults in the community,...

    pdf47p tuoihaimuoi32 17-06-2014 59 3   Download

  • The main contents of this chapter include all of the following: Communication design, map out message goals, evaluate your audience, shape message content, select channels, acquire resources, generate source credibility, eliminate design flaws, send message.

    ppt31p nomoney2 10-02-2017 49 3   Download

  • Bài giảng Quản lý dự án: Chương 9 - Quản lý nguồn nhân lực của dự án cung cấp cho người học những kiến thức như: Kế hoạch phát triển nguồn nhân lực (Develop Human Resource Plan); Thành lập nhóm dự án (Acquire Project Team); Phát triển nhóm dự án (Develop Project Team); Quản lý nhóm dự án (Manage Project Team). Mời các bạn cùng tham khảo!

    ppt47p elysale 17-06-2021 56 9   Download

  • Lecture Electronic commerce - Chapter 16: Launching a Successful Online Business and EC Projects learning objectives: Understand the fundamental requirements for initiating an online business. Describe the process of initiating and funding a start-up e-business or large e-project. Understand the process of adding EC initiatives to an existing business. Describe the issues and methods of transforming an organization into an e-business. Describe the process of acquiring Web sites and evaluating building versus hosting options.

    ppt45p caphesuadathemtac 09-11-2021 13 3   Download

  • Bài giảng thực hành Quản lý lưu vực - Bài 1: Phân chia lưu vực.

    pdf25p zizaybay1107 19-07-2024 11 1   Download

  • The experience of English teaching, especially speaking class, comes from the actual classroom and that is not a good news for a new teacher, who does not have it but urgently needs to acquire the basic knowledge. This writing provides the reasons why the level of interesting acts as a crucial point in the succeeding of a class. Furthermore, some methods of teaching speaking are going to be viewed and discussed to strengthen the point of view that intrinsic motivation should be applied in the class.

    doc52p xuanphongdacy09 28-09-2024 11 3   Download

  • The aim of the research was the processing of the vibration signatures from healthy and damaged composite beams acquired with the help of a Scanning Laser Vibrometer (SLV) upon excitation and analysis of the mode shapes acquired for damage detection. The displacement mode shapes acquired were then converted into curvature mode shapes with the help of a Central Difference Approximation method (CDA).

    pdf146p runthenight07 01-03-2023 7 3   Download

  • The incidence of hypervirulent epidemic Clostridium difficile has increased around the world and now in Australia. Assays that are capable of rapidly identifying these strains would enable earlier diagnosis and timely infection control response. The aims of the first part of the study were to validate and develop a molecular technique for the rapid diagnosis of toxigenic C.

    pdf134p runthenight07 01-03-2023 10 3   Download

  • The study examines how Small-Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs) demonstrate a range of innovation capabilities when they collaborate with a regional university research centre. This collaboration is shown to be important to create and exchange new knowledge to advance the firms innovation performance. The study demonstrates the ability of firms to acquire and exploit this knowledge, which is a business competency described as absorptive capacity (AC). AC relies on several antecedents or factors to engage with a collective learning process.

    pdf243p runthenight04 02-02-2023 17 4   Download

  • The aim of this research study "Exploring human resource management practices: an empirical study of the performing arts companies in Australia" is to explore HRM practices in the performing arts companies in Australia, using a qualitative research design and two phases of data collection. Firstly, interviews were conducted, with the overall objective to acquire richer data from key stakeholders on the perceived HRM practices in the performing arts sector, and the associated impact of the environment, for example, policy context and funding arrangements.

    pdf328p runthenight04 02-02-2023 27 3   Download



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