Aeronautical mobile
The AMS(R)S provides voice and data connectivity to users such as air traffic controllers, pilots and aircraft operators The AMSS comprises satellites, aeronautical earth stations (AESs), ground earth stations (GESs) and associated ground facilities such as a network coordination center. 7 Existing satellite systems in operation for aeronautical communications Inmatsat, MTSAT Iridium
30p hanampro91 10-05-2013 76 8 Download
High Frequency Data Link, or HFDL, is part of ARINC’s GLOBALink end-to-end communication system The HFDL system is a segment of the Aircraft Communications Addressing and Reporting System (ACARS) used to exchange Airline Operational Control (AOC) and Air Traffic Control (ATS) messagesbetween aircraft end systems and corresponding ground-based stations. GLOBALink/HF provides HF-based, air-to-ground digital communications with aircraft using ARINC 635 protocol. The HFDL system uses the principles of geographic diversity and frequency diversity to optimize HF propagation...
35p hanampro91 10-05-2013 66 4 Download