An expert system
The Hybrid Artificial Intelligent model is a new method for evaluation of food biotechnology based on collaborative expert preferences and customer behaviours. This new approach using Kansei evaluation is to quantify expert sensibilities and emotions about bio-food quality in market and biofood research environments. Further improvement of food biotechnology evaluation applying for a real case study with expert feedbacks can be considered in future studies.
5p lalala06 02-12-2015 39 3 Download
Thank you for taking our training. We’ve worked together with our Microsoft Certified Partners for Learning Solutions and Microsoft IT Academies to bring you a world-class learning experience, including: Microsoft Certified Trainers + Instructors. Your instructor is a premier technical and instructional expert who meets ongoing certification requirements. Customer Satisfaction Guarantee. Our Certified Partners for Learning Solutions offer a satisfaction guarantee and we hold them accountable for it. At the end of class, please complete an evaluation of today’s experience.
15p leminh74 03-10-2012 65 10 Download
Expert Systems are computer systems which embody some of the experience and specialised knowledge of an expert and thereby mimic the expert and act as a consultant in a particular area. Knowledge is often represented in an Expert System in a knowledge base, which is a network of interconnected rules which represent the human expertise.
7p cuulongvhit 17-09-2010 120 11 Download
How to Become an Oracle DBA As you start out on your journey to become a proficient Oracle DBA, you have many sources of information on the Oracle database: • Oracle Database 11g database administration classes, which have now been boiled down to a pair of five-day long classes • Oracle manuals—an entire library of which are available on the Oracle web sites • Books from various publishers that impart the various pieces of knowledge you need to become an accomplished Oracle DBA You’ll also need to acquire the necessary operating system knowledge.
10p vongsuiphat 04-01-2010 120 27 Download