Application security
Photoluminescent composites that are air-stable and water-resistant are important for outdoor applications such as road marking paints, light-converting membranes, fluorescent paints, and security inks.
7p vibenya 31-12-2024 1 0 Download
PHP-Developer since the late 1920s I 2009 I tried out about 10(!!) different PHP Frameworks: Akelos PHP Framework Cake PHP Codeigniter Kahona Recess Solar Symfony1 Wombat Yii Zend Framework Database Access Objects (DAO), Query Builder, AR I Migration system to step up and down your migrations I Easy Console Applications I Routing you always wanted to have I Flexibility with Widgets (= View Helpers++) I Expandable with Extensions / Wrappers for 3rd party libs I Highly secure I Scaffolding...
42p nguyenvanhabk 22-06-2013 93 10 Download
“ Web 2.0 is a massive social experiment This is an opportunity to build a new kind of international understanding, not politician to politician, great man to great man, but citizen to citizen, person to person. It's a chance for people to look at a computer screen and really, genuinely wonder who's out there looking back at them. ”
54p hanthegiankid9x 25-06-2013 52 5 Download
Chapter 1: Undertanding the .NET Framework overview .NET Framework; understanding the common language runtime; understanding the managed excution process; understanding assemblies and the global assembly cache; cogfiguration and security; application domains and run times hosts.
35p cocacola_09 23-11-2015 60 3 Download
Lecture "Database security and auditing - Protecting data integrity and accessibility - Chapter 9: Auditing database activities" presentation of content: Audit server activities with Microsoft SQL Server 2000, audit database activities using Microsoft SQL Profiler, use SQL Server for security auditing. Mời các bạn tham khảo.
46p thangnamvoiva20 20-09-2016 81 3 Download
Lecture Database security and auditing - Protecting data integrity and accessibility - Chapter 8: Application Data Auditing presentation of content Create and implement Oracle triggers, create and implement SQL Server triggers, define and implement Oracle fine-grained auditing,... Mời các bạn cùng tham khảo.
37p thangnamvoiva20 20-09-2016 65 2 Download
Lecture Security+ Certification: Chapter 9 - System hardening. The main contents of this chapter include all of the following: Disable nonessential systems, harden operating systems, harden applications, harden networks.
39p nhanmotchut_3 20-10-2016 73 5 Download
Bài giảng "An toàn mạng máy tính nâng cao - Chương 6: Web application security" cung cấp cho người học các kiến thức về bảo mật ứng dụng Web, web application attack and defense. Đây là một tài liệu hữu ích dành cho các bạn sinh viên và những ai quan tâm dùng làm tài liệu học tập và nghiên cứu.
51p tieu_vu12 03-07-2018 99 15 Download
Lecture "On safety and security of information systems: Cryptographic hash funtionns" provide students with knowledge about: Hash function; Applications of cryptographic hash functions; Simple hash functions; Requirements and security;... Please refer to the detailed content of the lecture!
22p hoabingan205 12-12-2022 14 5 Download
This thesis intends to develop application-level access control models to address several major security issues in enterprise environments. The first goal is to provide simple and efficient authorization specifications to reduce the complexity of security management. The second goal is to provide dynamic access control for Web service applications. The third goal is to provide an access control framework for Semantic Web services. In this thesis, an Authorization-Function-Based Role-based Access Control (FB-RBAC) model is proposed for controlling enterprise systems at the application level.
182p runthenight07 01-03-2023 13 3 Download
The author identifies two research gaps of this topic, respectively: (1) Understanding and evaluating the current situation of fair value application in the accounting system of securities companies in Vietnam and (2) Find out the factors affecting the application of fair value in the accounting system of securities companies in Vietnam.
27p petsematary 06-06-2021 27 5 Download
The human population continues to grow steadily with the shrinking resources being used for agricultural production situates great challenge against Indian agricultural system to attain food and environmental security. To counter these twin challenges in the country there is urgent need of application of modern Hi-tech technologies for enhancing the productivity and sustainability of the rice-wheat system for long term on scientific basis. Precision farming (PF) looks a win-win technology towards improving the capability of agricultural land to produce crops on sustainable basis.
10p chauchaungayxua6 26-06-2020 23 2 Download
Chapter 5 - Wireless security. After studying this chapter you will be able to understand: Wireless concepts, Securing digital cellular telephony, wireless application protocol, wireless transport layer security, hardening wireless local area networks, IEEE 802.11, wired equivalent privacy (WEP).
20p nhanmotchut_3 20-10-2016 68 4 Download
Users and Security Security domain The database administrator defines the names of the users who are allowed to access a database. A security domain defines the settings that apply to the user. Authentication mechanism A user who requires access to the database can be authenticated by one of the following: Data dictionary Operating system Network The means of authentication is specified at the time the user is defined in the database and can be altered later. This lesson covers authentication by database and by operating system only.
20p trinh02 28-01-2013 82 3 Download
We now begin our look at building protocols using the basic tools that we have discussed. The discussion in this lecture will focus on issues of key establishment and the associated notion of authentication These protocols are not real, but instead are meant to serve just as a high-level survey Later lectures will go into specific protocols and will uncover practical challenges faced when implementing these protocols
20p muathu_102 28-01-2013 66 9 Download
The Devil said to Daniel Webster: "Set me a task I can't carry out, and I'll give you anything in the world you ask for." Daniel Webster: "Fair enough. Prove that for n greater than 2, the equation an + bn = cn has no non-trivial solution in the integers." They agreed on a three-day period for the labor, and the Devil disappeared. At the end of three days, the Devil presented himself, haggard, jumpy, biting his lip. Daniel Webster said to him, "Well, how did you do at my task? Did you prove the theorem?' "Eh? No . . . no, I haven't...
18p muathu_102 28-01-2013 51 3 Download
Protect web content from those who don’t have a “need to know” Require users to authenticate using a userid/password before they are allowed access to certain URLs HTTP/1.1 requires that when a user makes a request for a protected resource the server responds with a authentication request header WWW-Authenticate contains enough pertinent information to carry out a “challenge-response” session between the user and the server
13p muathu_102 28-01-2013 50 3 Download
Used to connect two private networks together via the Internet Used to connect remote users to a private network via the Internet This could be done by opening your firewall to the LAN networking protocols (NETBIOS, NFS NetWare, AppleTalk)) But… it would also make those protocols available to any one on the Internet and they could come into your LAN at will Effectively make the whole Internet your LAN Exposes all of your data Anyone can easily take advantage of vulnerabilities in your internal hosts No privacy Better solution is to use a VPN in conjunction with your firewall ...
18p muathu_102 28-01-2013 83 4 Download
Biggest problem is figuring out who a piece of mail is really from Must use a higher level mechanism for trust or privacy Most SMTP clients use sendmail which has been a constant source of security problems for years
15p muathu_102 28-01-2013 40 2 Download
You don’t have to know all of the details You do need to know your system What services it is providing What protocols are involved What vulnerabilities is has How to minimize the risks
18p muathu_102 28-01-2013 39 1 Download