Architecture of JMS
Objectives: understanding the messaging paradigm, concepts and architecture of JMS, messaging models, anatomy of a JMS message, JMS features, JMS providers.
85p xaydungk23 27-10-2014 62 9 Download
The main contents of this chapter include all of the following: Understanding the messaging paradigm, concepts and architecture of JMS, JMS messaging models, anatomy of a JMS message, JMS features, JMS providers.
85p youcanletgo_04 15-01-2016 56 4 Download
Objectives: understant what & why use web service, know some type of architectural models, understant web service architecture, determine service - oriented architecture, understant and use some web service technologies, build a simple web service, RMI, J2EE architecture, JMS, WS, RESTful WS, Web.
3p xaydungk23 27-10-2014 44 3 Download