Atomic mass unit
Apeptide called phaiodotoxin was isolated from the venom of the scorpionAnuroctonus phaiodactylus.It is lethal to crickets, but non toxic tomice at the doses assayed. It has 72 amino acid residues, with a molecular mass of 7971 atomic mass units. Its covalent structure was determined by Edman degradation and mass spectrometry; it contains four disul-fide-bridges, of which one of the pairs is formed between cysteine-7 and cysteine-8 (positions Cys63–Cys71). The other three pairs are formed between Cys13–Cys38, Cys23– Cys50 and Cys27–Cys52. ...
9p awards 05-04-2013 43 2 Download
Phaiodactylipinwaspurified fromthevenomof the scorpion Anuroctonus phaiodactylus. It is the first protein to be puri-fied from a scorpion of the family Iuridae and has a molecular mass of 19 172 atomic mass units. The mature protein is composedof two subunits, the large one consisting of 108 amino acid residues, whereas the small subunit has only 18 residues, and the structure is stabilized by five disulfide bridges. The heterodimer is expressed froma single message containing 769 base pairs and a signal peptide with 16 and/or 25 amino acid residues. ...
12p dell39 03-04-2013 34 4 Download