Band-pass filter
Evaluating the average probability of symbol error for different bandpass modulation schemes Comparing different modulation schemes based on their error performances.Transforming signals to improve communications performance by increasing the robustness against channel impairments (noise, interference, fading, ...)
43p doanhung_dtvtk10 24-03-2013 60 6 Download
Some bandpass modulation schemes MPAM, MPSK, MFSK, MQAM How to perform coherent and noncoherent detection.How to calculate the average probability of symbol error for different modulation schemes that we studied? How to compare different modulation schemes based on their error performances?
25p doanhung_dtvtk10 24-03-2013 74 6 Download
Another source of error due to filtering effect of the system: Intersymbol. interference (ISI) The techniques to reduce ISI. Pulse shaping to achieve zero ISI at the sampling time. Equalization to combat the filtering effect of the channel.Some bandpass modulation schemes used in DCS for transmitting information oer channel. MPAM, MPSK, MFSK, MQAM How to detect the transmitted information at the receiver. Coherent detection. Noncoherent detection.
27p doanhung_dtvtk10 24-03-2013 58 7 Download
Trong bài này bạn sẽ học cách sử dụng ADS microstrip thành phần để mô phỏng một BandPass Filter sử dụng đường dây kết. Bạn sẽ làm một mô phỏng và mô phỏng một mạng lưới điện của đà bằng cách sử dụng bộ lọc.
4p dovanthuc 19-02-2011 200 37 Download
Filter banks are arrangements low pass, bandpass, and highpass filters used of for the spectral decomposition and composition of signals. They play an important role in many modern signal processing applications such as audio and image coding. The reason for their popularity is the fact that they easily allow the extractionof spectral components of a signal while providing very efficient implementations. Since most filter banks involve various sampling rates, they are also referred to as multirate systems....
53p doroxon 12-08-2010 103 6 Download
Some bandpass modulation schemes -M-PAM, M-PSK, M-FSK, M-QAM -How to perform coherent and non-coherent detection -How to calculate the average probability of symbol error for different modulation schemes that we studied?
25p huemanvdoc 23-11-2009 129 29 Download