Based on gender differences
Point out gender differences in career orientations of high school students and their influencing factors. From the research result, some recommendations are given to best promote their career orientation, maximize the potentials and strengths of male and female students, based on gender differences.
27p angicungduoc12 08-06-2021 24 4 Download
Firstly, identify and measure the influence of the factors on the decision to buy products with environmental friendly packaging in Vietnam. Second, test the difference between gender, age, education level and income on the decision to buy products that are environmentally friendly. Thirdly, help managers understand the factors that influence the decision to buy products that have environmental friendly packaging, and provide the administrator with solutions for reference based on research results in order to help businesses attract customers and expand market size in Vietnam.
28p kequaidan6 15-07-2020 51 3 Download