Nacre organic matrix has been conventionally classified as both water-soluble and water-insoluble,basedonits solubility in aqueous solutions after decalcificationwith acid or EDTA. Some characteristics (aspartic acid-rich, silk-fibroin-like content) were specifically attributed to either one or the other. The comparative study on the technique of extraction (extraction with water alone vs. demineralization with EDTA) presented here, seems to reveal that this gen-erally accepted classification may need to be reconsidered....
10p tumor12 22-04-2013 33 2 Download
Among molluscs, the shell biomineralization process is controlled by a set of extracellular macromolecular components secreted by the calcifying mantle. In spite of several studies, these components are mainly known in bivalves from only few members of pteriomorph groups.
13p galaxyss3 19-03-2013 41 3 Download
In the biomineralization processes, proteins are thought to control the polymorphism and morphology of the crystals by forming complexes of structural and mineral-associated proteins. To identify such proteins, we have searched for proteins that may form high-molecular-weight (HMW) aggregates in the matrix of fish otoliths that have aragonite and vaterite as their crystal polymorphs.
12p media19 06-03-2013 40 3 Download
In molluscs, and more generally in metazoan organisms, the production of a calcified skeleton is a complex molecular process that is regulated by the secretion of an extracellular organic matrix. This matrix constitutes a cohe-sive and functional macromolecular assemblage, containing mainly pro-teins, glycoproteins and polysaccharides that, together, control the biomineral formation.
14p cosis54 05-01-2013 58 3 Download