Building information modelling and management
The study "Multi-objective solar building envelope design optimization" includes four main objectives: 1 - To explore the components of a building envelope design optimization framework that would be developed for the conceptual building design phase; 2 - To establish an optimization process for different BIPV application types; 3 - To investigate the optimization algorithms and methods that could be used to optimize building envelope design for BIPV; 4 - To develop and validate an optimization framework to integrate BIPV into the building structure.
158p runthenight04 02-02-2023 7 2 Download
Main objective: Building the model on the effect of knowledge management system on the SME’s toward competitive advantage. Detail objective: Identifying the model and level of development on knowledge management in the SME’s in Vietnam; Design enterprise architecture for enterprise knowledge management system. Building the influence model of Enterprise knowledge management system to competitive advantage in the SME’s.
0p ngocmai222 11-06-2018 59 7 Download