Business capabilities
Bachelor's thesis of Business (Business Information Systems): CRM as a tool for IT strategy planning
CRM is a relative new technology in which allows organisations to capture data, and improve customer service capabilities. IT strategy planning is the process of planning, and implementing changes, to ensure organisations have best practise in regards to decision making and infrastructure. At the current moment there is little information domestically available in Australia about CRM systems. This thesis provides some insight, in-regards to CRM and IT strategy planning practice, in Australia.
160p runthenight07 01-03-2023 7 3 Download
The study examines how Small-Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs) demonstrate a range of innovation capabilities when they collaborate with a regional university research centre. This collaboration is shown to be important to create and exchange new knowledge to advance the firms innovation performance. The study demonstrates the ability of firms to acquire and exploit this knowledge, which is a business competency described as absorptive capacity (AC). AC relies on several antecedents or factors to engage with a collective learning process.
243p runthenight04 02-02-2023 14 4 Download
This study focuses on exploring the effects of networks on the process of commercialisation in the biotechnology industry. The biotechnology industry itself has a specific position in the industrial markets because of its capability of successfully employing network knowledge to innovate products and services. However, the industry struggles to implement the resource networks to take innovations to market.
248p runthenight04 02-02-2023 10 3 Download
The objectives of the study are therefore: (1) to apply the concept of the dynamic capability perspective to the IT–competitive advantage research in order to explicate the strategic role of IT in attaining competitive advantage; and (2) to examine the antecedent capabilities and competences that may lead towards developing adaptive IT capability.
274p runthenight04 02-02-2023 9 3 Download
This study seeks to examine the contexts and mitigating circumstances surrounding GI implementation. In particular, it focuses on three main research questions: 1. Why did some GIs fail to achieve positive outcomes while others were able to even acquire competitive advantages from their implementation? 2. Given that some GIs could lead to positive outcomes, why wouldn’t organizations embrace the “winning” approaches when implementing GIs? 3. What were the approaches and conditions that could ensure positive outcomes from GI implementation?
224p runthenight04 02-02-2023 6 3 Download
The main objective of the research "Meeting global business information requirements with ERP systems for improved business performance" is to determine the alignment of ERP systems capabilities to global business information requirements for improved global business performance.
335p runthenight04 02-02-2023 7 3 Download
This research aims to investigate the critical success factors of digital transformation for improving customer experience in organisations. Specifically, the research aims to (a) identify the critical success factors of digital transformation for improving customer experience, (b) develop a framework for facilitating the successful implementation of digital transformation towards improving customer experience in organisations and (c) provide organisations with some appropriate recommendations for improving the performance of digital transformation towards improving customer experience.
204p runthenight04 02-02-2023 7 2 Download
Whilst the level of CQ and the factors that influence CQ have been investigated among business students, it has not been applied to the academics responsible for their education. In the context of CQ, there is a lack of knowledge regarding the capacity or preparedness of university academics to deal with the increasing phenomenon of multiculturalism in the classroom. This research addressed this gap through an examination of the level of CQ exhibited by Australian accounting academics.
305p runthenight04 02-02-2023 8 3 Download
The objectives of the study are: to extend the literature in several ways. First, the relationship between strategictype and organisational capabilities has been predominately investigated in the context of the private sector, not the public sector; To provide evidence about the comparative impacts of two contemporary control devices adapted by management of GBEs, as organisations that operated in a nexus between private sector market conditions and public sector ownership and oversight conditions; To provide evidence about the mix of congruency factors (i.e.
261p runthenight04 02-02-2023 9 2 Download
The purpose of the thesis "An empirical analysis of firm innovation capability and performance of Indonesian ICT SMEs" is to explore the antecedents of innovation capability and firm performance of ICT SMEs within clusters in Jakarta and Bandung in Indonesia. A causal model was proposed and tested by using Partial Least Squares (PLS-SEM). Findings reveal that intellectual capital is a major contributor of innovation capability. Surprisingly, being spatially close in a specific location does not trigger firms to have innovation capability.
269p runthenight04 02-02-2023 8 2 Download
This thesis examines the influence of market (Narver & Slater, 1990), learning (Sinkula, Baker, & Noordewier, 1997), and entrepreneurial orientation (Lumpkin & Dess, 2001) as sources of competitive advantage in rapidly growing small-to-medium enterprises (SMEs). The present thesis incorporates two studies (Study 1 and Study 2), utilizing a sequential explanatory design, which is characterized by undertaking quantitative data collection and analysis, prior conducting qualitative research (Cresswell, 2003).
391p runthenight04 02-02-2023 7 4 Download
This research aims to develop novel approaches capable for effectively solving the IS project evaluation and selection problem in a simple and straightforward manner. More specifically, this research will: (a) Conduct a comprehensive review of existing approaches to evaluating and selecting IS projects; (b) Develop novel approaches for evaluating and selecting IS projects; and (c) Demonstrate the applicability of the developments in real IS project evaluation and selection situations with real world applications.
154p runthenight04 02-02-2023 6 3 Download
Analyzing the factors affecting the competitive capability of tourism destinations in Bac Lieu and the tourism situation of Bac Lieu province, then proposing administrative implications to improve the competitive capability of tourist destinations in Bac Lieu.
32p trinhthamhodang1217 14-01-2021 21 4 Download
The thesis is done based on the research methodology of dialectical materialism and historical materialism. The Party's views on market economic development, on corporate governance and management and development of state-owned enterprises are also a guideline for the research methodology of the topic.
32p trinhthamhodang8 20-10-2020 21 2 Download
This paper aims at examining the effect of continuous reconfiguration capability on disruptive business model innovation on Indonesia digital (tech) startups.
9p lucastanguyen 01-06-2020 23 3 Download
KPIs for Brand refer to issues such as: Number of negative media coverages, Q Score, Brand strength, Consumer awareness, Brand relevance, Brand credibility, Brand consideration, Revenue generation capabilities of brand... invite you to consult. In addition, to learn more about KPI indicators of other departments in the business, please consult Bộ Tài Liệu Xây Dựng KPI Cho Doanh Nghiệp on TaiLieu.VN. Good luck!
4p vrohtovitamin 18-06-2019 22 1 Download
Windows 7 applets But Wait, There’s More You want more? Oh, there’s more. In addition to the hundreds of other features and changes that are included in Windows 7, Microsoft is also busy expanding the Windows ecosystem to include products and services that extend Windows 7’s capabilities or, in some cases, fall outside of the traditional PC desktop. We cover a number of these technologies in the book because they do indeed complete the Windows 7 experience.
10p thachsaudoi 24-12-2009 79 10 Download