Cashew engineering
Cashew is an important crop in Vietnam, and the government has assigned the development as a national priority gia.Nang cashew productivity has been increased since 2002, but the widespread use pesticides has caused health problems for farmers, animals and the environment. Article IPM program using ants as a key component in the development of Charles Darwin University (CDU) does not use toxic pesticides, but high-yield results. This project is using the CDU of IPM to develop and implement an IPM program that will work in conditions of Vietnam....
10p xinh_la 10-02-2012 70 7 Download
Confirm the project was carried out between November and December 2008 using a standard questions. A total of 220 questions were sent to farmers, who graduated from FFSs in our first completed between April but in May 2008, in 10 cashew growing districts in the major growing provinces. A total of 197 questionnaires were collected. For comparison with the original data we collect in start of this project, this question includes the following six aspects:
16p xinh_la 10-02-2012 39 8 Download
A basic survey was successfully implemented in eight provinces of the developing world using a standard questionnaire. The survey focused on six areas: A. Farmers' opinions for the IPM program using ants as a key component, Two. The role of women in the cultivation, 3. The status of farming, 4. The impact of pesticides on the health of farmers and farm environment, Five. Farmers' knowledge on cashew insect pests and diseases and their natural enemies, and 6. Weaver reviews the state and farmers, their opinions....
7p xau_la 10-02-2012 63 5 Download
Cashew is an important crop in Vietnam, and the government has assigned the development as a national priority. Cashew productivity has increased since 2002, but the widespread use of pesticides has caused health problems for farmers, animals and the environment. Article IPM program using ants as a key component in the development of Charles Darwin University (CDU) does not use toxic pesticides, but high-yield results. This project is using the CDU of IPM to develop and implement an IPM program that will work in conditions of Vietnam.
12p xau_la 10-02-2012 72 8 Download