Ceramic membrane
This study was aimed to investigate: the fouling potential of AOM released from M. aeruginosa on the ceramic MF membranes; the major components in the AOM governing the fouling of ceramic MF membranes; the role of the interaction between AOM and aquatic humics on the fouling of ceramic MF membranes; the effect of coagulation feed pre-treatment using various coagulants on the mitigation of AOM fouling; the effect of UV/H2O2 feedwater pre-treatment in mitigating AOM fouling.
154p runthenight07 01-03-2023 5 3 Download
The main aim of this research is to develop a viable solution to treat and reuse car wash wastewater. To do so, two treatment systems were evaluated. The first treatment system comprised of coagulation-flocculation and ceramic ultrafiltration membrane and reverse osmosis and the second treatment system is enhanced membrane bioreactor (eMBR).
201p runthenight04 02-02-2023 10 3 Download