Chemical engineering Doctoral dissertation
The purpose of the thesis is to synthesize the effective catalysts based on Pt/SBA-15 modifed with Al and/or B and their applicability in n-heptane hydroisomerization, tetralin hydrogenation and paracetamol detection.
129p closefriend04 17-10-2021 18 4 Download
This dissertation focuses on establishing the process of manufacturing bimetallic Fe / Cu internal electrolysis nanomaterial, thereby studying some characteristics correlation between corrosive line and TNT decomposition kinetics and time. Setting and optimizing the internal electrolysis process by bimetal Fe / Cu nanomaterials combined with biological method A2O-MBBR (moving bed Biological reactor) to treat TNT wastewater at laboratory scale and Pilot scale at the scene.
27p larachdumlanat129 20-01-2021 22 3 Download