Chemical engineering Doctoral dissertation: Synthesis of catalysts based on Pt/SBA-15 modified with Al and/or B and their applicability on n-heptane hydroisomerization, tetralin hydrogenation and paracetamol detection
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The purpose of the thesis is to synthesize the effective catalysts based on Pt/SBA-15 modifed with Al and/or B and their applicability in n-heptane hydroisomerization, tetralin hydrogenation and paracetamol detection.
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Nội dung Text: Chemical engineering Doctoral dissertation: Synthesis of catalysts based on Pt/SBA-15 modified with Al and/or B and their applicability on n-heptane hydroisomerization, tetralin hydrogenation and paracetamol detection
- MINISTRY OF EDUCATION AND TRANING HANOI UNIVERSITY OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY NGO THI THANH HIEN Synthesis of catalysts based on Pt/SBA-15 modified with Al and/or B and their applicability on n-heptane hydroisomerization, tetralin hydrogenation and paracetamol detection CHEMICAL ENGINEERING DOCTORAL DISSERTATION Ha Noi – 2020
- MINISTRY OF EDUCATION AND TRANING HANOI UNIVERSITY OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY NGO THI THANH HIEN Synthesis of catalysts based on Pt/SBA-15 modified with Al and/or B and their applicability on n-heptane hydroisomerization, tetralin hydrogenation and paracetamol detection Major: Chemical Engineering Code No: 9520301 CHEMICAL ENGINEERING DOCTORAL DISSERTATION ADVISORS: 1. Assoc. Prof. Pham Thanh Huyen 2. Prof. Graziella Liana Turdean Ha Noi – 2020
- STATUTORY DECLARATION I hereby declare that I myself have written this thesis book. The data and results presented in the dissertation are true and have not been published by other authors. Ha Noi, 25th September 2020 PhD Student Ngo Thi Thanh Hien ADVISORS: 1. Assoc.Prof. Pham Thanh Huyen 2. Prof. Graziella Liana Turdean i
- ACKNOWLEDGEMENT First of all, I would like to thank my advisors Assoc. Prof. Dr Pham Thanh Huyen and Prof. Dr. Graziella Liana Turdean for all support and encouragement which really helped me and motivated me during my research. I would like to thank Prof. Vasile I. Parvulescu at Deparment of Organic Chemistry, Biochemistry and Catalysis, University of Bucharest, Romania for the support in hydroisomerization experiments. I would like to thank my friends at HaNoi University of Science and Technology (HUST) and at “Babes- Bolyai” University (UBB) for all assistances and for the enjoyable time, friendly events we shared together. I would like to acknowledge the Eramus+ Program with partner countries for the financial support of my stages at “Babes- Bolyai” University, Cluj –Napoca, Romania. I want to extend my thanks to Assoc. Prof Do Ngoc My – Rector of QuyNhon University (QNU), Dr. Nguyen Le Tuan – Former Dean of Faculty of Chemistry, Dean of Faculty of Natural Sciences - QNU and my colleagues at QNU for their support. Finally, I would like to express my deep thanks to my family for all their love, encouragement and unconditional support throughout my PhD studying. ii
- CONTENTS STATUTORY DECLARATION ------------------------------------------------------------ i ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ------------------------------------------------------------------- ii CONTENTS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- iii LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS ------------------------------------------------------------- vii LIST OF FIGURES -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ix LIST OF TABLES --------------------------------------------------------------------------xiii INTRODUCTION ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 THE NEW CONTRIBUTION OF THE DESSERTATION-------------------------- 4 CHAPTER 1. LITERATURE REVIEW ------------------------------------------------- 5 1.1. Mesoporous material and ordered mesoporous silica SBA-15 ------------------- 5 1.2. The modified SBA-15 materials and applications --------------------------------- 6 1.3. The hydroisomerization of n-alkane over bifunctional catalysts ----------------10 1.3.1. Metal function of bifunctional catalysts --------------------------------------11 1.3.2. Acid function of bifunctional catalysts ---------------------------------------12 1.4. Hydrogenation of polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbon (PAHs) ------------------17 1.4.1. Hydrogenation of polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbon (PAHs) ------------17 1.4.2. Catalysts for PAHs hydrogenation --------------------------------------------20 1.5. Overview of paracetamol detection. ------------------------------------------------24 1.5.1. Introduction of paracetamol ----------------------------------------------------24 1.5.2. Electroanalytical methods based on using chemically modified electrodes (CMEs) for paracetamol detection. --------------------------------------25 1.5.3. Chemically modified electrodes (CMEs) for PA detection ----------------30 1.6. Conclusions ----------------------------------------------------------------------------35 CHAPTER 2. EXPERIMENTAL ---------------------------------------------------------37 2.1. Preparation of catalysts ---------------------------------------------------------------37 2.1.1. Direct synthesis procedure of M-SBA-15 (where M=Al and/or B) -------37 iii
- 2.1.2. Indirect synthesis of B/SBA-15 ------------------------------------------------38 2.1.3. Synthesis of Pt/M-SBA-15 (where M=Al-, B- and Al-B-) catalysts------38 2.2. Electrochemical procedure -----------------------------------------------------------38 2.2.1. Preparation of Pt/M-SBA-15-GPE electrodes -------------------------------38 2.2.2. Preparation of supporting electrolyte and standard solution of paracetamol -------------------------------------------------------------------------------39 2.3. Catalyst characterization techniques ------------------------------------------------40 2.3.1. X-Ray Diffraction ---------------------------------------------------------------40 2.3.2. Transmision electron microscopy (TEM) ------------------------------------41 2.3.3. Fourier Transformed Infrared Spectroscopy (FT-IR) -----------------------41 2.3.4. Temperature Programmed Desorption (NH3-TPD) -------------------------42 2.3.5. Nitrogen adsorption-desorption ------------------------------------------------42 2.3.6. Thermal analysis -----------------------------------------------------------------43 2.3.7 Inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectrometry (ICP - OES) 44 2.3.8. Pyridine-FTIR --------------------------------------------------------------------44 2.3.9. Energy Dispersive X-Ray Spectroscopy (EDS or EDX) -------------------44 2.3.10. 11B MAS NMR spectrocopy -------------------------------------------------45 2.4. Hydroisomerization activity test-----------------------------------------------------45 2.5. Hydrogenation activity test-----------------------------------------------------------45 2.6. Electrochemical measurements ------------------------------------------------------46 CHAPTER 3. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION -----------------------------------------49 3.1. Effect of preparation methods of support.------------------------------------------49 3.2. Characterizations of modified SBA-15 supports ----------------------------------53 3.2.1. X-ray diffraction (XRD) --------------------------------------------------------54 3.2.2. Nitrogen physisorption isotherms. ---------------------------------------------54 3.2.3. Transition electron microscopy (TEM) ---------------------------------------56 3.2.4. Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) ---------------------------57 iv
- 3.2.5. EDX analysis ---------------------------------------------------------------------58 3.2.6. 11B MAS-NMR spectroscopy -------------------------------------------------60 3.2.7. Ammonia Temperature- Programmed Desorption (NH3-TPD) -----------60 3.2.8. FTIR spectra of chemisorbed pyridine ----------------------------------------63 3.3. Characterizations of Pt/modified SBA-15 catalysts ------------------------------63 3.3.1. Nitrogen physisorption isotherms----------------------------------------------63 3.3.2. X-ray diffraction (XRD) --------------------------------------------------------64 3.3.3. Transition electron microscopy (TEM) ---------------------------------------65 3.3.4. NH3-TPD profiles ---------------------------------------------------------------65 3.4. Performance of platinum supported on modified SBA-15 catalysts for hydro- isomerization of n-heptane ----------------------------------------------------------------68 3.4.1. Effect of the acidic supports on hydroisomerization activity of catalysts 68 3.4.2. Effect of temperature and reaction time in the hydroisomerization of n- heptane ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------70 3.4.3. Cracked product yield and coke formation -----------------------------------72 3.5. Performance of platinum supported on modified SBA-15 catalysts for hydrogenation of tetralin -------------------------------------------------------------------75 3.5.1. The results of GC-MS analysis of hydrogenation of tetralin---------------75 3.5.2. Effect of reaction temperature and pressure on catalytic activity ---------76 3.5.3. Effect of the acidity of modified supports on catalytic activity. -----------78 3.5.4. Coke formation -------------------------------------------------------------------80 3.6. The mesoporous catalysts of Pt loaded on modified SBA-15 material for the paracetamol detection ----------------------------------------------------------------------82 3.6.1. Characterization of 1%Pt/Al-SBA-15 catalyst ------------------------------83 3.6.2. Electrochemical characterization of Pt/Al-SBA-15-GPE electrode material -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------85 3.6.3. Electrochemical impedance spectroscopy measurements at Pt/Al-SBA- 15-GPE electrode ------------------------------------------------------------------------88 v
- 3.6.4. Analytical characterization of Pt/Al-SBA-15-GPE electrode material ---89 3.6.5. Interference study ----------------------------------------------------------------91 3.6.6. Real sample analysis-------------------------------------------------------------92 CONCLUSIONS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------94 PUBLICATIONS OF THE DISSERTATION -----------------------------------------96 REFERENCES --------------------------------------------------------------------------------97 vi
- LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS AA Ascorbic acid BET Brunauer-Emmet-Teller CE Counter electrode CMEs Chemically modified electrodes CN Cetane Number CV Cyclic voltammetry DTA Differential thermal analysis EIS Electrochemical impedance spectroscopy FCC Fluid catalytic cracking FT-IR Fourier transformed infrared spectroscopy FWHM Full width at half maximum GCE Glassy carbon electrode GPE Graphite paste electrode ICP Inductively coupled plasma method LCO Light cycle oil LOD Limit of detection MSA Amorphous silica-alumina NH3-TPD Ammonia Temperature- Programmed Desorption PA Paracetamol PAHs Polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbons PBS Phosphate buffer solution Py-FTIR FTIR spectra of chemisorbed pyridine RE Reference electrode SAPO-n Silicoaluminophosphate vii
- SBA-15 Santa Barbara Amorphous No 15 SWV Square wave voltammetry TEM Transmision electron microscopy TEOS Tetraethyl orthosilicate TGA Thermogra vimetric analysis TMOS Tetramethyl orthosilicate UA Uric acid WE Working electrode XRD X-ray diffraction viii
- LIST OF FIGURES Fig 1.1. Formation mechanism of MCM-41 suggested by Beck et al ......................5 Fig 1.2. Co-condensation approach for the functionalization of mesoporous materials .................................................................................................................7 Fig 1.3. Functionalization of SBA-15 through post-grafting ....................................7 Fig 1.4. Formation of Bronsted acidic site in mesoporous materials ........................8 Fig 1.5. Two different tetrahedral structures of boron in B-SBA-15 framework ......8 Fig 1.6. Scheme of n-alkane hydroisomerization over bifunctional catalysts ......... 10 Fig 1.7. Stepwise hydrogenation of an adsorbed tetralin molecule to cis- and trans- decalin .................................................................................................................. 17 Fig 1.8. Reaction network of tetralin hydrocracking .............................................. 18 Fig 1.9. Cetane number (CN) of some possible products of naphthalene hydrogenation (CN values according to Santana et al). .......................................... 19 Fig 1.10. Reaction scheme for the selective hydrocracking of tetralin into BTX ... 19 Fig 1.11. Chemical structure of PA ........................................................................ 24 Fig 1.12. Electrochemical oxidation of PA ............................................................ 24 Fig 1.13. Cyclic potential sweep (a) and resulting cyclic voltammogram (b) ......... 27 Fig 1.14. Cyclic voltammogram of a reversible reaction system (a), quasi-reversible system (b) and irreversible reaction system (c) ...................................................... 27 Fig 1.15. (a) Scheme of application of potentials of square wave voltammetry method. (b) The response contains a forward (anodic, I(1)), backward (cathodic, I(2)) and net current ΔI ......................................................................................... 28 Fig 1.16. The relation of a real part (Z’) and an imaginary part (Z”) in the complex plane. ..................................................................................................................... 29 Fig 1.17. The Randles equivalent circuit- frequently used to represent an electrochemical cell. [95]. Where: Cdl: capacitance of the double layer charging; Rsol: the solution resistance; Zf: the impedance of the faradic process. ................... 30 Fig 2.1. Direct-synthesis of M-SBA-15 (M = Al and/or B) .................................... 37 Fig 2.2. Synthetic procedure of Pt supported on modified supports (Al-SBA-15; Al- B-SBA-15; B-SBA-15) ......................................................................................... 39 ix
- Fig 2.3. Schematic illustration of diffraction according to Bragg’s law. ................. 40 Fig 2.4. (a) The high pressure autoclave batch reactor and (b) schematic batch reaction system used for the n-heptane hydroisomerization and the tetralin hydrogenation ........................................................................................................ 46 Fig 2.5. Cyclic voltammogram for a reversible system .......................................... 47 Fig 3.1. Low angle XRD patterns of SBA-15, B/SBA-15 and B-SBA-15 .............. 49 Fig 3.2. TEM images of SBA-15 (A), B-SBA-15 (B) and B/SBA-15(C) ............... 50 Fig 3.3. Nitrogen adsorption–desorption isotherm (A) and BJH pore size distribution (B) of SBA-15, B-SBA-15 and B/SBA-15 ......................................... 51 Fig 3.4. NH3-TPD curves of SBA-15; B-SBA-15 and B/SBA-15........................... 52 Fig 3.5. Low angle XRD patterns of SBA-15; M-SBA-15 (M=Al and/or B) samples. ................................................................................................................. 54 Fig 3.6. Nitrogen adsorption isotherms and (A) Pore size distribution of SBA-15; Al-SBA-15, Al-B-SBA-15; B-SBA-15 (B). ........................................................... 55 Fig 3.7. TEM images of SBA-15 (A); Al-SBA-15 (B); Al-B-SBA-15 (C) and B- SBA-15 (D) ........................................................................................................... 57 Fig 3.8. FTIR spectra of SBA-15 and modified SBA-15 samples ........................... 58 Fig. 3.9. EDX spectras of Al-SBA-15 (A); Al-B-SBA-15 (B); B-SBA-15 (C) ....... 59 Fig 3.10. 11B MAS-NMR for B-SBA-15 sample................................................... 60 Fig 3.11. NH3-TPD curves of Al-SBA-15; Al-B-SBA-15; B-SBA-15 samples ..... 61 Fig. 3.12. The Py-FTIR spectras of Al-SBA-15 (A), Al-B-SBA-15 (B), B-SBA-15 (C) ......................................................................................................................... 62 Fig. 3.13. Nitrogen adsorption-desorption isotherms and pore size distribution of catalysts. ................................................................................................................ 64 Fig 3.14. Low angle XRD patterns 0.5%Pt/Al-SBA-15 (A); 0.5%Pt/Al-B-SBA-15 (B) and 0.5%Pt/B-SBA-15 (C) catalysts ................................................................ 65 Fig. 3.15. TEM images of 0.5%Pt/Al-SBA-15; 0.5%Pt/Al-B-SBA-15 and 0.5%Pt/B-SBA-15 . ............................................................................................... 66 Fig 3.16. NH3-TPD curves of 0.5% Pt/Al-SBA-15; 0.5% Pt/Al-B-SBA-15 and 0.5% Pt/B-SBA-15 catalyst. ................................................................................... 66 x
- Fig 3.17. Conversion of n-heptane over the three catalysts of 0.5%Pt/Al-SBA-15; 0.5%Pt/Al-SBA-15 and 0.5%Pt/B-SBA-15. ........................................................... 69 Fig. 3.18. The selectivity of branched heptanes over the investigated catalysts ...... 70 Fig. 3.19. The heptane conversion versus reaction time and temperature over the Pt/M-SBA-15 catalysts (M=Al and/or B) ............................................................... 71 Fig 3.20. The variation of the selectivity to branched heptanes versus reaction time and temperature over the investigated catalysts (Pt/Al-SBA-15 (a), Pt/Al-B-SBA-15 (b), Pt/B-SBA-15 (c) .............................................................................................. 72 Fig 3.21. The yield of the cracked product over the investigated catalysts (300 oC, 12 h) ...................................................................................................................... 73 Fig 3.22. DTA/TGA curves of the investigated catalysts after 24hours reaction time .............................................................................................................................. 74 Fig 3.23. Effect of reaction temperature on the conversion of tetralin over investigated catalysts((A): Pt/Al-SBA-15; (B): Pt/Al-B-SBA-15; (C): Pt/B-SBA- 15). The reaction condition: liquid phase; reaction time: 3 hours ........................... 77 Fig 3.24. Effect of hydrogen pressure on the conversion of tetralin over investigated catalysts ( (A): Pt/Al-SBA-15; (B): Pt/Al-B-SBA-15; (C): Pt/B-SBA-15). The reaction condition: liquid phase; reaction time: 3 hours ......................................... 78 Fig 3.25. The conversion of tetralin and cis/trans ratio over the investigated catalysts ................................................................................................................. 79 Fig 3.26A. TG curves of Pt/ B-SBA-15 (A) after reaction. ..................................... 80 Fig 3.26B. TG curves of Pt/ Al-SBA-15 (B) and Pt/Al-B-SBA-15 (C) catalysts after reaction .................................................................................................................. 81 Fig 3.27. Square wave voltammograms of 10-5M PA at the 1%Pt/M-SBA-15-GPE (where M=Al and/or B) electrodes in 0.1M phosphate buffer (pH=7). ................... 82 Fig 3.28. Low angle XRD pattern of 1%Pt/Al-SBA-15 catalyst ............................. 83 Fig 3.29. Nitrogen adsorption-desorption isotherms at 77K (A) and pore size distribution (B) applying BJH method in the desorption branch of 1%Pt/Al-SBA-15 catalyst. ................................................................................................................. 84 Fig 3.30. TEM image of 1% Pt/Al-SBA-15 catalyst. ............................................. 85 xi
- Fig. 3.31. Cyclic voltammograms at Pt/Al-SBA-15-GPE in absence (dot line) and in presence of 7 x 10-5 M of PA (solid line). Inset: CV at unmodified GPE in presence of 7 M of PA. ...................................................................................................... 86 Fig 3.32. Cyclic voltamogramms of 7 x 10-5 M PA at Pt/Al-SBA-15-GPE recorded at different scan rate. Inset influence of scan rate on anodic peak currents intensities at Pt/Al-SBA-15-GPE () and GPE () electrodes (A). ....................................... 87 Figure 3.33. Nyquist plots recorded at Pt/Al-SBA-15-GPE modified electrode () and GPE unmodified electrode () (inset) into a solution containing 1 mM K4[Fe(CN)6]/K3[Fe(CN)6] + 0.1 M phosphate buffer (pH 7). .............................. 88 Fig 3.34. Square wave voltamogramms for different concentration of PA at Pt/Al- SBA-15-GPE modified graphite paste electrode (A) and calibration curve of Pt/Al- SBA-15-GPE modified graphite paste electrode () and GPE () for PA (B). .... 90 Fig 3.35. Square wave voltamogramms recorded at Pt/Al-SBA-15-GPE modified electrode in a presence of a mixture of 7 x 10-6 M paracetamol, 9 x 10-3 M ascorbic acid and 10-6 M uric acid. .................................................................................... 91 Fig 3.36. SWVs (A) and calibration curve (B) for detection of PA from tablets using Pt/Al -SBA-15-GPE modified electrode................................................................. 92 xii
- LIST OF TABLES Table. 3.1. Physicochemical properties of SBA-15, B-SBA-15 and B/SBA-15 samples .................................................................................................................. 52 Table. 3.2. Amonia TPD results of SBA-15; B-SBA-15 and B/SBA-15 ................. 53 Table 3.3. Textual characteristic of SBA-15 and the modified SBA-15 samples. ... 56 Table. 3. 4. Results of EDX analysis ...................................................................... 58 Table 3.5. Acidic properties of Al-SBA-15; Al-B-SBA-15; B-SBA-15 samples according to NH3-TPD........................................................................................... 61 Table. 3.6. Surface area and pore size of catalysts and the corresponding supports .............................................................................................................................. 64 Table. 3.7. Results in NH3-TPD of catalysts .......................................................... 67 Table 3.8. Conversion of n-heptane over the Pt/M-SBA-15 (M=Al and/or B) catalysts ................................................................................................................. 69 Table. 3.9. Coke content determined from the thermogravimetry analysis of the investigated catalysts after a 24 hours reaction time ............................................... 74 Table 3.10. Tetralin conversion and selectivity of products .................................... 79 Table 3.11. Surface area and pore size of Al-SBA-15 support and 1%Pt/Al-SBA-15 catalyst .................................................................................................................. 84 Table 3.12. The electrochemical parameters of the Pt/Al-SBA-15-GPE electrode material.................................................................................................................. 86 Table 3.13. Slope of log I versus log v dependence. ............................................... 88 Table 3.14. EIS fitting parameters for Pt/Al-SBA-15-GPE modified electrodes. .... 89 Table 3.15. Determination of PA from pharmaceutical tablets using Pt/Al-SBA-15- GPE modified electrode ......................................................................................... 93 xiii
- INTRODUCTION During the last two decades, the synthesis of mesoporous materials is one of the most attractive and successful achievements in material science and catalysis. In many publications of mesoporous material, SBA-15 (Santa Barbara Amorphous) material is the most frequently studied due to its interesting properties, such as high surface area, large pore size, thick wall and high thermal stability. However, the lack of acidity hinders applications of SBA-15 material as catalyst. The ordered mesoporous material SBA-15 was first synthesized in 1998, since then the functionalization and modification of this material has attracted much attention and opened many new applications not only in optics, sensing, adsorption, drug delivery but also in catalysis. In general, most studies focus on the substituting of the Si atoms or grafting new functional groups towards its application as photocatalyst, acidic catalyst or catalyst for oxidation, enzyme immobilization,… Recently, the growing energy crisis, living standard and population led to the increasing demand for the petroleum fuels. It is essential to produce fuels with enhanced quality to increase combustion efficiency and reduce the generation of pollutants, such as particulate matter (PM 2.5) and photochemical smog. For this purpose, the hydroisomerization of n-alkanes to branched isomers with high octane number has received much attention. The increase of octane number of produced gasoline by hydroisomerization is very different from that of the conventional fluid catalytic cracking (FCC) because FCC’s gasoline is rich of olefins and aromatics which generate big amount of PM 2.5 and photochemical smog due to their incomplete combustion. To meet the demand for high quality diesel fuels, the hydrogenation of polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) is also an important process to produce good performance diesel fuel with low aromatic content. PAHs are undesired compounds which generate emissions of undesired particles in exhaust gases and decrease the cetane number of diesel. The hydroisomerization of n-alkanes and the hydrogenation of PAHs have often been investigated over bifunctional catalysts which have metal sites for 1
- hydrogenation/dehydrogenation and acid sites for isomerization. Catalytic activity, stability and selectivity,… of these catalysts depend on the characteristics of the acid sites and metal sites, on the metal-acid functions balance. The previous researches showed that noble metal (such as Pt, Pd) are the most used metals for supplying metal sites due to their strong hydrogenation activity and high stability. In many reported researches, to improve the catalytic performance of the hydroisomerization and the hydrogenation, various supports as metal oxides, zeolite (Y, beta, mordenite, ZSM-5), silicoaluminophosphate, carbides of transition metal, pillared clays or mesoporous materials (MCM-41) have been investigated. However, the high conversion usually leads to low selectivity to branched isomers. The Bronsted acid sites increased cracked products and micropores limited the diffusion of isomers to the bulk phase prior to consecutive undesired cracking reactions. In Viet Nam, isomerization of n-alkane has been studied over many catalysts such as MoO3/ZrO2-SO42-, Pt/WO3-ZrO2/SBA-15, Pt/Al2O3, Pd/HZSM5 catalysts promoted by Co, Ni, Fe, Re,…. However, most of studies were performed at the mild condition without hydrogen pressure… For SBA-15 material, the mesopores structure exhibits the good mass transfer and allows the diffusion of large reactants to the surface. The substitution of Si by Al, B generates the acid sites. Moveover, the previous studies showed that boron promoter could decrease the coke formation and improve the catalyst stability. From above mention, in order to exploit the attractive structure properties of mesoporous SBA-15 material, the bifunctional catalysts based on Pt/SBA-15 modified with Al and B were chosen for the dissertation. The effect of heteroatom nature on the acidic properties of modified M-SBA-15 supports and bifunctional 0.5% Pt/M-SBA- 15 catalysts (where M = Al-, B- or Al-B-) were studied. The catalytic activity of the investigated catalysts in n-heptane hydroisomerization and tetralin hydrogenation were discussed. In electrochemistry, the SBA-15-based materials recently have been attractive compounds used for the chemical modification of electrode surfaces. The mesoporous structure is likely to impart high diffusion rate of target species. The uniform 2
- mesostructure, high surface area of SBA-15 could improve the electroactivity of modified electrode. On the other hand, platinum is a noble metal which has good activity, high electrical conductivity, reproducibility at electrochemical conditions. Platinum nanoparticles have also been widely employed as modifiers for electrochemical detection of organic molecules. Therefore, platinum nanoparticles supported on modified mesoporous material can be considered as electrochemical catalysts to improve the performance of sensoring processes. Paracetamol is an analgesic and antipyretic agent extensively recommended for treating pain and fever. In the case of overdose, the accumulation of its toxic metabolites may cause kidney and liver damage. Therefore, the determination of paracetamol have received much attention. In this dissertation, the 1% Pt/M-SBA-15 catalysts (where M = Al-, B- and Al-B-) were synthesized and their applicability in the electrochemical detection of paracetamol were also studied. The objective of the study The purpose of the thesis is to synthesize the effective catalysts based on Pt/SBA-15 modifed with Al and/or B and their applicability in n-heptane hydroisomerization, tetralin hydrogenation and paracetamol detection. The scope of the research is to: - Synthesize M-SBA-15 materials and the corresponding (0.5%; 1%) Pt/M-SBA- 15 catalysts (where M = Al-, B- or Al-B-). - Investigate the effect of heteroatom nature on the acidic properties of modified M-SBA-15 supports and bifunctional 0.5% Pt/M-SBA-15 catalysts (where M = Al-, B- or Al-B-). - Investigate the applicability of these catalysts in n-heptane hydroisomerization, tetralin hydrogenation . - Investigate the applicability of 1% Pt/M-SBA-15 catalysts in electrochemical detection of paracetamol using chemically modified electrodes. 3
- THE NEW CONTRIBUTION OF THE DESSERTATION The effect of Al and B incorporated SBA-15 support on the acidic properties and catalytic activity of the supported Pt/M-SBA-15 (where M = Al-, B- and Al-B-) catalysts have been investigated. The obtained results contributed to knowledge about the influence of acidic support on the performance of bifunctional catalysts. The investigated bifunctional catalysts have been applied in the hydroisomerization of n-heptane and the hydrogenation of tetralin at the reaction condition of liquid phase, hydrogen high pressure. These results showed their potential application in industrial catalytic processes. Chemically modified electrodes based on an ordered mesoporous structure incorporating Pt nanoparticles (Pt/Al-SBA-15-GPE electrode) were prepared, characterized and applied for the detection of PA. The well-obtained values for the analytical parameters (sensibility, limit of detection, linear range, no interference) could recommend the potential application of this composite electrode materials for identifying PA in real samples. 4
- CHAPTER 1. LITERATURE REVIEW 1.1. Mesoporous material and ordered mesoporous silica SBA-15 According to IUPAC nomenclature, mesoporous materials are materials which have pore sizes between 2 and 50 nm. The researchers of Mobil Oil Corporation introduced the first family of mesoporous silica materials M41S in 1992. These materials have received much attention due to their high surface area and uniform pore size 2-10nm [1]. Types of different structures were obtained depend on the different used synthesis conditions such as hexagonal MCM-41, cubic MCM-48, laminar phases MCM-50. The interaction between templates and inorganic species affects the structure of obtained materials. The ‘liquid crystal mechanism’ of MCM-41 which was suggested by J.S. Beck et al. [2] was illustrated in Fig 1.1. Fig 1.1. Formation mechanism of MCM-41 suggested by Beck et al [2] Spherical micelles assemble in hexagonally ordered cylindrical micelle when the silica precursor is added. Silica condensation around ordered micelles makes the silica walls. The templates are removed in calcinations to give the porous ordered materials. In 1998, Stucky and coworkers reported a new mesoporous silica material SBA- 15 (Santa Barbara Amorphous) through using nonionic copolymers as organic structure directing agents. SBA-15 has the hexagonal structure with ordered mesopores up to 50nm, high surface area (600-1000 m2/g) and thick pore wall (3-6nm) [3]. These characters enhance SBA-15 thermal and hydrothermal stability compared with MCM- 5

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