Class – Object – Method
Bài giảng Ngôn ngữ lập trình Python - Chương 3: Object-oriented programming (OOP), chương này cung cấp cho học viên những nội dung sau: giới thiệu về OOP; lớp (Class) và đối tượng (Object); kế thừa (Inheritance); đóng gói (Encapsulation); đa hình (Polymorphism); Methods vs Functions; Classes and Instances; Namespaces; Dataclasses; Objects and Aliases; tham chiếu self;... Mời các bạn cùng tham khảo chi tiết nội dung bài giảng!
70p diepkhinhchau 18-09-2023 29 15 Download
Bài giảng Kỹ thuật lập trình: Chương 5 Kỹ thuật hướng đối tượng, cung cấp cho người đọc những kiến thức như: Giới thiệu lập trình hướng đối tượng (OOP); Các khái niệm: đối tượng (object), thuộc tính (attribute/field), phương thức (method), lớp (class), thực thể (instance); Các đặc điểm của OOP; Phương pháp phân tích và thiết kế OOP; Kỹ thuật tổ chức code OOP. Mời các bạn cùng tham khảo!
97p chankora08 04-07-2023 20 5 Download
Bài giảng Phát triển ứng dụng Web: Bài 5 Object oriented programming cung cấp cho người học những kiến thức như: Visibility; Properties & Methods; Getter & Setter; Create objects; Constructor; Destructor; Inheritance; Abstract class; Interfaces; Autoloading classes; Anonymous functions; Closures; Namespace.
32p chuheodethuong 11-07-2021 26 4 Download
Objectives: The aim of the thesis is to develop Mickens’ methodology to construct NSFD methods for solving some important classes of differential equations arising in fields of science and technology.
26p extraenglish 24-05-2021 20 3 Download
Bài 4 trình bày về lập trình hướng đối tượng "object oriented programming". Nội dung chính trong chương này gồm có: Class, visibility, properties & methods, Getter & getter, create objects, constructor, destructor, inheritance, abstract class, interfaces, autoloading classes, anonymous functions, closures, namespace. Mời các bạn cùng tham khảo.
32p larachdumlanat122 28-11-2020 28 3 Download
The main aim of this thesis is to overcome the second limitation of the automatic plant identification (low recognition accuracy) by proposing novel and robust methods for plant recognition. For this, we first focus on improving the recognition accuracy of plant identification based on images of one sole organ. Among different organs of the plant, we select leaf as this organ is the most widely in the literature.
27p gaocaolon6 30-07-2020 29 3 Download
When computer virus wide spreads in the world nowadays, anti-virus needs to improve their identifying methods to enhance the performance. In this paper, we introduce a new method to diagnose computer virus. First, we analyse the characteristics of viral data type to define virus classes through object-oriented methods. Second, we study the machine learnning mechanism for each virus class. Finally, we apply these learning forms to a data processing stage of a machine learning anti-virus expert system.
10p binhminhmuatrenngondoithonggio 09-06-2017 67 5 Download
Bài giảng Class – Object – Method (Lớp – Đối tượng – Phương thức) của Lương Trần Hy Hiến nêu lên tổng quan về Class – Object – Method; thuộc tính truy cập; hàm dựng; nạp chồng. Bài giảng phục vụ cho các bạn chuyên ngành Công nghệ thông tin và những ngành có liên quan.
13p cocacola_10 02-12-2015 69 3 Download
Introduction, Creating and Destroying Objects, Methods Common to All Objects, Classes and Interfaces,... are the main contents of the book Effective Java Second Edition, invite you to refer to additional documentation service needs learning and research. Hope this is useful references for you.
369p tbinhdev 05-09-2015 75 5 Download
Lecture Java: Chapter 3 (Using Classes and Objects) presented Using Classes and Objects, Outline, Creating Objects, Creating Objects, Invoking Methods, Reference Assignment, The String Class.
85p hoahue91 24-07-2014 76 4 Download
Lecture Java: Chapter 4 (Writing Classes) focuses on: Class definitions, instance data, encapsulation and Java modifiers, method declaration and parameter passing, constructors, graphical objects, events and listeners, buttons and text fields.
106p hoahue91 24-07-2014 68 3 Download
Lecture Java: Chapter 7 software development activities, determining the classes and, objects that are needed for a program, the relationships that can exist among classes, the static modifier, writing interfaces, the design of enumerated type classes, method, design and method overloading, GUI design and layout managers.
159p hoahue91 24-07-2014 54 3 Download
Lập trình C# 2008 cơ bản phần 2 gồm 4 chương: Class - Object - Method, SQL sever 2008, Lập trình kết nối CSDL SQL sever 2008, Xây dựng ứng dụng là tài liệu bổ ích phục vụ cho nghiên cứu và học tập lập trình. Qua đó có thể code được hiệu quả với ngôn ngữ C#.
54p saga07 07-04-2014 78 16 Download
LẬP TRÌNH JAVA CSDL BÀI 3 COMPONENTS Nguyễn Hữu Thể 1 .Nội dung JLabel JButton JTextField JCheckBox JRadioButton JPanel JComboBox, JList JTable JMenu JToolBar JOptionPane JFileChooser 2 .GUI Components JButton, JLabel, JTextField, JCheckBox, JRadioButton, and JComboBox. Each GUI component class provides several constructors that you can use to create GUI component objects. 3 .
36p nobita_12 18-11-2013 65 10 Download
The unit in procedural programming is function, and unit in object-oriented programming is class Procedural programming concentrates on creating functions, while object-oriented programming starts from isolating the classes, and then look for the methods inside them. Procedural programming separates the data of the program from the operations that manipulate the data, while object-oriented programming focus on both of them
20p huanltgc00061 05-05-2013 41 2 Download
Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) Inheritance - form of software reusability New classes created from existing ones Absorb attributes and behaviors, and add in their own Override methods - redefine inherited methods Subclass inherits from superclass Direct superclass - subclass explicitly inherits Indirect superclass - subclass inherits from two or more levels up the class hierarchy Polymorphism Write programs in a general fashion to handle a wide variety of classes Abstraction - seeing the big picture...
62p huanltgc00061 05-05-2013 69 3 Download
An interface is a way to describe what classes should do, without specifying how they should do it. It’s not a class but a set of requirements for classes that want to conform to the interface E.g. public interface Comparable { int compareTo(Object otherObject); } this requires that any class implementing the Comparable interface contains a compareTo method, and this method must take an Object parameter and return an integer
19p huanltgc00061 05-05-2013 61 5 Download
Inheritance: you can create new classes that are built on existing classes. Through the way of inheritance, you can reuse the existing class’s methods and fields, and you can also add new methods and fields to adapt the new classes to new situations Subclass and superclass Subclass and superclass have a IsA relationship: an object of a subclass IsA(n) object of its superclass
28p huanltgc00061 05-05-2013 58 3 Download
Body sun = new Body( ); An object is created by the new method The runtime system will allocate enough memory to store the new object If no enough space, the automatic garbage collector will reclaim space from other no longer used objects. If there is still no enough space, then an OutOfMemoryError exception will be thrown No need to delete explicitly
23p huanltgc00061 05-05-2013 59 2 Download
Procedural vs. Object-Oriented Programming The unit in procedural programming is function, and unit in object-oriented programming is class Procedural programming concentrates on creating functions, while object-oriented programming starts from isolating the classes, and then look for the methods inside them. Procedural programming separates the data of the program from the operations that manipulate the data,
20p huanltgc00061 05-05-2013 49 4 Download