Completion methods
This article studies the dialectical relationship between architectural form and sustainable design solutions. The methods used in this paper include systematic and logical analysis methods, diagramming methods, and empirical research methods through the case study of the design of the Hanoi Children's Palace – a construction that was recently completed in July 2024.
6p vibenya 31-12-2024 0 0 Download
L'unité est disponible dans votre langue. De la plus petite unité, stabilité de la structure, ce qui signifie complet, utilisé pour composer des phrases. De son nom peut faire des choses (noms), seulement la participation active (passive), de l'humeur, de la nature (à partir) ... L'outil montre le concept de l'être humain à la réalité
33p nolgefal 25-04-2011 131 34 Download
Upon completion of this lesson, the successful participant will be able to: PHP forms and user input, PHP $_POST method, $_REQUEST with PHP, single page form sumbition, a hyperlinks (Links),... Inviting you to refer lecture for more information.
25p youcanletgo_02 07-01-2016 44 5 Download
After completing this chapter you should be able to: Determine how to classify inventory and inventory quantities, explain the accounting for inventories and apply the inventory cost flow methods, explain the financial effects of the inventory cost flow assumptions, explain the lower-of-cost-or-market basis of accounting for inventories,...and other contents.
66p yenhinguyen0504 06-04-2017 56 4 Download
After completing this chapter you should be able to: Identify the different types of receivables, explain how companies recognize accounts receivable, distinguish between the methods and bases companies use to value accounts receivable,...and other contents.
66p yenhinguyen0504 06-04-2017 34 3 Download
Bài giảng Cơ sở kỹ thuật dầu khí - Chương 7: Well completion and stimulation. Nội dung chương này gồm có: Basic completion methods, completion procedure, perforating, stimulation. Mời các bạn cùng tham khảo.
93p nanhankhuoctai9 23-07-2020 51 4 Download
This dissertation and project analyse the ongoing crisis in news journalism and evidencebased inquiries. Through practice-led research, the completed prototype Labyrinths & Leaks examines methods for overlapping evidence through the interactive documentary (i-doc) form. This research examines what happens when we break apart narrative sequencing. Rather than a gradual narrowing of the linear storyline, there is a network of openings and opportunities afforded through the i-doc form.
91p runthenight04 02-02-2023 10 2 Download
Researching of risk management for urban development investment projects, case study of urban road transport projects in Hanoi. It improves the risk management for urban road transport projects and investment development projects in Hanoi; Contribute to complete the urban road transport projects with the least loss to the project, the project participants, as well as urban residents.
27p petsematary 05-06-2021 22 4 Download
The aim and content of research: Establishing scientific basis and method of analyzing the law of sound velocity change in seawater in the Gulf of Tonkin region of Vietnam to complete the process of sampling sound velocity to effectively exploit hydroacoustics equipment.
20p dolphintaletale 23-04-2021 29 4 Download
Based on theoretical and practical research, the thesis proposes solutions to complete the discounted cash flow method of business valuation in Vietnam in the coming time.
27p angicungduoc11 17-04-2021 25 6 Download
Although the research direction on NSFD schemes for differential equations have achieved a lot ofresults shown by both quantity and quality of existing research works, real-world situations have always posednew complex problems in both qualitative study and numerical simulation aspects. On the other hand, there aremany differential models that have been established completely in the qualitative aspect but their correspondingdynamically consistent discrete models have not yet been proposed and studied
26p capheviahe29 17-03-2021 28 4 Download
This course aims to provide student tools to conduct general ecological researches both in the field and laboratory. After successfully completing this course you should be able to: demonstrate understanding of procedure for planning an ecological research project; describe project design and data management in field research; Understand how to choose and describe the research sites; describe general sampling techniques for static and mobile organisms;...
8p larachdumlanat123 02-11-2020 9 2 Download
The thesis focuses on the principles of recording items in financial statements, methods of preparing and presenting financial statements on the basis of applying the fair value in accounting.
27p cothumenhmong6 17-07-2020 32 3 Download
The resulting model is a Document Retriever, called QASA, which is then integrated with a machine reader to form a complete open-domain QA system. Our system is thoroughly evaluated using QUASAR-T dataset and shows surpassing results compared to other state-of-the-art methods.
67p tamynhan1 13-06-2020 22 4 Download
After completing this chapter, students will be able to: Describe the Fundamental concepts, principles, techniques and methods of web engineering; Web based project assignment;... Inviting you to refer.
15p youcanletgo_02 07-01-2016 51 4 Download
Reasons for Ph.D thesis A study on the embankment caculation method reinforced by geotextile in the construction of highway in Vet Nam: to complete calculation methodology for problem embankment using geotextiles in the construction of highways.
31p nganhanggddt2014 01-07-2014 110 4 Download
Research in diatom biology has entered the postgenomic era since the recent completion of the Thalassiosira pseudonanagenome project. How-ever, the molecular tools available for genetic manipulation of diatoms are still sparse, impeding the functional analysis of diatom genes in vivo. Here we describe the first method for inducible gene expression in transgenic diatoms.
11p fptmusic 11-04-2013 46 2 Download
Although the annotation of the complete genome sequence ofMycoplasma pneumoniaedid not reveal a bacterial type I signal peptidase (SPase I) we showed experimentally that such an activity must exist in this bacterium, by determining the N-terminus of the N-terminal gene product P40 of MPN142, formerly called ORF6 gene. Combining mass spectrometry with a method for sulfonating specifically the free amino terminal group of proteins, the cleavage site for a typical signal peptide was located between amino acids 25 and 26 of the P40 precursor protein. ...
0p awards 06-04-2013 48 3 Download
Task A executes and starts to write the string “Hello world” to the LCD. Task A is pre-empted by Task B after outputting just the beginning of the string – “Hello w”. Task B writes “Abort, Retry, Fail?” to the LCD before entering the Blocked state. Task A continues from the point at which it was preempted and completes outputting the remaining characters – “orld”. The LCD will now be displaying the corrupted string “Hello wAbort, Retry, Fail?orld”. Read, Modify, Write Operations /* The C code being compiled. */ 155: PORTA |= 0x01; /* The assembly code produced. */ LDR R0,[PC,#0x0070] ;...
19p la_la123 04-04-2013 55 9 Download
A generic sample normalization method applicable in relative comparison of mRNAs quantified with real-time polymerase chain reaction (PCR) is proposed. The method was applied in samples obtained from tomato seeds after osmopriming and aging treatments and from untreated seeds at early imbibition stage, when seeds had not completed germination.
8p dell39 27-03-2013 51 2 Download