Computer to computer
A.O.B. abbr. used at the end of the list of subjects to be discussed at a meeting or conference AOL abbr. American corporation headquartered in Virginia, owner and operator of on line and interactive computer services Forms: any other business Forms: America Online ASAP4. a.m. ASAP abbr. quickly; immediately; swiftly; speedily; fast a.m. abbr. morning; time before noon; hours between midnight and noon Forms: as soon as possible (asap, a.s.a.p., A.S.A.P.) Forms: ante meridiem (am, A.M, AM) abbreviation6. abide abbreviation n. shortened form of a word or word combination abide v.
225p namnammai 20-08-2012 497 236 Download
TỔNG QUAN VỀ ĐỒ HỌA MÁY TÍNH Đồ họa máy tính là một lãnh vực phát triển nhanh nhất trong Tin học. Nó được áp dụng rộng rãi trong nhiều lãnh vực khác nhau thuộc về khoa học, kỹ nghệ, y khoa, kiến trúc và giải trí. Thuật ngữ đồ họa máy tính (Computer Graphics) được đề xuất bởi nhà khoa học người Mỹ tên là William Fetter vào năm 1960 khi ông đang nghiên cứu xây dựng mô hình buồng lái máy bay cho hãng Boeing. Các chương trình đồ họa ứng dụng cho phép chúng ta làm việc...
24p nguyenquangha1991 23-10-2012 121 27 Download
Có nhiều cách định nghĩa Internet. Một định nghĩa đơn giản về Internet như sau: ”Internet là mạng toàn cầu của các mạng kết nối các tổ chức chính phủ, các trường, các viện và các tổ chức kinh doanh”. (Internet is the international computer network of networks that connects government, academic and business institutions. – - Trường Đại học California Santa Cruz, Mỹ)
38p single9x 24-01-2013 533 11 Download
Machine learning and computer vision play pivotal roles in detecting product defects across various industries, enhancing effectiveness, precision, and minimizing labor expenditures. This journalutilizes image manipulation through the OpenCV, coupled with machine learning employing the ResNet-50 model, to specifically identify surface defects and dimensions in bearings.
5p vibenya 31-12-2024 4 1 Download
This paper aims to develop an effective method for reduction and decomposition on large matrices with low required computational resources and fast processing times. Our contribution is to design a PCA-SVD hybrid method that dividesthe feature extraction into two phases: PCA-based size reduction and SVD-based decomposition. In our method, PCA is first applied to a large matrix to extract its important components
5p vibenya 31-12-2024 2 1 Download
READING 1. Work in groups. Share information on how you use computers in your free time. Compare answers with other groups and make a list of uses for your class. PRE-READING 2. You are going to hear four people talk about how they use computers. Before you listen, try to predict the uses they describe.
66p lamphong_424 02-07-2013 240 53 Download
QUESTION 1: If one of the links to a computer on a physical star topology is served, what will be the result? A. The entire network will stop working. B. The affected link and the adjacent network links will stop working. C. Only the affected link will stop working. D. Only the adjacent links will stop working. Answer: C In the star topology each computer is connected to a central point by a separate cable or wireless connection. Thus each computer has a dedicated link to the network central device and a break in the link between a particular computer...
325p mebonmay89 28-09-2010 139 27 Download
Welcome to the section that really makes this book unique. In my opinion, one of the best ways to prepare for the DB2 9 Fundamentals certification exam (Exam 730) is by answering sample questions that are presented in the same format that you will see when you take the certification exam. In this section you will find 150 sample questions, along with comprehensive answers for every question. (It's not enough to know which answer is correct; it's also important to know why the answer is correct and why the other choices are wrong!)...
72p vanchien054 27-11-2010 231 59 Download
This is the 3500 question test certificate B to refer your readers. They settled in the south-east of the island, became the majority and do a variety of languages other natives on the island, the Celts, come dangerously close to oblivion. English is widely used due to the influence of U.S. and UK in the fields of military, economic, science, computer science, politics and culture.
503p newbievnx 18-03-2011 745 430 Download
Partitioning DFDs: a. The process of analyzing a DFD and deriving a series of manual procedures b. Adding controls to ensure the processes are done property c. The process of analyzing a DFD and deriving a series manual procedures and computer programs d. None of these answers Câu 162: Physical data flow diagram: a. describing processes in greater detail b. show sequencing processes in the order they must be executed c. show how the system operates or how the new system will be implemented d. all of these answers Câu 163: Physical DFDs a. show how the system is or...
29p itvovantien 23-06-2012 125 20 Download
The gray scale, a progressive series of shades ranging from black to white, is used in computer graphics ---- detail to graphical images. (A) added (B) to add (C) are added (D) and add 2. By ---- excluding competition from an industry, governments have often created public service monopolies. (A) they adopt laws (B) laws are adopted (C) adopting laws (D) having laws adopt
80p quangtam93 14-09-2012 184 65 Download
Học ngoại ngữ Không cần năng khíêu. Cần học đều đặn, không tập trung nhiều rồi bỏ lãng đi. Cần phương pháp học: nghe, nói, đọc, viết, sử dụng từ điển & thư viện. Cần tận dụng các phương tiện: môi trường bản ngữ, ( audio, video, computer, internet)
40p mrbuicong 05-12-2009 1753 1358 Download
What is ASP? – Server-side scripting technology – Files containing HTML and scripting code – Access via HTTP requests – Scripting code is interpreted on server side • What can I do with ASP? – Easily and quickly create simple Web applications – Generate dynamic Web content – Client-side scripting for validation – Access COM components to extend functionality
30p kiditer 28-09-2009 451 244 Download
A Circuits and Systems perspective presents broad and in-depth coverage of the entire field of modern CMOS VLSI Design. The authors draw upon extensive industry and classroom experience to introduce today’s most advanced and effective chip design practices. They present extensively updated coverage of every key element of VLSI design, and illuminate the latest design challenges with 65 nm process examples. This book contains unsurpassed circuit-level coverage, as well as a rich set of problems and worked examples that provide deep practical insight to readers at all levels....
79p vuong_003 02-06-2011 115 20 Download
In its role as a high level assembler used for writing operating systems, C is often used to access memory locations and change individual bits. You might for example need to access individual bits in an int. It can sometimes be useful to conserve memory by using a byte to hold 8 flags though with an abundance of ram it's common to just use one byte per flag or even one per int. Knowing how to extract or alter individual bits is still worthwhile knowing; you may never have to use it but when you have to maintain code that...
49p gaconht 04-06-2011 74 9 Download
The Distribution system interconnects multiple BSSs. 802.11 standard logically separates the wireless medium from the distribution system – it does not preclude, nor demand, that the multiple media be same or different. An Access Point (AP) is a STA that provides access to the DS by providing DS services in addition to acting as a STA.
100p nammo0168 15-05-2011 120 33 Download
Nhân vật trung tâm trong mọi hệ thống tương tác Máy tính được thiết kế để phục vụ con người = Yêu cầu của người là ưu tiên số một. Trong phần này chúng ta quan tâm đến các yếu tố về con người – một vấn đề tưởng chừng như chẳng liên quan gì đến HCI
40p vitconhamchoi 03-08-2011 301 47 Download
Digital Representation Digital is an abstraction of analog voltage Voltage is a continuous, physical unit Typically ranging from 0 to 5 volts on PCs Digital logic abstracts it to 2 distinct levels “1” or positive (typically 2.5 V or greater) “0” or negative (typically less than 1 volt) Eases design and manufacturing
152p vuthithuy11a 29-11-2011 147 41 Download
Thuật ngữ computer network đề cập đến việc kết nối những máy tính hoạt động độc lập lại với nhau thông qua môi trường truyền thông.Mô hình OSI Là mô hình mạng chuẩn hóa do ISO (International Standard Organization) đề nghị, Gồm có 7 lớp với các chức năng khác nhau. Định ra các tiêu chuẩn thống nhất cho các nhà sản xuất, cung cấp sản phẩm, dịch vụ mạng, tổ chứ ISO công bố mô hình OSI (Open System Interconnection (OSI))....
120p meodentinhnghich 14-04-2012 347 155 Download
Describe the basic purpose of a router – Computers that specialize in sending packets over the data network – They are responsible for interconnecting networks by selecting the best path for a packet to travel and forwarding packets to their destination Routers are the network center – Routers generally have 2 connections: • WAN connection (Connection to ISP) • LAN connection
408p phutran76 03-05-2012 145 44 Download