Conditions for food safety
Research objectives of the thesis: Determining suitable conditions for squalene extraction and purification from selectable S. mangrovei PQ6 strain; evaluating the safety and pharmacological/biological effects of extracted squalene oriented as feed stock for human health food, cosmetics and pharmaceuticals.
27p extraenglish 24-05-2021 22 4 Download
Determining suitable conditions for squalene extraction and purification from selectable S. mangrovei PQ6 strain; evaluating the safety and pharmacological/biological effects of extracted squalene oriented as feed stock for human health food, cosmetics and pharmaceuticals.
27p capheviahe27 23-02-2021 27 4 Download
Protected cropping provides vegetable growers with an opportunity to enhance product quality and improve food safety. The overall objective of this project was to provide Vietnamese scientists and extension specialists with the training and tools to implement and foster regionally feasible improvements to current vegetable production practices and supply chains. This was achieved through: 1) greenhouse replicated experiments and demonstration trials in Northern, Central and Southern Vietnam; 2) four in-country workshops and 3) two Australian study tours for research and extension personnel.
23p tam_xuan 02-03-2012 97 12 Download