Configuration space
Consider a system with a single degree of freedom and assume that the equation expressing its dynamic equilibrium is a second order ordinary differential equation (ODE) in the generalized coordinate x.
164p hiruscar 19-10-2010 87 8 Download
Once entirely the domain of space-borne applications, the effects of high energy charged particles on electronics systems is now also a concern for terrestrial devices. Reconfigurable components such as FPGAs are particularly vulnerable to radiation single event effects (SEU) as they carry a large amount of memory within a relatively small amount of circuit area. This thesis presents a Silicon on Insulator (SOI) based configuration memory system in a radiation hard reconfiguration system.
101p runthenight05 01-03-2023 9 3 Download
This research project will investigate how combining systems of tessellation1 , modularity2 and seriality3 can be utilised with a specific method of paper staining to explore visual pathways within an artwork. A serial system4 of modular tessellation will be implemented, whereby different “sets” of oil-and-pigment soaked paper modules will be constructed and formed into various configurations.
98p runordie3 06-07-2022 9 4 Download