Consolidated Text
This is the highly sort after secret final agreed version of the TPP, chapter on Intellectual Property Rights. There is still a finishing 'legal scrub' of the document meant to occur, but there are to be no more negotiations between the Parties. The TPP Parties are the United States, Mexico, Canada, Australia, Malaysia, Chile, Singapore, Peru, Vietnam, New Zealand and Brunei Darussalam.
46p mrbibotb90 24-11-2015 74 12 Download
On every page you can see some buttons, that will help you to navigate and do exercises. Navigation buttons: - back - go to the previous page; - next - go to the next page; - last unit - go to the previous unit; - next unit - go to the next unit; - explanation/exercises - go to the explanations/exercises of the unit; - contents - go to the contents (from wich you can go to the unit you wish); - exit - exit the document; - question - go to this help text. Buttons in exercises: - check -...
97p ruanyong711 01-03-2013 234 49 Download
Reference Architecture This chapter provides a consolidated view of the software-radio architecture models developed throughout the text for convenient reference. This consists of a radio platform view (Figure 16-1) and a software components view
2p tienvovan 11-09-2010 94 9 Download