Consumer resource integration
This thesis examines both organisational and consumer perspectives on the BOP market in Sri Lanka using a sequential mixed-method approach aligned under four phases of studies. The findings of the qualitative studies on organisational perspective confirm the market opportunities for large companies, particularly in the rural BOP market, but also find that the focus of alleviating poverty is lacking among practitioners.
170p runthenight04 02-02-2023 8 2 Download
This research develops a rich theoretical and empirical understanding of embeddedness by way of three dimensions (structural, relational and cultural), and investigates its implications for actors’ value co-creation behaviours and value-in-context outcomes. In addition, the research refines co-creation perspectives by examining a central boundary condition of co-creation processes. The data was collected in an online service environment and was analysed using structural equation modelling techniques.
183p runthenight04 02-02-2023 9 2 Download