Consumer well being
The overall objective of this thesis was to examine the impact of shopping value, trust and impulse buying on online shopping well-being based on the duality approach. In addition, the thesis also aimed to examine moderating effects of consumer personality traits in those associations.
24p closefriend09 16-11-2021 16 4 Download
The purpose of this study was to create a media sale clear and easily accessible by the consumer as well as easy to be managed by the smal business (CV. Tanaka Service).
7p lucastanguyen 01-06-2020 33 3 Download
Opinions by other consumers influences considerably on consumers’ buying decisions as well as on post-purchase product perceptions. This is called word of mouth (WOM) and it is assumed to be more efficient than conventional marketing tools like advertising and personal selling.
9p guineverehuynh 21-06-2020 36 2 Download
Discovering and measure the relationship between brand equity, value equity and relationship equity in the retail supermarket industry in Vietnam. Exploring the moderator role of customer personality traits on causal relationships between research concepts in the retail supermarket industry in Vietnam. Proposing management implications for marketing managers and business management in Vietnam's retail industry in generally and Vietnam's retail supermarket sector in particularly.
27p bibianh 25-09-2019 54 3 Download
Equipping yourself with the relevant academic vocabulary will give you a head start in your university studies. Especially if you’re a second language learner of English, studying in a foreign language can be very difficult and time-consuming. In order to do well, you may want to consider the following ways of learning academic vocabulary more effectively.
7p lebathong 28-12-2015 115 16 Download
Perform the essential function of channeling funds from economic players that have saved surplus funds to those that have a shortage of funds Promotes economic efficiency by producing an efficient allocation of capital, which increases production Directly improve the well-being of consumers by allowing them to time purchases better
14p sony_12 25-06-2013 66 9 Download
Digital signal processing has revolutionized the storage and transmission of audio and video signals as well as still images, in consumer electronics and in more scientific settings (such as medical imaging). The main advantage of digital signal processing is its robustness: although all the operations have to be implemented with, of necessity, not quite ideal hardware, the a priori knowledge that all correct outcomes must lie in a very restricted set of well-separated numbers makes it possible to recover them by rounding off appropriately. ...
33p tuanloccuoi 04-01-2013 52 7 Download