Cultivation techniques
Research is conducted on the Ban Pig model with goals: To determine the potential of Ban Pig's oocyte exploitation; to determine cultivate conditions of the oocyte mature in Ban Pig; success in establishing create Pig’s embryo system through in vitro fertilization (IVF) and cloning (C).
28p beloveinhouse01 15-08-2021 15 3 Download
The technique of drip irrigation is a solution of water saving for crops in the scarce region. Water is supplied on the soil surface directly, continuously and regularly by drippers and then it infiltrates into the cultivated soil layer to ensure that plants will grow and develop well.
14p lucastanguyen 01-06-2020 19 2 Download
Study on cost and income analysis was conducted in Bhanwarkola block of Ghazipur district of eastern Uttar Pradesh. A sample of 50 respondent was chosen through purposive cum random sampling technique were categorised as marginal...
7p nguaconbaynhay5 16-05-2020 10 3 Download
Research objectives: It is to determine agrobiological features as a scientific basis for the study of the mechanism creating seedless fruits, and to intervene with technical measures in order to improve productivity and quality of fruits of citrus trees. It is to study applications of some technical measures to improve productivity and quality of fruits in some citrus tree cultivars.
27p change03 06-05-2016 45 4 Download
Objective of the project: Assess of current status of tomato production in Red River delta in recent years, drawing techniques and strategy need to be improved; evaluate some imported hybrid tomato varieties that are suitable for Red River delta with good adaptation, high productivity, good disease resistance in order to contribute to diversity of tomato varieties; establish technical guidelines of production for selected varieties; build a production model of hybrid tomato in off-season with large scale in some locals of Red River delta.
27p fujijudo87 07-07-2014 101 4 Download
Purposes of research: breeding and selecting some inbred lines and promissing crosses for maize breeding and production program in Southeast and centre Highlands Breeding new hybrid varieties with medium maturity (90- 96 days), high yield, good quality, suitable to conditions in these regions; determining some cultivation technologies such as plant density and row spacing, fertilzer doses for new hybrids with the purpose of introducing and transfering inovative techniques for farmers in these regions.
27p fujijudo87 07-07-2014 84 5 Download
Research Objectives: selecting the imported soybean varieties that have good growth and development, are suitable with the ecological conditions of Thai Nguyen; determining some intensive cultivation techniques that are suitable for the prospect variety.
26p nguyenthiminh32 12-07-2014 77 9 Download
Research objectives: Researching for improved cropping systems with proposed cropping structure on rice-based land in Dong Hy District, Thai Nguyen Province in the period of 2010 -2020; researching and applying some cultivation techniques for the tea production on hilly land in Dong Hy District, Thai Nguyen Province.
0p nguyenthiminh32 12-07-2014 80 5 Download
Little is known about the structure and function of oligosaccharides in cyanobacteria. In this study, a new class of saccharides from Nostocwas identified by MS and NMR techniques, consisting of a-d-glucopyranosyl-(1fi2)-[a-d-glucopyranosyl-(1fi2)]n -b-d-fructofuranosides ranging from the trisaccharide (n¼1) to decasaccharide (n¼8). InNostoc ellipsosporumthe cell content of saccharides increased 10–20-fold after heat stress (1 day, 40C) or during prolonged cultivation.
13p dell39 27-03-2013 32 1 Download
The objectives of the CARD project entitled “Development and Selection of Commercial and High Quality Cultivars of Root and Tuber Crops for Processing Purpose in the Northern and Central Vietnam” between FCRI and Sydney University are to 1) Select a certain number of sweet potato cultivars from those designated by FCRI as potentially suitable for cultivating in locations in northern and central Vietnam and conduct field trials in selected locations to evaluate these cultivars according to yield and dry matter content for value-adding purposes; 2) Develop and evaluate processing methods for ...
9p tam_xuan 02-03-2012 76 7 Download
Macadamia (Mac-ca) is a plant cultivated for its seeds. Shell particles (also known as almond) of software around. Evergreen Macadamia tree and the world we live in frost-free areas. Macadamia tree can grow to 15 meters high and 15 kg of grain annually.
30p xinh_la 10-02-2012 65 10 Download
Project this already start settings a Vườn ươm Macadamia new and grow Cường ba Vườn ươm current. 3 test Nghiêm of Macadamias khác nhau has been device kế, Khoang 1 ha có 14 same Macadamias phu combine, trong 3 provinces domain Bắc Việt Nam. Đào create has been implemented in the Khia canh Tuyên transfer, Join, device kế trang web và preparation Trọng, security trị and manage Forest in. This was bao including job allocated the CD, DVD và powerpoint Thất Thuyết the also as tay Đạo create. A chuyen tham quan Trung Quốc be implemented include all the Vườn ươm...
9p xinh_la 10-02-2012 72 7 Download
In 5 years this project has supported the propagation in the nursery and the three new Macadamia existing nurseries. In addition four major trials of different macadamias were established, about 1 ha each related to 14 macadamias suitable varieties, in four northern provinces of Vietnam. In addition, project participants 3 held with 18 nurseries and other tests done. Training has continued to be conducted in aspects of propagation, grafting, design and site preparation, planting, maintenance and management of forest plantation in the nursery and the test site.
26p xinh_la 10-02-2012 67 8 Download
The study 1.Nghien Publication / Technical Report of interim results from Macadamia varieties tested (at least 10 plant varieties in 3 provinces). Part 2. Assessment Report of the varieties available. Section 3. Research and management protocols including assignment of responsibilities for long term management, analysis and test reports Macadamia varieties.
24p xinh_la 10-02-2012 77 6 Download
This project continues in the first half of 2008 to support the propagation of new macadamia nursery and the three existing nurseries. In addition three major trials have been established many Macadamias, Macadamias 1 ha with 14 suitable varieties, in three provinces in northern Vietnam. In addition, be involved with project implementation 18 3 trials. Training continues to be conducted in aspects of propagation, grafting, design and site preparation, planting, maintenance and management of forest plantation in the nursery and the test site.
10p xinh_la 10-02-2012 64 7 Download
Part 1.Xac of quality and quantity of existing and new nurseries Practical application of improved nursery management. (Compared to baseline in the MS 3) Part 2. Check and confirm the assumptions in the analysis of business and profitability analysis for a wide range of macadamia plantation system of small-scale production of the family.
37p xinh_la 10-02-2012 53 9 Download