Determinants of firm level innovation
The main objectives of this dissertation are: To review the literature on innovation and the determinants of innovation especially knowledge sources for innovation at firm level; to analyze the current situation of innovation of manufacturing firms in Vietnam; to identify the knowledge sources that manufacturing firms in Vietnam use for innovating and test the relationship between those knowledge sources and innovation outcome; to propose several solutions for manufacturing firms as well as policy makers in order to foster innovation in Vietnam based on empirical evidence.
138p beloveinhouse07 12-09-2021 17 2 Download
The thesis provides a research overview of innovation and the factors affecting innovation, especially the role of knowledge sources for innovation at the enterprise level.
0p cothumenhmong6 17-07-2020 22 1 Download
To review the literature on innovation and the determinants of innovation especially knowledge sources for innovation at firm level. To analyze the current situation of innovation of manufacturing firms in Vietnam; to propose several solutions for manufacturing firms as well as policy makers in order to foster innovation in Vietnam based on empirical evidence.
138p cothumenhmong6 17-07-2020 15 3 Download