Develop trade relations
Definition and Basic Elements ● Development is an ongoing, dynamic, long-term change or evolution that occurs because of various learning experiences. (London and Mauer, 2004) ● Leader development ○ is the “expansion of a person’s capacity to be effective in leadership roles and processes” (McCauley and Van Velsor, 2004:2) ○ focuses on the individual and involves providing leaders with the tools that they need to improve their effectiveness in the various roles they play.
34p sony_12 25-06-2013 131 34 Download
The objective of the present research is to explore strategies for trade union revitalisation in Vietnam. The attempts by trade unions in developed countries to respond to the issues they face, such as the decline in union density, have attracted a significant amount of academic research attention since the 1970s (Fiorito 2004; Gahan & Bell 1999). These attempts have been labelled either as union revitalisation or union renewal (Lévesque & Murray 2006).
282p runthenight04 02-02-2023 14 3 Download
Clarifying the commercial relationship in both segments: trade in goods, trade in services between the Government and enterprises of Vietnam and South Korea before signing VKFTA and the change of this relationship after VKFTA was officially signed. Analyzing the economic development of Vietnam placed in the Vietnam – South Korea trade relationship before and after the VKFTA takes effect.
27p angicungduoc10 09-03-2021 31 4 Download
In this study, panel data analysis is performed to assess not only the Textile Sector which holds an important place in Turkish Economy but also the impact of Research and Development investments of 14 firms, competing in national and international markets in this sector with public securities traded in Istanbul Stock Exchange, on their market prices, net sales and equity capital.
8p guineverehuynh 21-06-2020 31 5 Download
This thesis researched the influence of ETBs on exporters from developing countries and their corresponding strategies through a case study of the Chinese organic food industry. Initially, a description of international trade and world export was developed, including their roles in the process of globalization. Trade barriers generated in international trade were then explained, with the focus on NTBs, especially ETBs. Lastly, the link between ETBs and market access was described and then the purpose of this study was proposed.
85p nguyenyenyn117 18-06-2019 48 5 Download
Research objectives: Overviewing scientific works relating to development of trade relations between Viet Nam and SACU countries, issues had been researched, identifying issues have not been or not deeply been then decide to further research in this thesis. This thesis will theoretically and practicially resarch international trade in general and trade relations between a country and member countries of a customs union in particular.
26p change03 06-05-2016 43 2 Download