Diagnosis and assessment
The thesis is an answer for debating question regarding of pathologic characteristics of drowning and proposes the DNA analysis for identification method. The description study concluded the valuable pathologic signs and characteristics for diagnosis. In this study, the DNA analysis was applied for victims identification.
27p tamynhan0 15-06-2020 36 0 Download
The goad of the thesis is to build the manufacture process of nano-sized magnetic fluids based on iron oxide (uniform particle size and high magnetic saturation) with stable technology; Characteristic research of magnetic properties of magnetic nanoparticles; assessment of toxicity and test of effects on cells, aiming to make contrast medicine in imaging diagnosis by magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), application on accurately identifying cancer.
28p xacxuoc4321 08-07-2019 45 5 Download
Organizational diagnosis assessment and intervention proposes a case study regarding the diagnostic analysis in a plant department the hard rolling mill. The intervention is motivated by the modifications at the staff’s level due to an imminent restructuring process, also related to the technological refurbishment and to the creation of new branche.
6p tungkhtn 17-07-2016 68 3 Download
Document presentation of content: Introduction, diagnosis of IBS, evaluation of IBS, management of IBS, IBS subclassification, global prevalence and incidence, other observations on IBS epidemiology, psychological assessment, physical examination.
20p vovanvovan2013 13-05-2016 38 2 Download
The goals of The diagnostic adaptive behavior scale: Evaluating its diagnostic sensitivity and specificity is comparing the DABS standard score of assessed individuals with and without and ID diagnosis and determining sensitivity and specificity of the DABS to correctly identify persons with an ID diagnosis from individuals who do not have an ID diagnosis; and evaluating the sensitivity and specificity across age groups 4–21 years old.
11p thuytrang_6 04-08-2015 53 3 Download