Distributed and Client
Lecture "Charter 1: Introduction to Computers, the Internet and the Web," provides students with the knowledge: What Is a Computer, computer organization, early operating systems, personal, distributed and Client/Server Computing, machine Languages, Assembly Languages and High-Level Languages,... Inviting you refer.
34p doinhugiobay_13 24-01-2016 75 3 Download
A java application can run inside a JVM and can only invoke the methods of the classes available inside this JVM • Distributed computing or processing resolves around clientserver technology where several client programs communicate with one or more server applications.An RMI application has to expose methods, which remote clients can invoke. • These methods which are meant to be remote, should be defined in an interface which extends the java.rmi.Remote interface
19p blackfalconbm 07-11-2012 100 38 Download
Introduction to the Oracle Server Technologies avoids these issues by formatting a report’s output as XML tags. Any client can request an XML Publisher report and (provided it has an XML parser) display the results. This is the key to distributing reports over wireless protocols to any device, such as a cellular telephone. Oracle Discoverer is an end-user tool for report generation. Oracle Reports and XML Publisher need a programmer to design the report.
10p vongsuiphat 04-01-2010 169 27 Download