Doctoral dissertation in Mathematics and informatics
The dissertation has four chapters: Chapter 1 - Background Materials; Chapter 2 - Analysis of an Algorithm in Indefinite Quadratic Programming; Chapter 3 - Qualitative Properties of the Minimum Sum-of-Squares Clustering Problem; Chapter 4 - Some Incremental Algorithms for the Clustering Problem.
142p armyofthedead 23-06-2021 32 2 Download
Objectives: The main objective of the dissertation is to research and develop fuzzy clustering techniques on remote sensing image data in order to improve accuracy and improve clustering quality of clustering algorithms.
162p armyofthedead 23-06-2021 26 4 Download
The purpose of the dissertation is to research on the development of new and quality solutions using graph theory and automata, suggesting their applications in, and applying them to steganography and searchable encryption.
98p capheviahe26 02-02-2021 18 2 Download