Dual role of perceived risk
This study fill the gaps in exploring individual differences to predict consumer behaviors in mobile commerce context (Ovčjak et al., 2015, Sanakulov and Karjaluoto, 2015, Zhang et al., 2012). Particularly, the relative role of CFC-Immediate and CFC-Future in relation with perceived risk and perceived security, to predict consumer continuance intention to use mobile commerce is investigated in the current study.
20p cothumenhmong6 17-07-2020 23 3 Download
This chapter aims at providing a research background on mobile commerce. Also, this chapter postulates the research gaps. Briefly, it is the if and how the perception of risk and security simultaneously affects continuance intention to use mobile commerce under the influence of considerations of future consequences that generates the need to conduct this study. Also, based on the research gap, this study delineates the research methodology and research scope. Regarding the research methodology, this research includes two studies: the pilot study and the main study.
179p cothumenhmong6 17-07-2020 37 5 Download