Dynamic programming algorithm
Research Objective: Research and propose a novel adaptive trajectory tracking algorithm for FWOMR ‘s nonlinear uncertain model which is influenced by the change of robot parameters and the effect of noise when operating on another plane. Construct the physical model of FWOMR and the controller based on the microchip and embedded programming technique to experiment with the proposed algorithms.
27p extraenglish 24-05-2021 27 7 Download
Research and propose a novel adaptive trajectory tracking algorithm for FWOMR ‘s nonlinear uncertain model which is influenced by the change of robot parameters and the effect of noise when operating on another plane; construct the physical model of FWOMR and the controller based on the microchip and embedded programming technique to experiment with the proposed algorithms.
27p capheviahe27 23-02-2021 9 3 Download
Research and propose a novel adaptive trajectory tracking algorithm for FWOMR ‘s nonlinear uncertain model which is influenced by the change of robot parameters and the effect of noise when operating on another plane; construct the physical model of FWOMR and the controller based on the microchip and embedded programming technique to experiment with the proposed algorithms.
27p capheviahe27 23-02-2021 13 5 Download
It’s convenient to describe a data structure in terms of the operations performed, rather than in terms of implementation details. That means we should separate the concepts from particular implementations. When a data structure is defined that way, it’s called an abstract data type (ADT).
124p janeeyre_thanh 12-08-2013 77 16 Download
Simple recursive algorithms Backtracking algorithms Divide and conquer algorithms Dynamic programming algorithms Greedy
19p son2483 06-11-2010 152 40 Download