Employee work assignments
Planning involves selecting a course of action and specifying how the action will be implemented. The first step in planning is to identify the various alternatives. Next, the alternative that does the best job of furthering the organization’s objectives is selected. Management’s plans are usually expressed in budgets. Typically, budgets are prepared annually under the direction of the controller, who is the manager of the accounting department.
70p phamcanhtoan398 20-10-2012 98 15 Download
State statutes define a position as a "group of duties and responsibilities...which require the services of an employee on a part-time or full-time basis." A position description (PD) is a structured document assigning work to a given position as it is expected to be performed after customary orientation and training. It will tell the reader what the worker is responsible for doing, how it is done, and how it relates to other positions within and outside the work unit.
4p docdaovn 14-04-2011 95 11 Download