Enterprise knowledge management system
The research objectives of the thesis are to identify the development model and level of knowledge management system in small and medium-sized enterprises; build overall knowledge for the knowledge management system in the business.
0p quenchua 30-09-2019 31 4 Download
The research objective of the thesis is to build a model to evaluate the impact of knowledge management system in small and medium enterprises on competitive advantage. Identify the model and level of development of knowledge management systems in small and medium enterprises in Vietnam.
0p quenchua 27-09-2019 45 4 Download
Main objective: Building the model on the effect of knowledge management system on the SME’s toward competitive advantage. Detail objective: Identifying the model and level of development on knowledge management in the SME’s in Vietnam; Design enterprise architecture for enterprise knowledge management system. Building the influence model of Enterprise knowledge management system to competitive advantage in the SME’s.
0p ngocmai222 11-06-2018 59 7 Download