Enterprise system
Hiệp hội kỹ sư chế tạo hệ thống tự động và máy tính (CASA/SME = Computer and Autonmated Systems Association/Society for Manufacturring Engineers) định định nghia “CIM là một hệ thống sản xuất tích hợp và truyền thông với triết lý quản lý mới cho phép cải thiện tổ chức và quản lý nhân sự một cách hiệu quả” im Cim khoâng phaûi laø saûn phaåm coù theå mua vaø caøi ñaët. Noù laø caùch suy nghó vaø giaûi quyeát vaán ñeà .
29p online_12 08-11-2013 110 21 Download
Bài giảng Quản trị hệ thống thông tin doanh nghiệp nhằm cung cấp các khái niệm cơ bản về quản trị, quản trị hệ thống thông tin doanh nghiệp; cung cấp các kiến thức về các yếu tố tác động đến hiệu quả hoạt động của hệ thống thông tin doanh nghiệp, trên cơ sở đó định hướng các hoạt động khác để khai thác được tối đa hiệu quả giá trị kinh doanh của hệ thống thông tin doanh nghiệp;... Mời các bạn cùng tham khảo!
30p hidetoshidekisugi 16-06-2022 43 5 Download
The problem investigated is the potential gap between the rhetoric of the 'promise of e-business' versus the dynamics of enactment and impacts of ICT in practice in the social enterprise sector. The main contribution of the research is to identify the real development impact of lCT use by social enterprises by assessing the role of ICTs in achieving their goals. Its major finding is that SEs' social and business missions are inextricably linked .and their use of ICTs and benefits from it can be used as a proxy to assess ICTD. Thus SEs provide a new paradigm in the study of ICTD.
228p runthenight05 01-03-2023 9 3 Download
This thesis intends to develop application-level access control models to address several major security issues in enterprise environments. The first goal is to provide simple and efficient authorization specifications to reduce the complexity of security management. The second goal is to provide dynamic access control for Web service applications. The third goal is to provide an access control framework for Semantic Web services. In this thesis, an Authorization-Function-Based Role-based Access Control (FB-RBAC) model is proposed for controlling enterprise systems at the application level.
182p runthenight07 01-03-2023 13 3 Download
The study examines how Small-Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs) demonstrate a range of innovation capabilities when they collaborate with a regional university research centre. This collaboration is shown to be important to create and exchange new knowledge to advance the firms innovation performance. The study demonstrates the ability of firms to acquire and exploit this knowledge, which is a business competency described as absorptive capacity (AC). AC relies on several antecedents or factors to engage with a collective learning process.
243p runthenight04 02-02-2023 14 4 Download
Report "Accounting information system: E-Commerce business and accounting problems in E-commerce" has present the content: overview E-commerce and Accounting Information System (AIS); problems with accounting information systems at enterprises; information security; ensure that electronic systems for transmitting, receiving, and processing customer order information operate efficiently and provide accurate information;...
16p minhlong26052001 08-08-2022 18 8 Download
The studies on customer loyalty presented different views and definitions of customer loyalty from different fields such as tourism; online shopping; homestay service or convenient shops system at the same time, these studies also show factors affecting loyalty such as service quality; satisfaction; tourist experience; switching costs,… However, most studies have not mentioned customer loyalty in the business performance of enterprises.
29p guitaracoustic09 14-01-2022 28 3 Download
The research objective of the thesis is to evaluate the impact of external and internal environmental factors on the implementation of reverse logistics and economic results; provide research implications on reverse logistics implementation management to help retail businesses improve economic results.
29p kethamoi12 15-05-2021 33 2 Download
The thesis examines the impact of highly effective human resource management system on innovation and business performance; propose management implications to enhance business performance through improving the highly efficient human resource management system as well as enhancing innovation in the enterprise.
13p cothumenhmong10 19-03-2021 40 2 Download
The thesis presents the theoretical basis and research overview on the effects of factors on the use of measures of the performance of enterprises; a number of proposals to contribute to improving the performance measurement system of Vietnamese businesses.
0p caygaocaolon10 19-02-2021 40 3 Download
The thesis consists of 3 chapters with general theoretical contents about accounting information systems in terms of ERP application in service business enterprises; the current status of the accounting information system in VNPTs in provinces and cities of VNPT Group; solutions to perfecting accounting information systems towards ERP application in VNPTs in provinces and cities under VNPT Group.
31p caygaocaolon10 19-02-2021 30 3 Download
The content of the thesis includes 5 programs presenting research overview and theoretical basis of factors affecting the quality of accounting information system; research methods, research results and discussion of research results and recommendations.
0p caygaocaolon10 19-02-2021 36 3 Download
Analysis of the current social welfare situation for employees in enterprises in Quang Yen commune, Quang Ninh province. On that basis, analyze the results achieved, the limitations and the causes of the limitations to propose solutions to enhance the welfare system for employees in the study area.
31p trinhthamhodang1217 14-01-2021 15 4 Download
The research content of the dissertation is to experiment with the management control system in listed companies in Vietnam; Proposing some recommendations to increase operational efficiency in Vietnamese businesses.
0p trinhthamhodang1217 14-01-2021 31 3 Download
The research objective of the thesis is to recommend a system of solutions to develop human resources for order management in Vietnamese garment enterprises to meet the development needs of Vietnamese garment enterprises and garment industry present the trend of changing production methods CMT, FOB to ODM.
24p mmlemmlem_124 22-12-2020 12 1 Download
The overall objective of this thesis is to identify the factors in the post-implementation phase and the extent of their influence on accounting benefits which the ERP system brings to Viet Nam firms.
23p gaocaolon7 18-09-2020 44 3 Download
The objective of the thesis is to study and propose solutions to perfect the MAIS organization of confectionery manufacturing joint-stock enterprises in Hanoi to meet management requirements in the context of globalization and implementation of the industrial revolution 4.0.
26p trinhthamhodang7 27-08-2020 39 3 Download
The objectives are to determine the criteria for evaluating the quality of accounting information systems and investigate the factors affecting the quality of accounting information systems. Then, the study proposed recommendations to improve the quality of accounting information systems in SMEs.
24p cothumenhmong6 17-07-2020 36 3 Download
The dissertation provides an overview of issues related to the organization of the cost management accounting information system and the organizational factors affecting the quality of the cost management accounting information.
26p cothumenhmong6 17-07-2020 34 2 Download
The general objectives of the study are to clarify the theoretical basis of the retail system of staple goods of enterprises in association with specific rural areas and to propose some solutions to improve the retail system of staple goods of Vietnamese enterprises in rural areas of Red River Delta region.
26p cothumenhmong6 17-07-2020 28 3 Download