Entities based
The International Accounting Standards require entities to report useful and accurate information, enabling shareholders and others to make informed investment decisions. This research investigates the array of factors that influence the investment decision-making of shareholders in the Stock Exchange of Thailand (SET). The research employed a mixed research methodology that combines quantitative and a qualitative analysis to obtain empirical data on the factors that impact on Thai shareholders investing in large asset-based industries in the SET.
355p runthenight04 02-02-2023 8 2 Download
The thesis researches and builds an entity search technique based on implicit semantic relations using clustering methods to improve search efficiency. Apply context-aware techniques, build an vertical search engine that applies context-aware in its own knowledge base domain (aviation data). Propose to measure combinatorial similarity in the contextual query suggestion problem to improve the quality of suggestion.
27p capheviahe27 23-02-2021 20 4 Download
HIV-1 protease is a pivotal enzyme in the later stages of the viral life cycle which is responsible for the processing and maturation of the virus particle into an infectious virion. As such,HIV-1proteasehasbecomean important target for the treatment ofAIDS, and efficient drugs have beendeveloped. However, negative side effects and fast emerging resistance to the current drugs have necessitated the development of novel chemical entities in order to exploit different phar-macokinetic properties as well as new interaction patterns....
9p awards 05-04-2013 32 2 Download