Environmental and waste management
The goal of this thesis is to evaluate and compare the environmental impacts of alternative thermal treatments processing MRF residual waste in Victoria.
213p runthenight04 02-02-2023 10 2 Download
Objectives of the study: Assessing the situation of catfish farming in some areas of the Mekong Delta as a basis for proposing measures to manage waste from catfish ponds; the survey and analysis in catfish ponds to assess the composition and characteristics; assessing the pollutants load of waste water from catfish ponds; assessing the possibility of wastewater treatment from catfish ponds and benefits of environmental when using wastewater for irrigating paddy fields.
26p beloveinhouse10 28-11-2021 19 3 Download
Environment-friendly treatment of sewage sludge has become tremendously important. Conversion ofsewage sludge into energy products by environment-friendly conversion process, with its energy recovery and environmental benefits, is being paid significant attention.
8p tuananhhumg 04-11-2013 45 4 Download