Ethical theories
Research objectives: Construct the basis of arguments about the public service ethics education for for trainees of provincial political schools; construct the system of the public service ethics qualities which need to be educated for trainees of provincial political schools; survey and value the actual situation of public service ethics education for for trainees at provincial political schools in the northern mountainous region. Proposed measures for public service ethics education for trainees of provincial political schools and experiment.
27p change03 06-05-2016 52 5 Download
This collection offers new perspectives on ethical naturalism, narrowly construed as the conjunction of two core theses. One holds that there are moral properties and facts, the other that at least some such properties and facts are natural properties and facts. Thus understood, ethical naturalism is distinct from, though usually motivated by, philosophical naturalism, a more general metaphysical outlook according to which all there is is the world as conceived by science.
272p bachduong1311 12-12-2012 50 3 Download