Ethically speaking
This practice-led research project considers human agency in relation to matter and materialism. Seeking to unlearn human assertions of agency as dominant, this project fosters relational and collaborative exchanges with matter that manifest as installations and sculptural interventions. Informed by new materialist and posthuman frameworks, it recognises that material hierarchies are held in place by what we choose to prioritise in human worlds.
106p runthenight04 02-02-2023 6 4 Download
Can justice be extended to the global sphere,and if so, where do we f nd universally applicable principles of justice? Is it possible to reconcile the support of internationally recognized standards of human rights and justice with respect for local cultures? What are the limitations of the secular state and human rights institutions in ensuring the rights of various communities? How have conceptions of citizenship and the rights and identities of migrants changed in the last century? Does the confession of violent acts necessarily contribute to reconciliation in post-conf ict societies?...
12p baohan 17-06-2009 141 25 Download
I recently received a letter from a Vanguard shareholder who described the current global financial crisis as “a crisis of ethic proportions.” Substituting ethic for epic is not only a fine turn of phrase; it accurately places a heavy responsibility for the meltdown on a broad deterioration in traditional ethical standards. In fact, The Wall Street Journal retained that phrase as the title of my op-ed essay that was published just three weeks ago.
16p minhnguyen 17-06-2009 139 5 Download