Experience creative activities
Teaching toward the development of students’ creativity capacity is based on the theory of activities which points out that students need to experience practical activities in order to get corresponding competences. The creative experiences enable students to form and develop creative thinking.
11p tamynhan9 02-12-2020 7 1 Download
The paper proves that helping student teachers to create their own gadgets in their work afterwards is much more important than just using the collected aids effectively. Making any kinds of teaching tools, from simple aids such as drawings to the technological applicable ones like animated cartoons, the student teachers will have chances to approach and experience creative activities.
12p miulovesmile2 01-11-2018 47 1 Download
Building and applying interactive screen experiment in teaching and studying mechanical movement of particle in Physic 10 to develop active awareness, self-study and creativity of the students.
25p change01 05-05-2016 30 2 Download